This content is dedicated to our next version. It is work in progress: its content will evolve until the new version is released.

Before that time, it cannot be considered as official.

Script connectors

Script connectors allows to execute groovy scripts and system scripts in your processes.

Existing connectors

  • Groovy 1.8 which executes a Groovy 1.8 script.

  • Groovy 1.8 (deprecated), which is provided for backward compatibility only so that you can continue to run processes with this connector. Do not use this for new connector instances.

  • System script, which executes a command or script, generally a shell script (bash for Linux or cmd for Windows).

How to configure the system script connector

Follow the steps in the wizard to configure the connector. For the Parameters of the script, enter this information:

On Linux or Mac

  • In the first field, enter the script interpreter e.g. /bin/sh

  • In the second field, enter the execution parameter e.g. -c

  • In the third field, enter the script e.g. find /home/ -name "*.xml"

On Windows - Command Prompt

  • In the first field, enter the script interpreter cmd

  • In the second field, enter the execution parameter /c

  • In the third field, enter the script e.g. java -version

On Windows - Powershell

  • In the first field, enter the script interpreter powershell

  • In the second field, enter the execution parameter -command

  • In the third field, enter the script e.g. $PSVersionTable

How to configure the Groovy script connector

Follow the steps in the wizard to configure the connector. When you have entered the script, click Evaluate to test the validity of the script. If the script is not valid, a popup window will display an error message.