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Bonita UI Builder docker configuration guide

This guide provides instructions on how to configure the bonita-ui-builder and bonita-ui-proxy Docker images.

Docker container Environment variables

Configure the bonita-ui-builder image

The following environment variable is mandatory:

  • BONITA_API_URL: The URL for the Bonita API.

  • APPSMITH_ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD: The encryption password is critical for safeguarding your datasource credentials through encryption. Select a strong password that exhibits a good level of entropy to prevent easy decryption.

  • APPSMITH_ENCRYPTION_SALT: The encryption salt contributes to the security strategy by adding a layer of complexity during the encryption process. This long, unique string enhances encryption strength, making it more resistant to attacks such as brute-force attempts.

The following environment variables are optional:

  • BONITA_HEALTHCHECK_USER: Defines the username to request the Bonita healthcheck API (default: monitoring).

  • BONITA_HEALTHCHECK_PASSWORD: Defines the password to request the Bonita healthcheck API (default: mon1tor1ng_adm1n).

  • BONITA_DEV_MODE: Enables user to development mode when set to true (default: true).

  • LOGGING_LEVEL_ROOT: Sets the logging level for the root logger (default: debug).

  • LOGGING_LEVEL_COM_APPSMITH: Sets the logging level for Appsmith components (default: debug).

  • LOGGING_LEVEL_COM_BONITASOFT: Sets the logging level for BonitaSoft components (default: debug).

  • LOGGING_LEVEL_COM_EXTERNAL_PLUGINS: Sets the logging level for external plugins (default: debug).

Configure the bonita-ui-proxy image

The bonita-ui-proxy image is based on the official Nginx Docker image. It includes a custom nginx.conf file built to establish communications between Bonita UI Builder and a Bonita Runtime.

The following environment variables are available to customize the configuration:

  • NGINX_ACCESS_LOG_ALL: By default, 2xx and 3xx requests are not logged. Set to 1 to log all requests (default: 0).

  • NGINX_LISTEN_ADDRESS: The address host:[port] on which Nginx is listen on for incoming requests (default: 80). More information on the Nginx documentation.

  • BONITA_HOST: Host of the Bonita runtime to which UI Builder will request (default: host.docker.internal).

  • BONITA_PORT: Port of the Bonita runtime to which UI Builder will request (default: 8080).

  • UIB_HOST: Host of the UI Builder instance (default: host.docker.internal).

  • UIB_PORT: Port of the UI Builder instance (default: 8090).

To use the provided bonita-ui-proxy Docker image without modification, ensure the Bonita runtime is accessible at http://localhost:8080.

If you want to see our custom Nginx configuration used in this image, run this command:

docker run --rm \
    cat /etc/nginx/templates/nginx.conf.template


I cannot access to the Bonita UI Builder.

Cause The Bonita UI Builder is not correctly configured.

Solution Check the environment variables and make sure they are correctly set. The BONITA_API_URL should target a valid Bonita Runtime.