This content is dedicated to our next version. It is work in progress: its content will evolve until the new version is released.

Before that time, it cannot be considered as official.

Profiles overview in Bonita User Interfaces

This page explains what a profile is in the Bonita Administrator Application.


A profile is an indirection to some entities of the organization: users, groups, roles, and/or memberships. Profiles work as permissions to give access to:

One organization entity can be mapped to several profiles. In Bonita Applications, a logged-in user can switch between his/her profiles in the navigation bar.

In development, the creation and edition of profiles is done through the profile editor in Bonita Studio.
In non-production and production, an Administrator can use the Organization>Profiles menu of Bonita Administrator Application.

Changing the mapping of a profile on a non-production or production Runtime may lead to inconsistencies when updating the project or deploying it on another server.
It should only be done to recover from an error temporarily. We strongly encourage you to report all changes in the sources profiles files of the project.

Default profiles


By default, it gives access to the Bonita User Application.


By default, it gives access to Bonita Administrator Application, which includes:

In Bonita ACME organization, all users have the role Member, and the role Member is mapped to all default profiles.
This simplifies process testing (log in as any user to see Bonita User and Administrator Application).