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Configure the archiving of BPM elements

Learn how you can deactivate the archiving of some BPM elements if you don’t need to keep track of them.

For Access, Enterprise and Performance editions only.

The Configurable Archive feature is provided by the com.bonitasoft.engine.archive.impl.ListArchivingStrategy service implementation, which only works with a Enterprise or Performance license. It enables you to specify for each FlowNode type whether or not to archive values when the flow node is changed. This determines what information (for example archived instances of processes and executed tasks) is available to an administrator in Bonita Administrator Application.

Deactivating archives has a positive effect on overall performance of the system as it reduces the number of entries inserted in the database. It has also the benefit of reducing the disk space used by the database. However, it prevents users from keeping a history of past activity. The most visible impact of this loss of information is through the Bonita Applications. Completed tasks will not be visible.

In general, we recommend you to set all attributes to true or all to false. However, here are some details on some settings that you can change if users have a specific use case:

  • To archive the ProcessInstance comments when the process instance completes, set bonita.tenant.archive.SComment to true. Comments entered in a task during execution are archived in executed tasks in archived cases.

  • To archive a reference between a document and its process instance, set bonita.tenant.archive.DocumentMapping to true.

  • To archive a process instance each time its state changes, set bonita.tenant.archive.SProcessInstance to true.

  • To archive an automatic (service) task each time it changes state, set bonita.tenant.archive.SAutomaticTaskInstance to true.

  • To archive a manual task (e.g. sub-tasks) each time it changes state, set bonita.tenant.archive.SManualTaskInstance to true.

  • To archive a user (human) task each time it changes state, set bonita.tenant.archive.SUserTaskInstance to true.

  • To archive a loop activity each time it changes state, set bonita.tenant.archive.SLoopActivityInstance to true.

  • To archive a multi-instances activity each time it changes state, set bonita.tenant.archive.SMultiInstanceActivityInstance to true.

  • To archive a call activity each time it changes state, set bonita.tenant.archive.SCallActivityInstance to true.

  • To archive a gateway each time it changes state, set bonita.tenant.archive.SGatewayInstance to true. This information is not available in Bonita Applications.

  • To archive a sub-process activity each time it changes state, set bonita.tenant.archive.SSubProcessActivityInstance to true.

  • To archive a connector instance each time it changes state, set bonita.tenant.archive.SConnectorInstance to true.

  • To archive a send task each time it changes state, set bonita.tenant.archive.SSendTaskInstance to true. This information is not available in Bonita Applications.

  • To archive a receive task each time it changes state, set bonita.tenant.archive.SReceiveTaskInstance to true. This information is not available in Bonita Applications.

  • To archive a data instance each time it changes value, set bonita.tenant.archive.SDataInstance to true.

  • To archive a reference between a business data and its process instance, set bonita.tenant.archive.RefBusinessDataInstance to true.

  • To archive contract data when a task / process instance finishes, set bonita.tenant.archive.SContractData to true. Note that, if not set, this parameter will by be set to true by default.

To configure the archiving strategy, edit the file and specify the items that you want archived. By default, the archiving strategy is that everything is archived, so the value for each type of information is set to true. Change this setting to false for the items that you do not want to archive.