This content is dedicated to our next version. It is work in progress: its content will evolve until the new version is released.

Before that time, it cannot be considered as official.

Bonita Application Directory


On the developer side, this application embeds error pages for 403 (forbidden), 404 (not found), 500 (internal server), 503 (service unavailable) errors.
Those pages will be displayed for all applications, provided or custom, given such errors occur when trying to display a page.

On the user side, the Application Directory displays all applications that the logged user has access to.
The access rights are managed through profiles.
Since a user can be mapped to multiple profiles, and since each profile can be mapped to multiple applications, all users need a place to centralize all Bonita applications they can access.

This application is diplayed when a user:

  • accesses the root of Bonita web application (/bonita or / if context root is configured to target Bonita web application)

  • lands on an error page and clicks on the "Go to homepage" button

When a user uses valid URLs for Bonita, they can always access the list of their applications by using the mosaic icon to switch from the current to another application.

Access during Development and Testing phases

To access the application:

  1. Open Bonita Studio

  2. Click on the Applications icon of the coolbar

You will be logged in as the default user of the deployed organization. This default user can be changed by opening the organization editor.
By default, in our provided ACME organization, the default user is Walter Bates, logged as "walter.bates", with password "bpm".
The default application is the Application Directory.

To access its content:

  1. From the Application Directory, click on the Bonita Administrator application (also accessible as Walter Bates)

  2. In the menu, click on "Applications"

  3. On the "Bonita Application Directory" row, click on the "…​" View application details icon

During the development phase, if you try to access a UI-Builder application connected to a Git repository from the Application Directory, the redirection will fail.

To access the UI Builder application, you need to access it directly from the UI Builder workspace (e.g http://localhost:8090/)


This application is core to Bonita Platform. It is embedded in the Runtime and cannot be downloaded from the Studio nor be part of your automation project.
This is the reason why you will not see it in the studio Project Explorer.

Also, since it looks more like a page than an application, it does not use the "Bonita layout" but a "Layout Without Menu". It is also the reason why the list of pages is fixed, and no navigation can be created.

However, it is customizable in quite a few ways, as explained below.


On the application details page, you will be able to edit:

  • the logo

  • the layout

  • the theme

  • each one of the error pages

To update the logo:

  1. Create the new one. Supported formats/extensions are: png, jpg, jpeg, gif, bmp, wbmp, tga. Maximum size: 100 KB

  2. Click on the "Upload new picture" button below the current logo

  3. Select the new logo The new logo is applied.

To update the layout and/or theme: . Create a new layout and/or theme . Go the Resources tab . Install it . Go back to the application details . Click on the current layout or theme . Select the new one from the drop down list

The new layout or theme is applied.

The error pages have been created with the UI Designer. To edit them, you need to open them in the UI Designer:

  1. Click on the "Resources" menu option

  2. If needed, filter by pages

  3. On the row of the page you need to customize, click on the "pencil" Export icon

  4. Save it locally (.zip archive)

  5. Back to Bonita Studio, open the UI Designer from the coolbar

  6. On the UI Designer home page, click on "Import" at the top left

  7. Select the error page .zip archive

  8. Click on the Import button

  9. In the list of resources, make sure you read the Pages tab, and click on the page name

You can start editing the page.
To edit the image, edit the asset positioned right between the two titles.

Once you are done editing the page, update it in the Resources:

  1. From the UI Designer, save the page

  2. Export it

  3. Open the Administrator application > Resources menu

  4. On the row of the page to update, click the "pencil" Update icon

  5. Browse for the new version of the page

  6. Click on the Update button

The page is updated.

Once a page has been customized, or when the Application Directory has been customized, it is no longer supported.
But you can reach one of our Professional Services team member to help you develop or maintain it. To do so, go to the Customer Service Center.