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Manage users

Examples on how to create and edit users, to search for users data, through Bonita java API’s.

Create a new user

This example shows you how to create a new user and assign the user to a profile.

Create a new user by calling the createUser method:

// First of all, let's log in on the engine:
org.bonitasoft.engine.api.APIClient apiClient = new APIClient()
apiClient.login("install", "install")
// create new user, with username john and password bpm
IdentityAPI identityAPI = apiClient.getIdentityAPI()
final User user = identityAPI.createUser("john", "bpm")
System.out.println("New user created: " + user)

Alternatively, you can create a more complex user object as follows:

// create complex user
UserCreator creator = new UserCreator("john", "bpm")
creator.setFirstName("Johnny").setLastName("B. Good")
ContactDataCreator proContactDataCreator = new ContactDataCreator().setAddress("32 rue
        Gustave Eiffel").setCity("Grenoble").setPhoneNumber("555 14 12 541")
final User user2 = identityAPI.createUser(creator)

Now add the user to a Bonita profile. A user who does not have a profile cannot log into Bonita Runtime.

// The user must now be registered in a profile. Let's choose the existing "User" profile:
org.bonitasoft.engine.api.ProfileAPI orgProfileAPI = apiClient.getProfileAPI()
SearchOptionsBuilder searchOptionsBuilder = new SearchOptionsBuilder(0,10)
searchOptionsBuilder.filter(ProfileSearchDescriptor.NAME, "User")
SearchResult<Profile> searchResultProfile = orgProfileAPI.searchProfiles(searchOptionsBuilder.done())

// we should find one result now
if (searchResultProfile.getResult().size() != 1) {

// now register the user in the profile
Profile profile = searchResultProfile.getResult().get(0)
ProfileMemberCreator profileMemberCreator = new ProfileMemberCreator( profile.getId() )
profileMemberCreator.setUserId( user.getId() )

To create a user with more complete information, use the UserBuilder to create an instance of User and then use the createUser method with the User as parameter.

Add a user to a group

This example shows how to add a user to a group.

The user, group, and role are already defined, and each one is specified by ID. Note that it is not possible to add a user without a role.

final IdentityAPI identityAPI = apiClient.getIdentityAPI()
UserMembership membership = identityAPI.addUserMembership(userId, groupId, roleId)

List the users in a group

This example shows how to get a list of users in a specified group in the organization.

The group is specified by groupID. The search options specify that a maximum of 100 items are listed, starting with the first one.

final IdentityAPI identityAPI = apiClient.getIdentityAPI()
final SearchOptionsBuilder builder = new SearchOptionsBuilder(0, 100)
builder.filter(UserSearchDescriptor.GROUP_ID, groupID)
final SearchResult<User> userResults = identityAPI.searchUsers(builder.done())

List the users with a specified role in a group

This example shows how to get a list of the users who have the specified role in the specified group in the organization.

The group is specified by groupID. The role is specified by roleID. The search options specify that a maximum of 100 items are listed, starting with the first one.

final IdentityAPI identityAPI = apiClient.getIdentityAPI()
final SearchOptionsBuilder builder = new SearchOptionsBuilder(0, 100)
builder.filter(UserSearchDescriptor.GROUP_ID, groupID)
builder.filter(UserSearchDescriptor.ROLE_ID, roleID)
final SearchResult<User> userResults = identityAPI.searchUsers(builder.done())

Get user contact data

You can use the getUserWithProfessionalDetails method to retrieve a user and their professional contact data for a user.

This example shows how to get a user and the email address.

// Get the professional email address of a user
UserWithContactData proUser = apiClient.getIdentityAPI().getUserWithProfessionalDetails(user.getId())

Search for users

The following example is a client application that accesses the Engine in HTTP mode to search for 20 users and display their names and identifiers.

package org.bonitasoft.example

import org.bonitasoft.engine.api.IdentityAPI
import org.bonitasoft.engine.api.LoginAPI
import org.bonitasoft.engine.api.APIClient
import org.bonitasoft.engine.identity.User
import org.bonitasoft.engine.session.APISession

public class BonitaClientApplicationExample {

    public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception {

        // example code:
        APIClient apiClient = new APIClient()
        System.out.println("login with install//install")
        apiClient.login("install", "install")
        final IdentityAPI identityAPI = apiClient.getIdentityAPI()
        final SearchResult<User> searchUsers = identityAPI.searchUsers(new SearchOptionsBuilder(0, 20).done())
        System.out.println("20 first users:")
        for (final User user : searchUsers.getResult()) {
            System.out.println(" * " + user.getUserName() + " -- " + user.getId())
        System.out.println("logged out")

Get the pending tasks for a user

This example shows you how use the Bonita Engine API to get the pending tasks for a user.

It shows how to get the list of pending tasks, and then for each task, how to assign it to the user and execute it.

To get the pending tasks for a given user, call the getPendingHumanTaskInstances method. In this example, the first page of the current logged user’s tasks are retrieved ordered by priority. Each page contains up to 20 tasks.

// get the pending tasks for the current logged in user
final List<HumanTaskInstance> pendingTasks =
           0, 20, ActivityInstanceCriterion.PRIORITY_ASC)
System.out.println("Pending tasks for user " + session.getUserName() + ": " + pendingTasks)

Note that this does not return tasks that are already assigned to the user.

Then loop through the list of tasks. For each task, assign the task to the user and execute the task:

// assign and execute pending tasks
for (final HumanTaskInstance pendingTask : pendingTasks) {
    // assign the task to the user
    apiClient.getProcessAPI().assignUserTask(pendingTask.getId(), session.getUserId())
    // execute the task

Get possible users of a task and execute task for a user

This example shows how to get the list of users who are eligible to perform a task.

First, it creates a simple process containing one human task, called "step1". This task will be performed by a user who is mapped to the "expert" actor. An actor filter is applied to "step1", assigning the task specifically to the superExpert user.

Next, it calls getPossibleUsersOfHumanTask to get the list of all users who are eligible to perform the step1 according to the process definition. This will be a list of all the users who are mapped to the expert actor.

Next, it calls getPossibleUsersOfPendingHumanTask to get the list of users who will perform a specific instance of step1, in the process instance. The actor filter is applied when the task instance is created. This is known as dynamic task assignment. The actor filter is applied and a shorter list of users is returned (in this case, just superExpert).

Dynamic task assignment using getPossibleUsersOfPendingHumanTask re-evaluates the actor mapping. It is useful if your organization changes after a process instance is started and you need to modify the list of users who can perform a task

If there is any Actor Filter specified for the given task, dynamic task assignment does not have any effect.
In such case, there is another method that can be used as a separate call to force the re-execution of the actor filter and thus update the list of possible users.

Finally, it executes the task for the fist user on the list. This "execute for" feature is not available in the Community and Teamwork editions.

// Create a process definition containing a human task, step1
// Step1 is performed by actor expert adjusted by an actor filter

final ProcessDefinitionBuilder designProcessDefinition = new ProcessDefinitionBuilder().createNewInstance("assign", "5.0")
final UserTaskDefinitionBuilder taskDefinitionBuilder = designProcessDefinition.addUserTask("step1", "expert")

        taskDefinitionBuilder.addUserFilter("test", "org.bonitasoft.engine.filter.user.testFilter", "1.0").addInput("userId",
                new ExpressionBuilder().createConstantLongExpression(superExpert.getId()))

final ProcessDefinition processDefinition = deployAndEnableWithActor(designProcessDefinition.done(), "expert", role)

final ProcessInstance processInstance = apiClient.getProcessAPI().startProcess(processDefinition.getId())
final SearchOptionsBuilder searchOptionsBuilder = new SearchOptionsBuilder(0, 1)
searchOptionsBuilder.filter(HumanTaskInstanceSearchDescriptor.NAME, "step1")
final HumanTaskInstance userTask = apiClient.getProcessAPI().searchHumanTaskInstances(searchOptionsBuilder.done()).getResult().get(0)

// Get all users of the actor of the userTask called 'step1'
List<User> possibleUsers = apiClient.getProcessAPI().getPossibleUsersOfHumanTask(processDefinition.getId(), "step1", 0, 10)

// Get the filtered list of users for the task instance

possibleUsers = apiClient.getProcessAPI().getPossibleUsersOfPendingHumanTask(userTask.getId(), 0, 10)

// Execute task for first user in list
processAPI.assignUserTask(activityId, possibleUsers.get(0).getId())
processAPI.executeFlowNode(possibleUsers.get(0).getId(), activityId)

// Log out: