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Common APIs to use

Discover frequently used Bonita APIs to efficiently build complex applications in the UI Builder.

Bonita APIs combined with JS objects allow for building all kind of applications, such as: account management dashboard, custom CRM, HR Management tool, invoice processing dashboard, and many more.

Commonly used APIs

While how JS objects are designed highly depends on your need, here are the most frequently used Bonita APIs you will very likely need for your applications.


The session API is useful for retrieving session information for the current user.

For example:

  • GET | /API/system/session/unusedId

For more detailed information, refer to the session API documentation.


The users API is useful for retrieving a list of users by applying pagination parameters and filters.

For example:

  • GET | /API/identity/user?c=10&p=0&time=0&o=lastname+ASC&f=enabled=true

For more detailed information, refer to the users API documentation.

Human tasks

The human tasks API is useful to retrieve a list of human tasks by applying pagination parameters and filters.

For example:

  • GET | /API/bpm/humanTask?c=10&p=0&f=state=ready&f=caseId=[caseId]

For more detailed information, refer to the human tasks api documentation.

User task context

The user task context API provides the context for a specific user task identified by its id.

For example:

  • GET | /bonita/API/bpm/userTask/[taskId]/context

For more detailed information, refer to the context by userTask id api documentation.


The process API is used to retrieve a list of process by applying pagination parameters and filters.

For example:

  • GET | /bonita/API/bpm/process?c=10&p=0&f=name=[processName]&f=activationState=ENABLED retrieves a list of specific process.

  • POST | /bonita/API/bpm/process/[processId]/instantiation is used to instantiate a process.

For more detailed information, refer to the processes API documentation.

Business data

The business data is useful to find business data with pagination params and filters by invoking a Named Query. It allows to call either default or custom business data queries.

For example:

  • GET | /API/bdm/businessData/[businessObject]?q=[query]&p=0&c=10&f=[filterString]=[filterParam]

For more detailed information, refer to the business data api documentation.

Professional contact data

The professional contact data is useful to retrieve the professional contact details of a user by their id.

For example:

  • GET | /API/identity/professionalcontactdata/[userId]

For more detailed information, refer to the professional contact data api documentation.


The group api is used to retrieve a list of groups by applying pagination params and filters.

For example:

  • GET | /API/identity/group?c=10&p=0&d=parent_group_id&t=0&o=displayName%20ASC

For more detailed information, refer to the groups api documentation.

Upload file

The upload file api is used to upload a file of any type, typically before submitting a process or task form that includes a document in its contract.

For example:

  • POST | /bonita/API/formFileUpload

For information on uploading multiple files, refer to the upload multiple files.

In addition to the commonly used APIs, JS objects can also be created to meet specific application needs.