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Customize layouts

For Subscription editions only.


As explained in the layouts documentation page, it is possible to customize the existing application layout using the UI Designer. Keep in mind that any layout is composed by tree containers: layout-header, layout-content, layout-footer. But only layout-header and layout-footer are designed to support additional widgets.

Prerequisites to customize a layout:

  • Basic knowledge of Java script

  • Basic knowledge of AngularJS

  • Basic knowledge of Bootstrap

  • Basic knowledge of the UI Designer

  • An existing living application (to test the modified layout)

The following example shows how to add a new widget into the layout.
The example sections show how to:

  • Export the layout from Bonita Administrator Application

  • Import the layout into the UI Designer

  • Modify the layout

  • Apply the customized layout onto a living application.

Export a layout from Bonita Administrator Application

  1. Log in with a user that has the Administrator profile.

  2. Open the Bonita Administrator Application

  3. Click on the Resources menu.

  4. Select the filter Layouts.

  5. Select the layout that you want to modify.

  6. Click on Export and save this layout on your file system.

Import a layout into the UI Designer

To facilitate the modifications, layouts are built using the UI Designer. Therefore you just have to import it into the UI Designer to make changes.

  1. Open the UI Designer.

  2. Click on the Import button.

  3. Select the layout to import.

Edit the layout using the UI Designer

When you import the layout into the UI Designer, you can see that it generates three artefacts:

  1. A Layout page, which can be found in the layout tab.

  2. The Living application IFrame widget, used to display the application page, found in the custom widgets tab.

  3. An Application menu widget to display the application menu, found in the custom widgets tab.

So we propose here to add new widgets to the Layout page header and footer.

In the UI Designer:

  1. Click on the Layout page to open it in the page editor.

  2. See that this page is composed by three main containers layout-header, layout-content, layout-footer.

  3. Drag and drop an image widget on top of the menu in the layout-header, to display a brand image.

  4. Drag and drop a title widget in the layout-footer, to display a "Copyright © 2017, Example Corporation"

  5. Click on Save.

Export the customized layout onto your file system

Once your changes are made, save the new layout using a new name and then export it.

  1. Rename it into myCustomLayout.

  2. Click on Save.

  3. Click on the Export button.

Import the myCustomLayout into the Bonita Administrator Application

  1. Log in with a user that has the Administrator profile.

  2. Open the Bonita Administrator Application

  3. Click on the Resources menu.

  4. Click on Install.

  5. Add the new myCustomLayout.

  6. Click Confirm.

Configure your living application to use the modified layout

  1. Click on the Applications menu.

  2. Click on the edit action …​ of your living application.

  3. In the Look & Feel section, click on the Layout link

  4. Select myCustomLayout

  5. Click on the validation button

  6. In the Application details section, click on the URL link to navigate to your living application.

  7. See your new application layout with a custom layout.

  8. Feel free to add lots of new improvements to create the layout that fits your needs.

Navigate between pages without reloading the entire page.

Starting with Bonita 7.6.0, when the user clicks on any menu item, only the content of the iframe with the targeted page is refreshed: it does not reload the entire page anymore. The HTML5 History API is used to achieve that.
To take advantage of this improvement if your customized layout has been created with a Bonita version older than 7.6.0, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Import your CustomLayout_7.5.x (or lower) in the UI Designer 7.6.0 (or later versions)

  2. Export the Bonita layout from Bonita Administrator Application

  3. Import the Bonita layout in the UI Designer

  4. Open your CustomLayout_7.5.x

  5. If any of the custom widgets livingApplicationMenu or livingApplicationIFrame has been modified,
    you will need to merge your modifications and the modifications of the new version of those widgets, namely livingApplicationMenuV3 and livingApplicationIFrameV3.

Note 1: To help this merge, you can generate a diff, between two version of the default layout by using Git. If you don’t already have Git, you will need to install it, then clone the repository "". At the root level, run the following command: "git diff 7.5.0 7.6.0 — ./community/resources/layout-page/src/main/resources"

Note 2: A good practice would be to rename those merged widgets into something like myCustomizedMenuV3 and myCustomizedIFrameV3)

  1. Replace the custom widget livingApplicationMenu by the new custom widget livingApplicationMenuV3 (or your myCustomizedMenuV3)

  2. Replace the custom widget livingApplicationIFrame by the new custom widget livingApplicationIFrameV3 (or your myCustomizedIFrameV3)

  3. Export this updated layout page.

  4. In Bonita Administrator Application, edit the layout and import the newly exported layout

  5. Confirm all messages

  6. Validate that your application has a layout that fits your requirements and the new menu behaviour.