User list in Bonita Administrator Application
This page explains what a user with the Administrator profile can see and do about the users (of the organization) in Bonita Administrator Application.
Here is a view of this page:
View user’s detailed information
In the user list, the Administrator can view the users currently active in the deployed organization.
By clicking in the Inactive radio button, they can also access the users who have been deactivated. "Inactive" means that they can no longer log in Bonita Portal nor any Bonita application.
To view the user’s detailed information:
Go to Organization/Users
In the row of the user, click on the View user details icon
Click on the sections in the menu on the left to read all the user’s detailed information
Live Update
The Administrator can Live Update a user:
edit information
edit memberships
edit profiles
Live updating is only in case of an issue to solve temporarily. We strongly encourage the modification of the organization to be conducted in Bonita Studio so it can be shared and versioned with the whole project, or through the LDAP synchronizer if the organization is located in an external system.
Create a user
Reminder: do not create a user with the same login and password as the platform administrator nor the technical administrator.
Go to Organization/Users
Click on Create
In the modal window, enter the username, password (twice), first name and last name of the new user
Click Create to confirm the creation
Deactivate a user
Go to Organization/Users
In the row of the user, click on the Deactivate user icon
In the confirmation modal window, check that this deactivation is safe, and click on Deactivate
Reactivating a user can be done through the same mechanism from the "Inactive" user list.
Edit user’s information
Go to Organization/Users
In the row of the user, click on the View user details icon
Stay in the "General information" section, or click on one of the other sections in the menu on the left:
Profiles/Memberships (see below)
Business card
Personal information
Edit the information
Click on the Update […] button of the section
Edit user’s memberships
In the way we conceive how a user pertains to an organization, it is only possible to add both a role and a group (what we call a membership) to a user.
For example, "Assistant"(role) of "Human Resources"(group).
Go to Organization/Users
In the row of the user, click on the View user details icon
Click on Profiles/Memberships
To add a membership, click on +, select a role and a group, and click on Add or to delete an existing membership, click on the Delete icon, and in the confirmation modal window, confirm the deletion if it is safe
Edit user profiles
The rights of a user are defined by mapping the user to a profile. To map a user to a profile:
Go to Organization/Profiles
In the row of a profile, click on the Show mapping with organization icon
In the "Mapping with Users" section, click on the Edit user mapping icon
Start typing the name of the user to add
Select the right suggestion
Click on Add