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Use Javascript to retrieve user avatar image

Discover how to fetch user avatar images and display them using the image widget.

  • Difficulty: beginner

  • Prerequisites: have an application on Bonita UI Builder

Assume we want to extract an image path from our API response and display a user avatar by binding it to an image widget. This can be done by creating a JavaScript function that constructs the URL for the 'icon' parameter.



1. Create an API query

  • Navigate to the Queries section, create a new query/API, name it getUsers and configure as shown in the image below:


The getUsers query returns a list of users that includes an image path for an avatar icon if available; otherwise, it provides a default user image icon.

2. Create JS functions

  • Go to the JS section, create a new JS object named userAvatar, and implement the function as provided below:

export default {
    getIconFullURL(icon) {
		let currentDomain = appsmith.URL.protocol + "//" + appsmith.URL.hostname;

		if (appsmith.URL.port) {
			currentDomain += ":" +  appsmith.URL.port;
		return currentDomain + "/bonita/portal-theme/" + icon;

The provided code snippet above exports an object containing a getIconFullURL method that builds a complete URL for an icon by combining the current domain’s protocol, hostname, and port with a specified icon path. It appends the icon path to the /bonita/portal-theme/ directory on the server. This method ensures that the generated URL correctly points to the icon on the same server where the application is hosted.

3. Design the user interface

  • Navigate to the UI section, drag and drop a text widget onto the interface, and set its text to 'Users'.

  • Next, drag and drop a list widget onto the interface and bind it to the getUsers query that was created earlier:


  • Since the list widget by default includes text widgets and an image widget for each list item, we will use these default widgets to bind the list items.

  • Select a text widget and bind it to the firstname of a user in the list. For instance, use First name {{ currentItem.firstname }}:


  • Similarly, bind the lastname and username to the other text widgets. For example use Last name {{ currentItem.lastname }} and Username {{ currentItem.username }}.

  • Now, select the image widget and call the JavaScript function created previously to bind it to the user’s avatar icon. For example, user {{ userAvatar.getIconFullURL(currentItem.icon) }}:


Feel free to adjust the UI according to your preferences.