This content is dedicated to our next version. It is work in progress: its content will evolve until the new version is released.

Before that time, it cannot be considered as official.


Pages are resources intended to be used in applications. They are added, exported, edited, and deleted as resources in the Bonita Administrator Application.

Provided pages

Bonita Runtime comes with some provided pages to use in applications. They are wrapped pages developed in other technologies than Bonita UI Designer (AngularJS, React).
Starting with Bonita 2021.1, you can also download Bonita User application and Bonita Administrator applications (from Bonita Studio Welcome page), and get more provided pages, developped with Bonita UI Designer.
Such UI Designer pages can be customized in the UI Designer, to better fit the needs of the end-users.

List of Bonita Applications customizable pages

Bonita User Application

In this application, you can customize:

  • Bonita User Case List UserCaseListBonitaV_

  • Bonita User Case Details UserCaseDetailsBonitaV_

Bonita Administrator Applications

In these applications, when relevant, you can customize:

  • Bonita Admin Process List adminProcessListBonitaV_

  • Bonita Admin Case Details adminCaseDetailsBonitaV_

  • Bonita Admin Task List adminTaskListBonitaV_

  • Bonita Admin Task Details adminTaskDetailsBonitaV_

  • Bonita Admin User List adminUserListBonitaV_

  • Bonita Admin Group List adminGroupListBonitaV_

  • Bonita Admin Role List adminRoleListBonitaV_

  • Bonita Admin Install Export Organization adminInstallExportOrganizationBonitaV_

  • Bonita Admin Profile List adminProfileListBonitaV_

  • Bonita Admin Resources List adminResourceListBonitaV_

The "" in "V" stands for the latest "version" of the resource.

All the "Details" pages must be used as "orphan" pages in the application descriptor, since they need an id to be passed in order to display the details of the right item. They cannot be used at top-level menu.

Custom pages

To create the perfect user experience for different profiles of applications users, you need to create custom pages. This can be done with Bonita UI Designer, or in your favorite IDE.
A few examples of custom pages:

  • Add a welcome page, with dashboards showing activity in Bonita and related external applications.

  • Provide a process owner with a dashboard showing the activity of open cases of the process.

  • Provide a busy user with a filtered view of the task list.

  • Provide an administrator with a multi-attribute search facility.

  • Integrate a page from an external application.

For all information about developing a custom page, visit the dedicated documentation page.

Use in applications

Once the pages are all made available in the Resources tab of Bonita Administrator Application, they can be used to create applications.
We highly recommend that the creation of applications is done in Bonita Studio, to be managed with all the other resources of the project in the Version Control System (Git).

Live update

Live update allows the Administrator to update one element of the application in a situation of emergency.

Edit a page

You can edit the content of a page by installing a new version of a page.

Modify the pages in an application

You can modify the pages in an application by mapping other pages in the application descriptor, and/or creating, moving, or deleting menus or menu options.