Upload and view documents

Learn how to upload and view a document

  • Difficulty: intermediate

  • Estimated time: 10 minutes

If you want to select a document from your computer and upload it to your Bonita application, you can use the FilePicker widget along with the Bonita’s formFileUpload API. The DocumentViewer widget allows you to view the uploaded document.

Upload a document

Go to the Queries tab and create a Bonita query that will upload a document, given as parameter to the query:

  • Name: uploadDocument

  • Method: POST

  • URL: /bonita/API/formFileUpload

  • Body:


    • Key: file

    • Type: FILE

    • Value: {{this.params.file}}

Drag and drop a FilePicker widget onto your interface and set the onFilesSelected event to call the uploadDocument query with the selected file as a parameter:


To test this step, click on the FilePicker widget, select a file from your computer, and click on the Upload button.

Then, go to the Queries tab and check that the uploadDocument query has been called (Response tab), the status is 200 OK and the response contains the document name.

If you want to view the uploaded document (see below), the Data format property of the FilePicker should be set to Base 64.

Display the document name

You can now display the document name in a Text widget. Drag and drop a Text widget onto your interface and set its Text property to {{JSON.parse(uploadDocument.data).filename}}.

Note the JSON.parse() call, which transforms the response (string) into a JSON object.

View the document

Drag and drop a DocumentViewer widget onto your interface and set the Document link property to {{FilePicker1.files[0].data}}.

You should see the document displayed in the widget!

Instantiate a Bonita process with a document

You may have a Bonita process with a contract that includes a document (FILE type).

The FilePicker widget’s Data format property is set to Base 64 by default. For uploading documents to a Bonita process, it is recommended to change this property to Binary to get a more compact file size and prevent rendering issues with large Base64 strings. The following steps assume the Binary format is used.

To instantiate the process with a document (called document in the contract), go to the Queries tab and create a Bonita query:

  • Name: instantiateProcess

  • Method: POST

  • URL: /bonita/API/bpm/process/<your process id>/instantiation

  • Body:

    • JSON

    "document": {{JSON.parse(uploadDocument.data)}}

You can now launch this query from your UI, using a Button widget for example.

View a document linked to a Bonita process

Viewing is supported only for PDF and image files. For other file types (docx, xlsx, …​), a download prompt will appear.

Once the process is instantiated, you may need to display the document later, in another page, for example.

To do this, you need to:

You should see the document displayed in the widget!