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Platform configuration setup tool

This page explains how to use the Bonita Setup tool to configure the Bonita platform (properties, permissions, license install…​).

First thing to know is that for all basic installation and start scenarios, you don’t need to use Bonita Setup tool. We made it easy for you by creating start-bonita.bat(for Windows) or (for Unix), a script that initializes, configures and starts the bundle, using Bonita Setup tool.

Bonita Setup tool overview and use

Bonita Setup tool handles:

  • The creation of the database tables

  • The configuration of the Tomcat bundle with this database without the need for a fully manual configuration

  • The management of Bonita Platform configuration (stored in the database)

  • The management of licenses (also stored in the database)

It is located in the Tomcat bundle. You can find the tool in the setup folder.


It is composed of the following items:

  • platform_conf/

    • initial/: contains the default configuration for Bonita Platform, that can be customized and will be pushed when the database is created.

    • current/: contains configuration files after a pull from the database is made.

    • licenses/: (Subscriptions only) folder to put the license file to allow Bonita Platform to start without error.

    • sql/: SQL scripts used to create Bonita database tables

    • backup-{TIMESTAMP}/: folder automatically created with every push; copy of the configuration and license in database at {TIMESTAMP}.

  • used as a simplified entry form to get property values to connect to the database. Those values will be used by the file

  • used internally by the setup tool to properly configure and initialize the bundle. It is made of both data entered in as well as other data like database driver class name, connection URL, etc. This file should not be modified manually in most cases, unless for specific use-cases like adding parameters in the connection URL or using a specific database driver.

  • Unix / Mac script to run.

  • setup.bat: Windows script to run.


The script setup comes with 4 commands:

  • init, to initialize the database

    It creates the database tables and pushes the initial configuration in the database.
    This initial configuration is taken from the platform_conf/initial folder.
    It is run by the global script start_bonita, but you can also insert it in your own scripts.
    It prepares the Runtime for a first start, but it will not initialize the default tenant.

    Eg. init
    Eg. init -Ddb.vendor=postgres (see Advanced use for information on using -D properties)

When db.vendor and bdm.db.vendor properties are both set to h2 - which is the default configuration - the init command asks you to confirm this choice before continuing. The following message is displayed:

  [WARN] Default H2 configuration detected. This is not recommended for production. If this is not the required configuration, change file '' and run again.
  Are you sure you want to continue? (y/n):

If you want to bypass this confirmation prompt you can add the h2.noconfirm property to setup or start-bonita scripts.

Eg. init -Dh2.noconfirm Eg. -Dh2.noconfirm

  • configure, to configure the server of a Bonita Tomcat bundle to use the appropriate database: If run from inside a Bonita bundle, it configures the Application Server environment, so you don’t need to configure all Tomcat basic configuration files manually. It is run by the global script start-bonita, but you can also insert it in your own scripts.

    Eg. configure

You do not need to configure Tomcat files directly anymore. The command setup configure does the job. If you decide to do it anyway, the tool will overwrite your custom values (after storing a restore backup into the folder tomcat-backups). If you need to finely tune the configuration, modify the following template files, as they serve as a basis for configuration:

  • tomcat-templates/bonita.xml

  • tomcat-templates/

  • tomcat-templates/setenv.bat

  • pull, to retrieve the current configuration

    It gets the current configuration of Bonita Platform from the database and saves it locally in the platform_conf/current folder. Eg. pull

You must pull the configuration from the database every time you need to update your license file or edit the configuration of Bonita BPM Platform. Since some information is inserted by the platform itself in the database, this prevents database inconsistency.

  • push, to update the configuration of Bonita Platform, and update your license

    It downloads the platform configuration and licenses from the database into the platform_conf/backup-{TIMESTAMP} folder.
    It gets the platform configuration you have edited locally in the folder platform_conf/current folder and pushes it to the database.
    To make the platform take your changes into account, you must (re-)start Bonita Platform.

    Eg. push

Note that the Bonita Setup tool does not need Bonita Server to be running for the configuration to be updated. However, the server needs to be restarted for the changes to be taken into account.

Type setup help or setup help <command> to get detailed help on the tool syntax or on a specific command.
Eg. help configure

Keep in mind that the folder platform_conf/initial is not used anymore once the platform has been initialized for the first time. To update your configuration, only the platform_conf/current folder is taken into account.


Before running it, make sure Bonita Setup tool is configured to point to the database of the Bonita Platform.

If you have already run start-bonita script inside a Tomcat bundle , those steps are already done.

Here is how to do so:

  1. Create the database

  2. Customize it so it works with Bonita Platform

  3. Modify the file: Set the right db vendor and change connection url, user credentials, database name and so on.

Advanced use of the Bonita Setup tool

Database configuration using system properties

Instead of modifying the file, you can set the required database values through the command line (with Java-like system properties). If these latter are defined, they have prevalence on the values defined in the file.

e.g. for Unix command line:

./ configure -Ddb.vendor=postgres -Ddb.server.port=5432 \
-Ddb.user=bonita -Ddb.password=bpm -Dbdm.db.vendor=postgres -Dbdm.db.server.port=5432 \ -Dbdm.db.user=bonita -Dbdm.db.password=bpm

e.g. for Windows command line:

setup.bat configure "-Ddb.vendor=postgres" "" "-Ddb.server.port=5432" "" "-Ddb.user=bonita" "-Ddb.password=bpm"

For Windows users: Due to Windows Batch limitations, only 8 parameters are supported. If you need to pass more than 8 parameters, modify file instead.

Advanced database configuration using file

The file is used internally by the Platform setup tool to properly configure and initialize the bundle. It is made of both data entered in file as well as other data like database driver class name, connection URL, etc.
This file should not be modified manually in most cases, unless for specific use-cases like adding parameters in the connection URL or using a specific database driver.

This file contains the Database configuration information that are not inside file (database driver class name, connection URL, etc). Those information are used internally by the Bonita Setup tool to configure properly the bundle (See configure command) and the database initialization procedure (See init command).
Bonita Setup tool uses the values provided in file as replacement strings to the properties defined in file Those new processed values are then used by the tool.

You are allowed to modify these values if, in the example of Oracle RAC, you need to add parameters in the connection URL, or for mysql you need to add characterEncoding or other parameters:





Or also if you need to use a specific database Driver java class name:


But in most cases, you don’t need to modify this file.


Symptom: When I run Bonita Setup tool, I get the exception about database vendor

This exception is throw Cannot determine database vendor (valid values are h2, postgres, sqlserver, oracle, mysql)

Potential cause

The property db.vendor is not found when reading file

Possible solution

Edit file and ensure there is a valid db.vendor value. Also ensure the line is not commented (no # at the beginning of the line)

Symptom: My database property is ignored in file

My database name / password / …​ contains a backslash (\) character. It seems to be ignored in file

Potential cause

Backslash (\) characters are special characters in a .properties file

Possible solution

Replace your backslash (\) characters by double-backslashes (\\) everywhere in file (and also in file if you have modified it)