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Tutorial overview

You will then be able to adapt and extend this example to fit your own needs.

If you can’t wait to start creating your first application with Bonita, you can safely skip this page and move to the download and installation of Bonita Studio.

Before starting

Make sure to check out the page that tells you everything about What Bonita is.

What are the steps to create a Bonita application?

Thanks to the low-code Bonita platform you won’t need to write a lot of code to create an application. The creation of Bonita applications relies heavily on models:

  • a process model (using BPMN standard)

  • a data model for business data management

  • a WYSIWYG tool for user interface design

  • and more.

Creating an application in Bonita Studio (the Bonita development environment) requires the following steps:

  • graphically design one or several processes using BPMN notation

  • define the data model using the Bonita Business Data Management feature (you can of course use your own database if needed)

  • create web user interfaces using the Bonita UI Designer (or your preferred web framework)

  • define users involved in the process, as well as the resources they have access to

  • configure connectors to integrate Bonita with the information system (e.g. to send an email, call a web service, and more.)

We will cover these steps in this getting started tutorial so you can get familiar with the concepts behind a Bonita application.

Ready? Let’s move to the nexts step: download and install Bonita Studio.