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Actors, Process and Connectors

Easily manage actors, processes and connectors with BPM APIs.




The concept of Actor defines who can perform a task or start a process.

Manage process actors with BPM APIs.


Simple, the ID of the object (a long value)


  "id":"actor id",
  "process_id":"process definition id",
  "description":"a description of the actor",
  "name":"name of the actor (as specified on human tasks and for the initiator of the process)",
  "displayName":"the display name of the actor"


The methods used for this resource are:

  • GET - Read or search an actor

  • PUT - Update an actor

Read an actor

Use a GET method to retrieve information about an actor.

  • URL
    Example: Get the information about the actor with id=1\: /API/bpm/actor/1

  • Method

  • Success Response

    • Code: 200

    • Payload:

        "displayName":"Employee actor"

Search actors for a given process id

Use a GET method to search actors for a given process id.

  • URL
    Example: Count the actor members of actors of the process with id 4758765 /API/bpm/actor?p=0&c=10&f=process_id=4758765&n=users&n=group&n=roles&n=memberships

  • Method

  • Data Params
    Standard search parameters are available.

  • Success Response

    • Code: 200

    • Payload:

          "displayName":"Employee actor"
        }, {
          "description":"A customer actor",
          "displayName":"Customer actor"

Update an actor

Use the PUT method to update an actor. Fields that can be upated are "displayName" and "description"

  • URL

  • Method

  • Request Payload

      "displayName": "new display name",
      "description": "new description"
  • Success Response

    • Code: 200



An actor member represents the association between the organization and the actor af a process. In an organization we have four member_types = USER, GROUP, ROLE and MEMBERSHIP (role in a group). You can assign a actor to a user by specifying a role and or a group, or specific user.


Simple, the ID of the object (a long value)


  "id":"actor member id",
  "actor_id":"id of the actor for this mapping",
  "role_id":"id of role, or -1 if the member type is not role",
  "group_id":"id of group, or -1 if the member type is not group",
  "user_id":"id of user, or -1 if the member type is not user"


The methods used for this resource are:

  • POST - Add a new actorMember

  • GET - Search actorMembers

  • DELETE - Remove an actorMember

Add a new actorMember

Use the POST method to create a new actorMember.

  • URL

  • Method

  • Request Payload
    Add a member_type = USER to the actor with id = 2.


    Add a member_type = MEMBERSHIP to the actor with id = 2.

  • Success Response

    • Code: 200

    • Payload:


Search actorMembers

Use a GET method with filters and search terms to search for actorMembers.

  • URL
    Example: ``

  • Method

  • Data Params
    Standard search parameters are available.
    There is a mandatory filter on:

    You can also filter also on:

    • member\_type=user|role|group|roleAndGroup retrieve only the actorMembers of type user. /API/bpm/actorMember?p=0&c=10&f=actor\_id%3d1&f=member\_type%3duser

    • user\_id=:userId}: retrieve only the actorMembers related to the specified user_id. /API/bpm/actorMember?p=0&c=10&f=actor\_id%3d1&f=user\_id%3d101

    • role\_id=:roleId: retrieve only the actorMembers related to the specified role_id. /API/bpm/actorMember?p=0&c=10&f=actor\_id%3d1&f=role\_id%3d101

    • group\_id=:groupId: retrieve only the actorMembers related to the specified group_id. /API/bpm/actorMember?p=0&c=10&f=actor\_id%3d1&f=group\_id%3d101

  • Success Response
    An array of actorMember objects

    • Code: 200

Delete an actorMember

Use the DELETE method to delete an existing actorMember.

  • URL

  • Method

  • Success Response

    • Code: 200




Deploy and manage process definitions. In addition, you can instantiate a process, which will create a new process instance (case).


The ID of the process definition (a long value).


  "id":"the identifier of the process definition (long)",
  "icon":"icon path (string)",
  "displayDescription":"the human readable activity description (string)",
  "deploymentDate":"the date when the process definition was deployed (date)",
  "description":"the process description (string)",
  "activationState":"the state of the process definition (ENABLED or DISABLED)",
  "name":"the process name (string)",
  "deployedBy":"the id of the user who deployed the process (integer)",
  "displayName":"the human readable process description (string)",
  "actorinitiatorid":"the id of the actor that can initiate cases of the process",
  "last_update_date":"the date when the process definition was last updated (date)",
  "configurationState":"the configuration state of the process (UNRESOLVED or RESOLVED)",
  "version":"the version of the process (string)"


The methods used for this resource are:

  • POST - Create a process

  • GET - Read a process or search for a process

  • PUT - Update a process

  • DELETE - Delete a process and all its cases

Response object extension (deploy query parameter)

The d (deploy) used to extend response object can be used with :

  • deployedBy

Deploy a process definition

A process resource is created using the content of a .bar file that has previously been uploaded, using the processUpload servlet http://.../bonita/portal/processUpload, to get the process archive path.

  • URL

  • Method

  • Request Payload

      "fileupload": "D:\bonita-studio\BonitaSubscription-7.6.3\workspace\tomcat\bonita\client\tenants\1\tmp\" // the process archive path
  • Success Response

    • Code: 200

    • Payload:

        "deploymentDate":"2015-01-02, 15:04:30.527"
        "last_update_date":"2015-01-02 5:04:30.587",

Read a process

Read a process definition

  • URL

  • Method

  • Success Response

    • Code: 200

    • Payload:

        "displayDescription":"process description",
        "deploymentDate":"2015-01-02 14:21:18.421",
        "description":"another process description",
        "last_update_date":"2015-01-02 14:21:18.529",

Update a process

You can update the following fields of a process definition:

  • displayDescription

  • displayName

  • activationState (to toggle between the possible values, DISABLED and ENABLED)

  • URL

  • Method

  • Request Payload
    The fields to be updated, in JSON

      "displayName":"Leave booking process"
  • Success Response

    • Code: 200

Delete a process

You can delete a process based on its ID.

Beware! Data loss risk! Deleting a process will automatically delete all its cases (on-going and archived alike). Thus, the operation may take a long time, and fail if the transaction timeout is not large enough. This feature should only be used on non-production environments. Please proceed at your own risk.

  • URL

  • Method

  • Success Response

    • Code: 200

Delete processes in bulk

You can also delete several processes.

Beware! Data loss risk! Deleting a process will automatically delete all its cases (on-going and archived alike). Thus, the operation may take a long time, and fail if the transaction timeout is not large enough. This feature should only be used on non-production environments. Please proceed at your own risk.

  • URL

  • Method

  • Request Payload List of processes ids to delete

    ["1", "2" , ...]
  • Success Response

    • Code: 200

Search for a process

Search for processes that match the search criteria.

  • URL

  • Method

  • Data Params
    Standard search parameters are available.

    • s: search on "name", "displayName" or "version"

    • o: can order by "name", "version", "deploymentDate", "deployedBy", "activationState", "configurationState", "processId", "displayName", "lastUpdateDate", "categoryId", "label". By default sort order is ASC (%20asc added to order). You can sort in reverse order by adding %20desc to order. Example: /API/bpm/process?f=name=MyProcess&p=0&c=1&o=version%20desc&f=activationState=ENABLED

    • f: can filter on "name", "version", "deploymentDate", "deployedBy", "activationState" with the value DISABLED or ENABLED, "configurationState" with the value UNRESOLVED, or RESOLVED, "processId", "displayName", "lastUpdateDate", "categoryId", "label", "supervisor_id"

    • d: extend resource response parameters of this resource are available.

  • Success Response
    A JSON representation of the matched processes.

    • Code: 200

Retrieve the design for a process

Process design can be retrived client side.

  • URL

  • Method

  • Success Response
    The process design object. The JSON returned is a representation of the DesignProcessDefinition instance of the given process id.

    • Code: 200

Instantiate a process

Retrieve the instantiation contract for a process

Process instantiation contract elements can be retrived client side.

  • URL

  • Method

  • Success Response
    The task contract elements

    • Code: 200

    • Payload:

            "expression":"ticket_account!=null && !ticket_account.toString().isEmpty()",
            "explanation":"input ticket_account is mandatory",
            "expression":"ticket_description!=null && !ticket_description.toString().isEmpty()",
            "explanation":"input ticket_description is mandatory",
            "expression":"ticket_subject!=null && !ticket_subject.toString().isEmpty()",
            "explanation":"input ticket_subject is mandatory",
Start a process using an instantiation contract

This method will create a new process instance (case)

  • URL

  • Method

  • Request Payload
    Contract element values

      "ticket_description":"issue description",
      "ticket_subject":"Issue 1"
  • Success Response
    The created case ID 201 OK or a contract violation explanation in case of a 400 Bad request

    • Code: 201

    • Payload:

  • Error Response

    • Code: 400

    • Payload:

        "exception":"class org.bonitasoft.engine.bpm.contract.ContractViolationException",
        "message":"USERNAME=walter.bates | Contract is not valid: ",
          "Expected input [ticket_account] is missing",
          "Expected input [ticket_description] is missing",
          "Expected input [ticket_subject] is missing"

Diagram (Subscription editions only)


Use the diagram resource to access the process diagram xml representation. This is necessary for drawing the diagram.


Simple, the ID of the process for which you want download the diagram


The XML encoding of the diagram.


The methods used for this resource are:

  • GET - Retrieve the XML definition of the diagram

Retrieve a process diagram xml file

  • URL

  • Method

  • Success Response
    Raw XML file containing the diagram definition

    • Code: 200



A process parameter is a variable attached to process. The parameter value is set at deployment, and applies to all cases of the process. This feature is available in Enterprise, Performance, Efficiency, and Teamwork editions.


A compound identifier constructed from process_id/name where process_id is a long value and name is the name of the process parameter.


  "process_id":"the identifier of the process definition",
  "process_name":"the name of the related process",
  "description":"the description of the parameter",
  "name":"the name of the parameter",
  "value":"the value of the parameter",
  "process_version":"the version of the process",
  "type":"the type of the parameter"


The methods used for this resource are:

  • GET - Read a resource or search for a resource

  • PUT - Update a resource

Read a processParameter

You can read a process parameter using its compound id (process_id/name)

  • URL

  • Method

  • Request Payload

  • Success Response
    Process parameter resource

    • Code: 200

    • Payload:

        "process_id": "4880205209556178729",
        "process_name": "myProcessName",
        "description": "myProcessDescription",
        "name": "myParameterName",
        "value": "myParameterValue",
        "process_version": "1.0",
        "type": "java.lang.String"

Search for a processParameter

When you search for a processParameter, do not provide the process_version or process_name. They are needed only when you read a processParameter.

  • URL
    Example: /API/bpm/processParameter?p=0&c=10&o=name%20ASC&f=process\_id%3d4880205209556178729

  • Method

  • Data Params
    Standard search parameters are available.

  • Success Response
    A array of process parameters

    • Code: 200

    • Payload:

          "process_id": "4880205209556178729",
          "process_name": "",
          "description": "",
          "name": "d",
          "value": "n",
          "process_version": "",
          "type": "java.lang.String"

Update a processParameter (Subscription edition only)

You can update only a process parameter value using the API. If you specify values for other fields in the update request, they are ignored.

  • URL

  • Method

  • Request Payload
    A process parameter resource

  • Success Response

    • Code: 200



This resource represents a problem in a process that needs to be resolved for the process to run. It can be an actor, a connector implementation, or a parameter (in the Enterprise, Performance, Efficiency, or Teamwork edition).


  "message":"resolution problem",
  "resource_id":"id of the unresolved resource",
  "target_type":"the type of the unresolved resource (parameter, actor, or connector)"


The methods used for this resource are:

  • GET - search for process resolution problems

Search for process resolution problems

This is the only method supported by this resource. It should be used to list the problems that need to be solved before a process can be used.

  • URL
    Example: /API/bpm/processResolutionProblem?p=0&c=100&f=process\_id%3d8802838415753448432

  • Method

  • Data Params
    Standard search parameters are available.
    Filtering on the process definition ID is mandatory.

    • f=process_id=<process_definition_id>: this filter is used to indicate the target process

  • Success Response
    A list of process resolution problems in JSON or an empty response body if there is no problem for the process

    • Code: 200

    • Payload:

          "message":"Actor 'Employee actor' does not contain any members",
          "message":"Parameter 'username' is not set.",
  • Error Response

    • Code: 404 if the process does not exist



The process supervisor has management rights over a process. He can configure and monitor it. You can give the ProcessSupervisor rights to some users by specifying a role and or a group, or a specific user. In order to be able to manage the processes he supervises in the portal, a user should also have the profile "Process Manager".


A compound identifier constructed from process_id/user_id/role_id/group_id where all Ids are long values.


  "process_id":"Id of the process",
  "role_id":"Id of role, or -1 if the supervisor type is not role or membership",
  "group_id":"Id of group, or -1 if the supervisor type is not group or membership",
  "user_id":"Id of user, or -1 if the supervisor type is not user"


  • POST - Add a process supervisor

  • GET - Search for process supervisors

  • DELETE - Remove a process supervisor

Response object extension (deploy query parameter)

The d (deploy) used to extend response object can be used with :

  • role_id

  • group_id

  • user_id

Search for process supervisors of a given type (user, group, role or membership)

  • URL
    Example: Get the supervisors of type User for the process 8040901: API/bpm/processSupervisor?c=5&d=user_id&f=process_id%3D8040901857674754544&f=user_id%3D>0&f=group_id%3D-1&f=role_id%3D-1&p=0

  • Method

  • Data Params
    Standard search parameters are available.

    • f: filter of the search, you need to specify the process_id, and then the user_id, group_id and role_id with one of them (two if you want to filter on group and role) set to >0 and the other ones set to -1. E.g.: f=process_id%3D8040901857674754544&f=user_id%3D>0&f=group_id%3D-1&f=role_id%3D-1

    • d: extend resource response parameters of this resource are available.

  • Success Response
    JSON representations of matching process supervisors

    • Code: 200

    • Payload:

       "creation_date":"2017-09-07 16:44:38.321",
       "job_title":"Compensation specialist",
       "last_update_date":"2017-09-07 16:44:38.321"
       "creation_date":"2017-09-07 16:44:38.456",
       "job_title":"Account manager",
       "last_update_date":"2017-09-07 16:44:38.456"

Add a process Supervisor

You can assign a process to a user, a group, a role, or a membership (role and group). Note that in order to be able to manage the processes he supervises in the portal, a user should also have the profile "Process Manager".

  • URL

  • Method

  • Request Payload
    The process definition id and either the user, role and/or group id.

Add a process supervisor of type User
Add a process supervisor of type Group
Add a process supervisor of type Role
Add a process supervisor of type Membership
  • Success Response
    The JSON representation of a process supervisor resource

    • Code: 200

    • Payload:


Delete a process supervisor

You can delete a process supervisor by specifying its compound Id in the body of the request (process_id/user_id/role_id/group_id)

  • URL

  • Method

  • Request Payload

  • Success Response

    • Code: 200

Delete process supervisors in bulk

  • URL

  • Method

  • Request Payload
    List of process supervisors Ids to delete

  • Success Response

    • Code: 200

      == Connectors



Use the processConnectorDependency resource to access connector dependencies.


The object itself


  "connector_version":"<connector version>",
  "connector_process_id":"<process id>",
  "filename":"<filename representing the connector>",
  "connector_name":"<connector name>"


The methods used for this resource are:

  • GET - Search for connector dependencies

Search for connector dependencies

Use a GET method with filters to search for connector dependencies.

  • URL
    Example: Get connector dependencies of the email connector (version 1.0.0) of the process id 4971555: /API/bpm/processConnectorDependency?c=10&p=0&f=connector_process_id=4971555129176049183&f=connector_name=email&f=connector_version=1.0.0

  • Method

  • Data Params
    Standard search parameters are available.
    Mandatory filters: connector_process_id, connector_name, connector_version

  • Success Response

    • Code: 200

    • Payload:

        }, {



Error message and stackTrace recorded when a connector fails during a process execution. Enterprise and Performance editions only.


The ID of the connector failure (a long value).


  "errorMessage":"the message of the connector failure",
  "connectorInstanceId":"the ID of the connector instance (see connectorInstance resource documentation)",
  "errorStackTrace":"the stack trace of the error"


The methods used for this resource are:

  • GET - Read a connector failure

Read a connector failure

Retrieve the information regarding the failure of the connector execution.

  • URL

  • Method

  • Success Response
    A connectorFailure resource as JSON

    • Code: 200

    • Payload:

        "errorMessage":"Error while executing the groovy script",
        "errorStackTrace":"org.bonitasoft.engine.core.connector.exception.SConnectorException: PROCESS_DEFINITION_ID=8030057793979348308 | PROCESS_NAME=Pool1 | PROCESS_VERSION=1.0 | PROCESS_INSTANCE_ID=5 | ROOT_PROCESS_INSTANCE_ID=5 | FLOW_NODE_DEFINITION_ID=-6089366458284481881 | FLOW_NODE_INSTANCE_ID=12 | FLOW_NODE_NAME=Étape1 | CONNECTOR_DEFINITION_IMPLEMENTATION_CLASS_NAME=expression execution connector | CONNECTOR_INSTANCE_ID=5 | org.bonitasoft.engine.connector.exception.SConnectorException: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.Exception: Error while executing the groovy script\n\tat org.bonitasoft.engine.core.connector.impl.ConnectorServiceImpl.executeConnectorInClassloader("



Retrieve information about connector instances attached to a process or a flow node.


Returns a JSON array of connector details:



The methods used for this resource are:

  • GET - returns a JSON array of connector details

Retrieve a list of connector instances attached to a process or a flow node

  • URL

    • Get information about connectors attached to a flow node with instanceId 15 :/API/bpm/connectorInstance?p=0&c=10&f=containerId%3d15

    • Get information about connectors attached to a process instance with instanceId 4781948: /API/bpm/connectorInstance?p=0&c=10&f=containerId%3d4781948523999597477

  • Method

  • Data Params
    Standard search parameters are available.

    • f=containerId%3d{id}. The container ID of the process or flow node.

  • Success Response
    A list of connector details

    • Code: 200

    • Payload:
      Retrieve information about connectors attached to a flow node

          "name":"hello world",

      Retrieve information about connectors attached to a process instance

          "name":"my connector",



Retrieve information about archived connector instances attached to an archived process or an archived flow node.


  "containerType":"the type (string) of the containing activity",
  "connectorId":"the connector id (string)",
  "id":"the identifier (long) of the connector instance",
  "name":"the name (string) of the connector",
  "activationEvent":"the name (string) of the event that activsted the connector instance",
  "state":"the state (string) of the connector",
  "archivedDate": "the date (('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS')) when this connecctor instance was archived, for example '2014-10-17 16:05:42.626'",
  "containerId":"the identifier (long) of the containing activity instance",
  "version":"the connector version (string)"


The methods used for this resource are:

  • GET - returns a JSON array of archived connector details

Retrieve a list of archived connector instances

  • URL
    Example: Get information about archived instances sort by containerId DESC Request url: /API/bpm/archivedConnectorInstance?p=0&c=10&o=containerId+DESC

  • Method

  • Data Params
    Standard search parameters are available.

  • Success Response
    A list of connector details

    • Code: 200

    • Payload:

          "archivedDate":"2014-12-01 16:39:19.041",
          "archivedDate":"2014-12-01 16:39:19.097"