How to make a contract with a multiple attribute

Learn how to make a contract with a multiple attribute.

  • Difficulty: intermediate

  • Estimated time: 20 minutes

With Bonita, in the BDM (Business Data Model), you can create an object with a relationship with another object. For example, a Provider object may have a relationship with a Contact object. Then, you can create a Process contract with a contact attribute set as multiple, to specify that you may have several contacts for a provider.

To start a Process Instance, the UI should allow users to create a new provider and add multiple contacts. In this guide, we will focus on how to create a list of contacts, and store them in a JSON object. This will be used to fill the contact attribute in the contract.

Create a JS Object to manage the list of contacts

Go to the JS tab and create a new JS Object called ContactsHandler and copy and paste the following code:

export default {
	contacts: [{id: 0, title: "Mr", firstname: "Alejandro", surname: "Dupont", email: "", contactType: "technical"}],
	maxId: 1,
	getAll () {
		return this.contacts;
	add(contactToAdd) {
		if (!contactToAdd) {
			showAlert("Invalid contact!");
		} = this.maxId++;
	delete(idToDelete) {
		if (idToDelete === undefined) {
			showAlert("Invalid id!");
		this.contacts = this.contacts.filter(contact => {
			return !== idToDelete;
	update(contactToUpdate) {
		  const index = this.contacts.findIndex(contact => ===;
		if (index === -1) {
			showAlert("contact not found! id=",;
		this.contacts[index] = contactToUpdate;

This simple code allows creating, updating and deleting contacts.

Now, from the Settings tab, enable Run on page load for the getAll function.

Create a UI to manage the list of contacts

  • Drop a Table widget on the page

  • Set the Table data property as JS and as {{}}

  • For the Columns, check the Editable property, and uncheck the id column, since it is automatically generated

Enable adding a row

  • In the Adding a row section:

    • enable the Allow adding a row property

    • Set the onSave property to Execute a JS functionContactsHandler.add(data) with {{Table1.newRow}} parameter:


  • From the Columns section, click on the Save / Discard spin wheel icon to edit the column properties

  • Set the onSave property as JS and as {{ContactsHandler.update(Table1.updatedRow)}} :


  • Set the Title column type as Select and set the Options property as:

[{"label": "Mrs", "value": "Mrs"}, {"label": "Mr", "value": "Mr"}]
  • Set the ContactType column type as Select and set the Options property as:

[{"label": "Administration", "value": "administration"}, {"label": "Technical", "value": "technical"}, {"label": "Other", "value": "other"}]

Add a button to delete a row

  • Add a delete column to the table

  • Edit the column properties:

    • Set the Column type as Icon button

    • Set the Icon property as delete icon

    • Set the onClick property to Execute a JS functionContactsHandler.delete with {{}} parameter

    • You may also want to set the icon color as red, from the Style tab

You can now play with your UI by adding, updating and deleting contacts!