How to handle server-side pagination

Learn how to handle server-side pagination and optimize performance

  • Difficulty: beginner

  • Prerequisites: have your interface interact with a Bonita process

  • Estimated time: 10 minutes

If you’re using list widgets and if your Bonita API requests return a lot of data, you might want to rely on server side pagination to improve performance. Follow this 3-steps tutorial to know how.

Let’s create an interface where a user types something in an input widget, and then it filters the API’s results and automatically adapts the pagination of a list widget.

1. Create a JS object

Go to the JS tab (between Queries and UI), create a new JS object called “Pagination” and copy/paste the following code:

export default {
    maxResults (headers) {
        return parseInt( headers['Content-Range'][0].split('/')[1] );
All Bonita API calls returning a collection of elements are paginated, and their response contains a Content-Range header.

2. Create a dynamic API request

Go to the Queries tab and create a request that will fetch users using server side pagination and filter users depending on a search term typed in an input widget:

  • Name: getUsers

  • Method: GET

  • URL: /bonita/API/identity/user

  • Params:

    • Key: p

    • Value: {{(UserList.pageNo-1)}}

    • Key: c

    • Value: {{UserList.pageSize}}

    • Key: s

    • Value: {{UserFilterInput.text}}

3. Configure the interface

On the interface, drag and drop an input widget (rename it UserFilterInput) and a list widget (rename it UserList).

Configure the input widget:


Configure the list widget:


Drag and drop widgets within the list widget and configure them. For example, it could be text widgets where the text = {{currentItem.userName}} or {{currentItem.job_title}}

Click the preview button and enjoy!