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Use mutable JS variable

Learn how to update a JS variable to store and read data.

  • Difficulty: beginner

  • Prerequisites: have an application on Bonita UI Builder

Bonita UI Builder allows the use of mutable JS variables, enabling you to create global variables that can be accessed by other widgets and functions on the same page. These variables can be updated at any time. This approach allows you to store and retrieve data directly from memory, significantly improving the performance of your applications.


export default {
    // Declare a global variable named `username` and give it a value
    username: 'Walter Bates',

    // Retrieve the value of the global variable
    getUsername() {
        return this.username;

    // Set a new value for the global variable
    updateUsername() {
        this.username = 'Helen Kelly';
        return this.username;

The provided code snippet above exports an object containing a global variable username set to 'Walter Bates'. The getUsername function returns the current value of this variable, while the updateUsername function updates it to 'Helen Kelly' and returns the new value.

You can directly update the mutable variable in your widgets as well. For instance, usersObject is the name of the JS Object in this example. {{usersObject.username = "William Jobs"}}