This content is dedicated to our next version. It is work in progress: its content will evolve until the new version is released.

Before that time, it cannot be considered as official.

Special users

This page explains the three other ways to log into Bonita than with a regular profile: Technical Administrator (formerly named Tenant Admin), Platform Administrator, and Guest user.

Platform administrator.

The platform is the part of the system that is common to all processes and running services. The platform administrator can manage through the API the platform level resources (including starting/stopping pausing/resuming all services of the platform). He can also access the license information (for Enterprise editions).
Its username and password are defined in a configuration file and need to be changed for any other usage of a Bonita Tomcat bundle than local development (see Bonita Tomcat bundle installation procedure for more information on how to proceed. Its default credentials are:

  • username: platformAdmin

  • password: platform

Technical user

The Bonita platform has a technical administrator (formerly known as the tenant technical user) with a specific username and password. The technical administrator can manage the maintenance state for the tenant, install a Business Data Model, install the resources and the organization.
Their username and password are defined in a configuration file (or through environment variables of system properties) and need to be changed for any other usage of a Bonita Tomcat bundle than local development (see Technical admin credentials page for more information on how to proceed. Its default credentials are:

  • username: install

  • password: install

Guest user

With enterprise editions, it is possible to allow public access to some living applications (without the need to sign in to Bonita). When accessing a public application without any active session on Bonita platform the user will be automatically logged in with a guest user account.
To know more about this feature, go to the Guest user access documentation.