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Portal API

Portal API in Bonita is used to access and manage the following resources: Page, Profile, ProfileEntry, ProfileMember, Theme



Use the page resource to access custom pages, UI Designer pages, layouts or forms and REST API extensions.


Simple, the ID of the object (a long value)


    "creationDate":"_date and time_",


The methods used for this resource are:

  • POST - Add a new custom page

  • GET - Read or search a custom page

  • PUT - Update a custom page

  • DELETE - Remove a custom page

Retrieve a Custom Page

Use a GET method to retrieve information about a custom page.

  • URL

  • Method

  • Success Response

    • Code: 200

    • Payload:

        "creationDate":"2014-12-02 15:54:45.249",
        "description":"HTML and Javascript example of custom page source structure (in English).",
        "displayName":"HTML example page",
        "lastUpdateDate":"2014-12-02 15:54:45.249",

Add a new custom page

Use the POST method to create a new custom page. To add a new custom page, there are two steps:

  1. Upload the page content using the pageUpload servlet. This returns a temporary file name.

  2. Call this API with the temporary file name, as in the example below.

    • URL
      /API/portal/page Example: Add the custom page that was given the temporary name The original name was

    • Method

    • Request Payload

    • Success Response

      • Code: 200

      • Payload:

          "creationDate":"2014-12-04 14:54:06.967",
          "description":"AngularJS dashboard using ngBonita",
          "displayName":"AngularJS dashboard",
          "lastUpdateDate":"2014-12-04 14:54:06.967",

Update a custom page

Use the PUT method to update an existing custom page. To update a custom page, upload the new page content using the pageUpload servlet, which returns a temporary file name, and then call this API with the temporary file name.

  • URL
    Example: Update the custom page with id = 103. The new uploaded file was given the temporary name The original name was

  • Method

  • Request Payload

  • Success Response

    • Code: 200

Search custom pages

Use a GET method with filters and search terms to search for custom pages.

  • URL

  • Method

  • Data Params
    Standard search parameters are available.
    You can filter on:

    • createdBy={user_id}: retrieve only the pages created by the specified user ID. For example, to retrieve the custom pages created by the user with id 1: http://localhost:8080/bonita/API/portal/page?p=0&c=10&f=createdBy%3d1.

    • contentType={contentType}: retrieve only the resources of requested type. This filter is available since v7.0. For example, to retrieve the theme resources: http://localhost:8080/bonita/API/portal/page?p=0&c=10&f=contentType%3Dtheme.

    You can search on:

    • displayName or description: search for custom pages with a displayName or description that starts with the specified string. For example, to find the pages with displayName starting with New: http://localhost:8080/bonita/API/portal/page?p=0&c=10&s=New

  • Success Response
    An array of custom page objects

    • Code: 200

Delete a custom page

Use the DELETE method to delete an existing custom page

  • URL

  • Method

  • Success Response

    • Code: 200



Use the profile resource to access profiles.


Simple, the ID of the object (a long value)


    "id":"_profile id_",
    "creationDate":"_date and time of profile creation_",
    "icon":"_icon used in the portal to represent the profile_",
    "createdBy":"_id of the uer who created the profile_",
    "description":"_a description of the profile_",
    "name":"_profile name_",
    "is_default":"_true | false _",
    "lastUpdateDate":"_date and time of the last update to the profile_",
    "updatedBy":"_the id of the user who last updated the profile_"


The methods used for this resource are:

  • POST - Add a new profile

  • GET - Read or search a profile

  • PUT - Update a profile

  • DELETE - Remove a profile

Retrieve a Profile

Use a GET method to retrieve information about a profile.

  • URL

  • Method

  • Success Response

    • Code: 200

    • Payload:

        "creationDate":"2014-12-02 15:54:44.395",
        "description":"The user can view and perform tasks and can start a new case of a process.",
        "lastUpdateDate":"2014-12-04 11:05:14.490",

Add a new profile

Use the POST method to create a new profile.

  • URL

  • Method

  • Request Payload

        "description":"This is my custom profile"
  • Success Response

    • Code: 200

    • Payload:

        "creationDate":"2014-12-04 16:29:23.434",
        "description":"This is my custom profile",
        "lastUpdateDate":"2014-12-04 16:29:23.434",

Update a profile

Use the PUT method to update an existing profile.

  • URL

  • Method

  • Request Payload

      "description":"This is my updated custom profile"
  • Success Response

    • Code: 200

Search profiles

Use a GET method with filters and search terms to search for profiles.

  • URL

  • Method

  • Data Params
    Standard search parameters are available.
    You can filter on:

    • name={exact_profile_name}: retrieve only the profiles with the specified name. For example, retrieve the profile with name=Administrator: /API/portal/profile?p=0&c=10&f=name%3dAdministrator

    • hasNavigation={true|false}: retrieve the profiles with (or without) attached navigation pages (profile entries): /API/portal/profile?p=0&c=10&f=hasNavigation=true

    You can search on:

    • name: search all profiles which name starts with the search string. For example, name starting with Adm: /API/portal/profile?p=0&c=10&s=Adm

  • Success Response

    • Code: 200

    • Payload:
      An array of profile objects

Delete a profile

Use the DELETE method to delete an existing profile

  • URL

  • Method

  • Success Response

    • Code: 200



A profileEntry represents the association between pages and profiles. A profile is associated with a set of profileEntry items. This defines the pages that a user with this profile can access, and the menu structure that the user sees.


Simple, the ID of the object (a long value)


  "id":"_profileEntry id_",
  "icon":"_icon used in the portal to represent a profileEntry_",
  "index":"_position in a menu_",
  "profile_id":"_id of the profile that contains this profileEntry_",
  "page":"_pageToken (menu name or menu item name) used in a portal menu to identify the page associated with the profileEntry_",
  "name":"_name of the profileEntry_",
  "type":"_link (if menu item) | folder (if menu)_",
  "isCustom":"_ true | false _",
  "parent_id":"_id or parent profileEntry if in a folder_"


The methods used for this resource are:

  • POST - Add a new profileEntry

  • GET - Read or search a profileEntry

  • PUT - Update a profileEntry

  • DELETE - Remove a profileEntry

Retrieve a profileEntry

Use a GET method to retrieve information about a profileEntry

  • URL

  • Method

  • Success Response

    • Code: 200

    • Payload:

        "description":"Manage tasks",

Add a new profileEntry

Use the POST method to create a new profileEntry.

  • URL

  • Method

  • Request Payload
    Example: Add the profileEntry with page token = tasklistingadmin with a display name = "Test menu" and associate it with the profile = 102.

      "name":"Test menu",

    Example 2: Create a menu called Folder containing two items, Child1 and Child2, and associate it with profile = 102 with three POST requests.

  • Success Response

    • Code: 200

    • Payload:

        "description":"manage tasks",
        "name":"Test menu",

Update a profileEntry

Use the PUT method to update an existing profileEntry.

  • URL

  • Method

  • Request Payload

      "name":"Test menu updated"
  • Success Response

    • Code: 200

Search profileEntry items

Use a GET method with filters and search terms to search for profileEntry items.

  • URL

  • Method

  • Data Params
    Standard search parameters are available.
    You can filter on:

    • page={exact_pageToken}: retrieve only the profileEntry items with the specified tokenName. For example, retrieve the profileEntry with page name = tasklistinguser: /API/portal/profileEntry?p=0&c=10&f=page%3dtasklistinguser.

    • name={exact_page_name}: retrieve only the profileEntry items with the specified pageName. For example, retrieve the profileEntry with page name = Tasks: /API/portal/profileEntry?p=0&c=10&f=name%3dTasks.

    • parentId={parent_id}: retrieve only the profileEntry items with the specified parent_id. For example, retrieve the profileEntry with parent_id = 1: /API/portal/profileEntry?p=0&c=10&f=parent_id%3d1.

    You can search on:

    • name: search all profileEntry definitions with name starting with the search string. For example, to find entries with name starting with Manage: /API/portal/profileEntry?p=0&c=10&s=Manage.

  • Success Response
    An array of profileEntry objects

    • Code: 200

    • Payload:

Delete a profileEntry

Use the DELETE method to delete an existing profileEntry

  • URL

  • Method

  • Success Response

    • Code: 200



A profileMember represents the association between the organization and profiles. In an organization we have three member_types = USER, GROUP and ROLE. You can assign a profile to a user by specifying a role, group, or specific user.


Simple, the ID of the object (a long value)


  "profile_id":"_id of the profile for this mapping_",
  "role_id":"_id of role, or -1 if the member type is not role_",
  "group_id":"_id of group, or -1 if the member type is not group_",
  "user_id":"_id of user, or -1 if the member type is not user_"


The methods used for this resource are:

  • POST - Add a new profileMember

  • GET - Search a profileMember

  • DELETE - Remove a profileMember

Add a new profileMember

Use the POST method to create a new profileMember.

  • URL

  • Method

  • Request Payload
    Example 1: Add a member_type = USER to the profile with id = 2.


    Example 2: Add a member_type = GROUP to the profile with id = 2.

  • Success Response

    • Code: 200

    • Payload:
      Example 1 response ;


      Example 2 response ;


Search profileMembers

Use a GET method with filters and search terms to search for profileMembers.

  • URL

  • Method

  • Data Params
    Standard search parameters are available.
    There is a mandatory filter on:

    • member_type=. For example, retrieve the profileMembers of type user: /API/portal/profileMember?p=0&c=10&f=member_type%3duser

    You can also filter also on:

    • profile_id={profile_id}: retrieve only the profileMembers related to the specified profile_id. /API/portal/profileMember?p=0&c=10&f=member_type%3duser&f=profile_id%3d1

    • user_id={user_id}: retrieve only the profileMembers related to the specified user_id. API/portal/profileMember?p=0&c=10&f=member_type%3duser&f=profile_id%3d1&f=user_id%3d101

    • role_id={role_id}: retrieve only the profileMembers related to the specified role_id. API/portal/profileMember?p=0&c=10&f=member_type%3drole&f=profile_id%3d1&f=role_id%3d101

    • group_id={group_id}: retrieve only the profileMembers related to the specified group_id. API/portal/profileMember?p=0&c=10&f=member_type%3dgroup&f=profile_id%3d1&f=group_id%3d101

  • Success Response
    An array of profileMember objects

    • Code: 200

Delete a profileMember

Use the DELETE method to delete an existing profileMember.

  • URL

  • Method

  • Success Response

    • Code: 200



Use the theme resource for managing the portal and mobile app theme (look & feel).


Simple, the ID of the object (a long value)


The methods used for this resource are:

  • POST - Change the theme

  • PUT - Restore the default theme

Change a theme

Use the method POST for applying a new theme. Two types are permitted: portal and mobile.

  • URL

  • Method

  • Request Payload
    Example 1: Change the portal theme by applying the definition in an already uploaded zip file.


    Example 2: Change the mobile app theme by applying the definition in an already uploaded zip file.

  • Success Response

    • Code: 200

Restore a default theme

Use the method PUT method for restoring the default theme. Two types are permitted: portal and mobile

  • URL

  • Method

  • Request Payload
    Example 1: Restore the default portal theme.


    Example 2: Restore the default mobile theme.

  • Success Response

    • Code: 200