This content is dedicated to our next version. It is work in progress: its content will evolve until the new version is released.

Before that time, it cannot be considered as official.

Build an Application


Maven build

Since 2023.2, Bonita project leverage Maven as a build tool. It uses an in-house Maven plugin to build the Bonita specific artifacts, such as:

To build a project, open a terminal at the root of your project and execute the following Maven commands:

Build the application archive and configuration
mvn clean package
When a project uses local dependencies (dependencies that have been imported as jar or zip file in the Studio), it is mandatory to first run the following command: mvn bonita-project:install.

The result of this command is an application archive located in the app/target folder of the project. The name of the archive follow this pattern: ${project.artifactId}-${project.version}-${bonita.environment}.zip. It contains all the build artifacts of the project. An optional Bonita configuration file is also created if at least one process of your project contains a parameter.

The project version must respect the Semantic Versioning (SemVer) specification. If not, the version will not be recognized at startup and the Bonita Runtime will not start.
This application archive is not an executable. It can be used with the la-deployer using the deprecated Platform mode.

To produce an executable for an application, it is possible to either package it as:

  • A Tomcat bundle

  • A Docker image

Tomcat bundle packaging

Build using the Tomcat bundle packaging
mvn clean package -Pbundle (1)
1 -Pbundle or -P bundle in Windows terminal, activate a Maven profile that triggers Tomcat Bundle build during the package phase of the build lifecycle.

The output application binary can be found in the my-project/app/target folder. The name of the binary will follow this pattern: ${project.artifactId}-${project.version}-${bonita.environment}

By default, the bonita.environment is set to local. To override this value, you may add the -Dbonita.environment=production system property to the above command, where production is an existing environment in the project.

Docker image packaging

Build using the Docker packaging
mvn clean package -Pdocker (1)
1 -Pdocker or -P docker in Windows terminal, activate a Maven profile that triggers Docker image build during the package phase of the build lifecycle. Docker must be installed and available in the PATH environment variable of your terminal session.

The output application binary is a Docker image. The name of the image will follow this pattern: ${project.artifactId}-${bonita.environment}:${project.version}.

When building a project with Subscription editions, make sure to be logged in the registry first.

Build options

When using a Windows terminal, a space must be added between the -D flag and the property=value assignment.

  • -Dbonita.environment=local by default. Select the target environment to use when building. The value is case-insensitive.

  • -Dbonita.allowEmptyFormMapping=false by default. It is possible to set this flag to true to keep the legacy behavior of the la-builder.

Filtering artifacts to include/exclude

  • -Dinclude.organizations: *.xml by default. Glob pattern expression to select organization file to include in the application binary. Only one or no organization file should be included.

  • -Dinclude.profiles: *.xml by default. Glob pattern expression to select profiles files to include in the application binary.[1]

  • -Dinclude.applications: *.xml by default. Glob pattern expression to select application descriptor files to include in the application binary.

  • -Dinclude.processes: *.bar by default. Glob pattern expression to select business archive files to include in the application binary.

  • -Dinclude.pages: *.zip by default. Glob pattern expression to UI Designer pages files to include in the application binary.

Docker build options

  • -Ddocker.baseImageRepository: bonita by default. When creating a project with Subscription editions, this property is replaced by

  • -Ddocker.baseImageVersion: ${bonita.runtime.version} by default.

  • -Ddocker.baseImage: ${docker.baseImageRepository}:${docker.baseImageVersion} by default. The base image used as parent.

  • -Ddocker.imageRepository: ${project.artifactId:lowercase}-${bonita.environment:lowercase} by default.

  • -Ddocker.imageName: ${docker.imageRepository}:${project.version} by default. The image tag given to the build image.

  • -Ddocker.buildArgs: Additional docker build arguments. e.g.: -Ddocker.buildArgs="--no-cache" to add the --no-cache option to the build command.

Maven build options

  • mvn clean package -Penv-MyEnvConfig: Where MyEnvConfig is the name of one of your custom environment configurations. Using this profile ensures that the application is built with all the necessary Maven dependencies included from your Process dependencies.

Custom application dependencies

It is possible to add any additional dependency in the classpath of your application using the Project extension in the Studio. Any dependency jar that is not a Connector or an Actor filter will be added in the parent classpath of the application.

This is the recommended way to include extensions like:

It is possible to use Servlet 3.0 annotations to define custom servlets and web filters. They will be registered dynamically at startup.

Process Parameters Configuration

When at least one of the processes from a project contains a parameter, a Bonita Configuration File (.bconf) is generated during the build. This archive stores the parameters values and is specific to a given environment.

Extract parameters configuration

It is possible to extract the processes configurations into a single yaml using the following Maven command:

Extract process configuration
mvn bonita-project:extract-configuration

By default, it produces a parameters-${bonita.environment}.yml file in the .bcd_configurations folder at the root of your project. Use the -Dbonita.environment=production to extract the configuration for production environment.

The parameters configuration looks like this :

- name: "Modify Pending Vacation Request"
  version: "1.4.1"
  - name: "calendarApplicationName"
    value: "Bonitasoft-NewVacationRequest/1.4.0"
    type: "String"
  - name: "calendarCalendarId"
    value: ""
    type: "String"

As it may contain sensitive data, it is recommended to encrypt your configuration. You can also only extract parameters that have no value for this environment:

mvn bonita-project:extract-configuration -Dparameters.withoutValue
If all parameters are valuated for this environment, no file will be created.

It is possible to override an existing file using the -Dparameters.overwrite system property.

Merge parameters configuration

During the build of the application the merge-configuration goal is executed and the content of the parameters-${bonita.environment}.yml file is merged into the final Bonita configuration file.

Override parameters with the same name

If you have the same parameter name in more than one processes, and you want to override them in all processes, you can edit the parameters-${bonita.environment}.yml file as below:

  - name: "ParameterNameInAllProcesses"
    value: "SameValueInAllProcess"
    type: "String"
Important: a specific parameter setting has priority over a global parameter configuration.

Example: Let assume that these processes P1, P2, P3 have all these three parameters: calendarApplicationName, emailNotificationSender, emailServerUseSSL.

- name: "P1"
  version: "1.4.1"
  - name: "calendarApplicationName"
    value: "Bonitasoft-NewVacationRequest/1.4.0"
    type: "String"
  - name: "emailNotificationSender"
    value: ""
    type: "String"
- name: "P2"
  version: "1.4.1"
  - name: "calendarApplicationName"
    value: "Bonitasoft-NewVacationRequest/1.4.0"
    type: "String"
- name: "P3"
  version: "1.4.1"
  - name: "calendarApplicationName"
    value: "Bonitasoft-NewVacationRequest/1.4.0"
    type: "String"
  - name: "emailNotificationSender"
    value: ""
    type: "String"
  - name: "emailServerUseSSL"
    value: true
    type: "Boolean"

The result of merge-configuration goal execution will be:

  • The value of emailServerUseSSL in global_parameters will override P1, P2, P3.

  • The value of emailNotificationSender in global_parameters will override only P2 and P3 because the setting of emailNotificationSender in P1 has priority.

  • The value of emailNotificationSender in P1 will override only the parameter of P1. You may want to complete or override some parameter values coming from your Living App repository, to do that you can modify the output file of the extract-conf command and merge with your bconf file.


I cannot package my process on SCA mode.

When I try to package my process, I get this error:

An error occurred when adding resources: No UIDesigner form is defined on the 'Pool' instantiation form.

Possible solution You need to map a form for each manual task and for instantiation form.

I cannot see the default living application when I package and deploy my project as application.

When I deploy my project, I cannot access to Bonita User/Admin Application, from URL or from the application directory menu.

Possible solution You need to add manually the default living application in your project from the Marketplace. To do it, you can check more details in the dedicated section.

1. Teamwork, Efficiency, Performance and Enterprise editions only.