Purge tool change log

This is the changelog of the purge tool.

The purge tool is used to remove data from bonita archive tables. It is useful for big production environments.

1.0.9 - June 11, 2024


  • robustness: prevent the tool from being launched from bin folder. Tool must be run from root folder by launching bin/bonita-purge-tool. If not, the tool will exit with a specific error message.

1.0.8 - June 5, 2024

Now the tool MUST be run from the root folder by calling:


It cannot be run from the bin/ folder anymore.


  • fix(config): config file not taken into account


  • deps: update PostgreSQL driver

  • build: update build and GH Actions

  • build: update push to GDrive action

1.0.7 - Dec 11, 2023

  • deps: update Springboot version

  • deps: update MySQL connector

  • build: use standard GH runners to build & release

  • deps: update snakeyaml

1.0.6 - Oct 10, 2023

  • Use the latest version of Springboot 2.7.x

1.0.5 - Sep 16, 2022

  • Use Springboot 2.6.x

  • Update JDBC drivers to latests

  • Fix github actions workflow (internal)

1.0.4 - Mar 23, 2022

fixes :

  • Fix: add methods to drop index if created at tool startup, this way allowing to re-run a previously stopped run without being blocked

Others :

  • Run tests with MS SQL Server version 2019

  • Doc: remove mentions of "Portal". Use "Bonita Applications" instead.

1.0.3 - Feb 25, 2021

fixes :

  • Fix: usage print when no parameter is passed.

1.0.2 - Jul 21, 2020

fixes :

  • fix(arch_contract_data_backup): fix deletion of arch_contract_data_backup (#35) @educhastenier

1.0.1 - Jul 3, 2020

fixes :

  • DataInstance and ContractData are not orphan, but deleted anyway

1.0.0 - Mar 20, 2020

This is the first production-ready version of Bonita Purge Tool. Tested on:

Oracle database
MS SQL Server