This documentation is about a version that is out of support, here is the latest documentation version.

How about downloading a newer, supported version?

Release notes

Bonita Portal is being transformed into Bonita Applications for User and Administrator.
This will imply some changes in the upcoming versions of Bonita. Read more further down.

videos Discover what is new in Bonita 7.11 thanks to these short videos in English, French, or Spanish!

New values added

No more migration between maintenance versions of Bonita

Starting with Bonita 7.11.0, it is not necessary to run the Bonita migration tool to upgrade between maintenance versions of Bonita Runtime (to upgrade from 7.11.0 to 7.11.1, for instance).
More details on the new procedure here

On the technical side, Bonita 7.11.0 introduces a loose couple between Bonita binaries and the Database schema it runs on. There is now a distinction between Bonita Database Schema version and Bonita Runtime version. The Bonita Database Schema version is a technical number (not accessible through APIs), that changes when the database schema changes. The Bonita Platform Version is the 3 digit version number we usually use to refer to Bonita. On startup Bonita now only checks if the database version is compatible with the binaries version, not if they are identical.

Aside of the quality of live update of not having to run a migration between maintenance versions, this update brings a few behavioral changes:

  • Platform.getVersion() method still returns the version of the Bonita runtime binaries (ie. 7.11.0).

  • Platform.getPreviousVersion() is now deprecated, and voided (will always return ""). It was not used anywhere. It will be removed in a later version.

  • A check has been added in Cluster mode as to forbid the start of nodes in different Bonita platform versions. For example, on a two-node cluster, you can’t have a node in 7.11.0 and another in 7.11.1. The feature of having nodes in different Bonita versions was never supported, though there were cases where it "worked" in previous versions.

Business Data Management in the UI Designer

Visualize and explore your Business Data Model (BDM) in your browser. In a few clicks, generate user interfaces from the BDM, using the master/details pattern.

videos Get an insight of this new value in this video in english, french, or spanish.

Business Data Model editor

BDM and access control editors have been reworked, to improve your experience and your efficiency.

Generate project documentation

For Teamwork, Efficiency, Performance and Enterprise editions only. Extract information from project sources to generate an asciidoc document. The generation templates can be customized to suit your needs.

videos Get an insight of this new value in this video in english, french, or spanish.


Development suite changes

Increase the default value of the development runtime’s maximum memory heap size to 1Gb (512Mo previously)

To avoid memory issues with large bar files deployment the default xmx value has been increased to 1Gb. If you want to revert this change, you can change it in the Studio preferences -> Server settings -> Tomcat Maximum memory allocation.

UIPath connector - Cloud support

The UIPath connector now supports the cloud solution.

Collaboration - Select the branches to clone

When cloning a project, gain time by selecting the branches you want to clone instead of cloning all the branches.

Description field on widgets

Add documentation to your pages by providing information on a widget (e.g. how to use it), thanks to the new Description field. Use this information to generate documentation.

Bonita Platform Extensibility: Connectors and Actor filters archetypes

You can now develop and test custom connectors and actor filters independently of the Bonita Studio. Bonita offers maven archetypes to help bootstrap these extension points.

videos Get an insight of this new value in this video in english, french, or spanish.

More information:

This is not limited to 7.11 and can be used from version 7.7

Bonita Purge Tool

A new open source project is available here.
It cleans archived process instances older than a specific date. Allows to (potentially) reduce the size of a production database.

This is not limited to 7.11 and can be used in previous 7.x versions.

Runtime changes



Two new metrics on BPM Messages are now accessible for monitoring purposes:

  • Potential: total number of potential couples, prior to duplicates removal. If this counter grows faster than the executed one, this indicates that we have lot of duplicates. See bonita.log for ids of duplicate couples.

  • ReTriggerMatchingTasks: number of times we detect that there are more potential matches to be processed. We retrieve the matches by batch of 100, a retrigger is performed if there are remaining potential matches. This counter increases when they are remaining messages to be processed. If this counter continues to increase, this means that we are continuously processing matches (even if no new waiting events and/or messages have been created), so events processing is delayed, i.e. new events/messages are not processed on the fly as it should in a nominal situation.


There is now a configurable time threshold on connectors. When connector execution takes longer than the threshold, a warning is logged. It allows identification of slow running services.
The parameter is :


More information here

BDM Id generation

In Bonita 7.11.0, we changed the way ID’s are generated when you deploy a Business Data Model or redeploy a new one.
Previously, the strategy to generate table ID’s of BDM objects was left to Hibernate to decide. It could be a database SEQUENCE, an auto-incremented column, …​
Now, the specific implementation is explicitly set on each ID column during the BDM class generation. It is however different from one Database vendor to another (a database SEQUENCE for Oracle and PostgreSQL, an auto-incremented column for MySQL and MS SQL Server).
Note that no change is required from you, and upgrading to Bonita 2021.1 does not affect your already generated BDM until you actually redeploy it (next time you update it).

BDM Foreign key generation

In Bonita 7.11, the automatic name generation for foreign keys changes. It does not affect new BDM deployments, or already deployed BDMs.
However, because of a bug (HHH-13779 in the underlying Hibernate library), redeploying a BDM causes those foreign keys to be generated a second time. On Oracle, it is forbidden to generate such duplicated foreign keys, so the BDM redeployment operation fails. This is fixed in 7.11.6.
On other supported Database vendors, the resulting schema in the database will have some duplicated foreign keys: foreign keys with a different name, but otherwise identical.
Note: it will never generate more than two identical foreign keys, even after several BDM redeployment. This has no effect on the behavior of either the Bonita platform, or the BDM. That said, you may wish to clean your BDM database of these duplicated foreign keys.

Bundle changes

Technical updates

Upgrade Tomcat from 8.5.47 to 8.5.53 (tomcat-dbcp from 9.0.16 to 9.0.31)

Oracle driver

The Oracle jdbc driver does not need to be downloaded separately anymore and is now packaged in the Bonita bundle, exactly like the Postgres, Mysql & SQLServer jdbc drivers.

Tomcat Manager removal

  • the Tomcat Manager webapp is no more provided

  • the bundle is not intended to be used to deploy extra webapps

  • alternatives exist to deploy extra webapps if still needed

Tomcat root url redirected to Bonita

Simplify access to bonita by redirecting tomcat root to the bonita webapps. For instance http://localhost:8080 redirected to http://localhost:8080/bonita

Single Bonita log file

All logs are now generated by default in a single bonita.<date>.log file.

This fixes the following issues that occurred in previous Bonita versions

  • empty log files as their related webapps are not packaged within the Bonita Bundle

  • some logs related to Bonita activities (in particular, jdbc drivers logs) are generated in catalina.log. This was fixed from version to version, but most of the time, this was done only after receiving external feedback on bug investigations (information were lost or hidden in catalina log file).

  • complex logging configuration to handle which logs are generated to which log file

  • hard to follow localhost logs and Bonita logs

Bonita monitoring-specific logs are still logged in a separate file (bonita-monitoring.<date>.log)

Thread name in Bonita logs

As of Bonita 7.11, the thread name information is added in bonita.log (by default, right after the logger name). This helps tracking the processing when parallel requests are in progress specially since there is a single log file from Bonita 7.11.

2020-03-02 17:32:51.529 +0100 INFO (localhost-startStop-1) org.bonitasoft.engine.EngineInitializer Initialization of Bonita Engine done! ( took 8982ms)
2020-03-02 17:33:12.515 +0100 INFO (http-nio-8080-exec-4) org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[Catalina].[localhost].[/bonita] RestletServlet: [Restlet] ServerServlet: component class is null
2020-03-02 17:33:12.792 +0100 INFO (http-nio-8080-exec-1) org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[Catalina].[localhost].[/bonita] RestletServlet: [Restlet] Attaching application: to URI: /bonita/API
2020-03-02 17:33:12.806 +0100 INFO (http-nio-8080-exec-1) org.restlet.Component.BonitaRestletApplication Starting application
2020-03-02 17:33:32.938 +0100 INFO (http-nio-8080-exec-7) org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[Catalina].[localhost].[/bonita] CustomPageRestletServlet: [Restlet] ServerServlet: component class is null

API Removal

Rest API extension

The classes located in the org.bonitasoft.console.common.server have been removed. They have been deprecated since December 2015 as of Bonita 7.2.0


  • for PageController

    • by

    • by

    • by

  • for `RestApiController `

    • by

    • by

    • by

    •,, are no more used and are replaced by

Examples of replacements are available in the bonita source code

Technical updates

Internal libraries upgrades

  • spring has been upgraded to 5.2.2

  • spring-boot has been upgraded to 2.2.2

  • The project switched from hibernate 4 to hibernate 5

  • ehcache has been upgraded to 2.10.6

  • hibernate-jpa has been upgraded to 1.0.2

  • hazelcast has been upgraded to 3.12.5

Support Matrix

Bonita now supports only Oracle 19c (as opposed to both 19c & 12c in 7.10).
Bonita now supports SQLServer 2017.

Feature deprecations and removals


Bonita Portal transformation

Bonita Portal is being transformed into Bonita Applications. When Bonita Applications are ready, Bonita Portal will be removed. Developers and users will need to learn how to stop using the Portal and start using Bonita Applications instead. This change will allow Bonita and its users to get free from Google Web Toolkit (GWT) technology and offer opportunities for customization.

Indeed, some Portal pages (built with GWT) are being totally recreated with our own UI Designer. They will be customizable. Other pages (those that were already using another technology than GWT) are being wrapped and will not be customizable.

Moreover, as any Living Application, Bonita applications will be extensible to add any page the users need. More details in the upcoming versions of Bonita.

Until then, we strongly advise not to create Custom Portal Profiles anymore but applications instead if possible. When Bonita Portal does not exist anymore, the existing Portal Custom Profiles will need to be migrated into Living applications.

IE11 support

Internet Explorer 11 will soon not be supported anymore through the Bonita Platform. The Development Suite already embeds features that are not compatible with IE11 (like the widget switch in the UI Designer). Bonita Portal is still compatible with IE11 but will soon not be anymore.


Complex data-types generation have been removed

This feature was used to generate Java POJOs and XSD in Subscription editions. It is recommended to add your own Java model as jar file in the project classpath or create your data model using Groovy objects.

Bug fixes

Fixes in Bonita 7.11.7 (2022-03-15)

Fixes in Bonita Runtime (including Portal)

  • RUNTIME-885 - [Security] Issue with authorization mechanism

  • RUNTIME-933 - [Security] Update several dependencies

Fixes in Bonita 7.11.6 (2021-05-25)

Fixes in Bonita Runtime (including Portal)

  • RUNTIME-154 REGRESSION: BDM deployment fails with unclear error after migration to 7.11 + on Oracle. On other db vendors, some table constraints (foreign keys…​) are duplicated

  • RUNTIME-137 REGRESSION: BDM deployment errors are not raising the actual Hibernate exception root cause

  • RUNTIME-60 Portal - User Profile - Processes: the list is blank on IE11

  • RUNTIME-59 openjdk version Error messages generated when using

Fixes in Bonita Development Suite (Studio and UI Designer)

  • STUDIO-3953: LA Builder is slow

  • STUDIO-3819: documentation feature is missing task contract inputs

Fixes in Bonita 7.11.5 (2021-02-01)

Fixes in Bonita Runtime (including Portal)

  • RUNTIME-50 LDAP Synch: LDAP group objectclass check should be case insensitive

  • RUNTIME-60 Portal - User Profile - Processes: the list is blank on IE11

  • RUNTIME-69 LDAP Synch: NullPointerException during manager synchronisation makes synchronization fail and exit

Fixes in Bonita 7.11.4 (2020-11-26)

Fixes in Bonita Runtime (including Portal)

  • BS-19550 Cannot install 7.8.4 containing "index" named attributes in version 7.11.x will cause to redesign entire BDM and processes

  • BS-19520 Reserved keyword "index" is not forbidden in the Studio and result in BDM update failure in MySQL

  • BS-19454 Export Organization vs Pagination: Missing ORDER BY may cause issues

  • BR-565 Too many logs when locale is not supported and unnecessary INFO log level

Fixes in Bonita Development Suite (Studio and UI Designer)

  • STUDIO-3712 [MacOS Big Sur] Search fields on table using StyledString doesn’t redraw elements correctly when search is applied

  • STUDIO-3710 [MacOS Big Sur] Connector definitions table isn’t refreshed properly when switching category

  • STUDIO-3707 [MacOS Big Sur] Organisation user tab folders are note usable

  • STUDIO-3706 REST Connector fails to parse response not encoded with the default jvm charset

  • STUDIO-3705 [MacOS Big Sur] Selected line is invisible

  • STUDIO-3699 Open welcome page "breaks" the view when properties view are active

  • STUDIO-3696 Organization import fails with java.lang.NullPointerException

  • UID-366 DatePicker and DateTimePicker should disable autocomplete

  • UID-347 fileUpload widget: successful upload doesn’t reset 'Error on upload holder'

  • UID-346 Some sentence in Upload widget isn’t translate

  • UID-342 Cache busting doesn’t work on .js files in fragment

  • UID-335 Deleting middle item in collection causes loss of selected data in following items when a select widget is used

  • UID-332 In help popup, some sentence is not translated

  • REST Connector error management: The connector does not throw exception anymore when the status code of the request is not successful (20x). A warning is logged instead and the error management can be handled process side using the status_code connector output.

Fixes in Bonita 7.11.3 (2020-11-05)

Fixes in Bonita Runtime (including Portal)

  • BS-19532 Connector disconnect is not called if an exception is thrown during the connector output operations

  • BS-19513 Admin process more details page retrieves too many forms

  • BS-19502 LDAP Synch: connection to the Bonita engine using the environment variables does not work

  • BR-478 Error 404 on http://localhost:8080/ , Tomcat admin default page missing

  • BR-477 Fix Process stucked due to Errors on event subprocesses

  • BR-553 FIX Hibernate sequence after migration

  • BR-549 SOAP connector stays in executing state even though it’s failing

  • BR-425 Fix LDAP Sync Message on force_add_non_exisiting

  • BPO-660 Error 500 after redirection to the login page with locale es_419

  • BPO-650 Invalid Content-Type check in LoginServlet

  • BPO-543 Warning : Cannot find the resource file custompage_processlistBonita/resources/locales/en_US.json

Fixes in Bonita Development Suite (Studio and UI Designer)

  • STUDIO-3684 Groovy semantic highlight throws false positive in script editor

  • STUDIO-3659 CMIS connector are not visible in connector wizard

  • STUDIO-3655 Inclusive Gateway validation throw false positive

  • STUDIO-3642 Generating a bar with no configuration

  • STUDIO-3613 Leak on Datasource connector

  • STUDIO-3609 ClassCastException is thrown in the add data wizard

  • UID-341 BOS_Locale is duplicated from Preview

  • UID-317 Menu Autocomplete Hidden behind modal

Fixes in Bonita 7.11.2 (2020-10-01)

Fixes in Bonita Runtime (including Portal)

  • BPO-619 standardAuthenticationAllowedProperty returns wrong value and breaks the checkIfSSOAuthenticationCanBeBypassed for Kerberos

  • BR-478 Error 404 on http://localhost:8080/ , Tomcat admin default page missing

  • BS-19520 Reserved keyword "index" is not forbidden in the Studio and result in BDM update failure in MySQL

  • BS-19528 Process stuck when Error End Event fails because Error Start Event Sub-process no longer exists

  • BS-19529 REST API vs BDM custom query with ORDER BY vs BDM access control: JSON list of BDM objects is not sorted in the HTTP response

Fixes in Bonita 7.11.1 (2020-08-06)

Fixes in Bonita Development Suite (Studio and UI Designer)

  • UID-232 UI Designer lets me save invalid JSON variable definition that leads to runtime error

  • UID-236 'Ctrl + s' doesn’t work after editing the asset 'style.css'

  • UID-239 In preview, space is missing between label and 'required' asterisk on input widget

  • UID-274 UID favorites reset to false when Studio restart

  • UID-282 Bonita Data Repository (BDR) error if BDM object has unique constraint with a relation

  • UID-283 Unexpected file in fragment directory prevent the UID to start

  • UID-293 Issue migrating pages with BusinessData variable from 7.10 to 7.11

Fixes in Bonita Runtime (including Portal)

  • BS-18869 The underlying database request for displaying the User Archived cases page in the Bonita Portal is very slow

  • BS-19482 Actor filter never calls validateInputParameters()

  • BS-19484 NPE when first BDM object in a multiple relation list is null

  • BS-19489 StarterThread fails and stops if a flownode instance is not found

  • BR-430 Add a configuration property to track down slow queries

  • BR-429 Search queries now use hibernate prepared statements, which improves performance

  • BR-440 Hibernate query plan cache is now configurable

  • BR-443 Improve Starter thread robustness

  • BR-451 Some errors submitting work on transaction may corrupt the java thread forever (should fix the "lost work" phenomenon)

  • BPO-539 /API/bpm/message does not allow the messageContent value to be null or an empty string

  • BPO-379 Tenant information lost when user logs out

  • BPO-581 Process enable button: no text "ENABLE"

  • BPO-506 Cache busting doesn’t work on json variables inside page used in custom profile

Fixes in Connectors

  • LDAP Connector: #4 Add support for paged LDAP queries - Contibution by Andrew Brock

Fixes in Bonita 7.11.0 (2020-06-25)

Fixes in Bonita Development Suite (Studio and UI Designer)

  • STUDIO-3471 Error when switching from a Business Object to an other in the constraints view

  • STUDIO-3464 Generate documentation leads to error if a used connector / actor filter doesn’t have a display name

  • STUDIO-3462 Share with git wizard is ugly / unusable

  • STUDIO-3458 Messages mapping validation

  • STUDIO-3340 DOC: REST API extension page still says that debug mode is enabled by default

  • STUDIO-3294 Web service connector throw null pointer exception with one way web service

  • STUDIO-3295 When extracting a sub process from a task using a bdm object, init script is falsy

  • STUDIO-3327 Reset/clean bdm has no effect

  • STUDIO-3365 Password is displayed in clear where deploying a process fail

  • UID-280 Document edition script generation has a typo

Fixes in Bonita Runtime (including Portal)

  • BS-18877 Listing process comments on a case (directly or in assign task view) generates a 20 seconds request

  • BS-14777 Missing information in javadoc of FlowNodeInstance.getState API call

  • BS-18907 Diagram is slow to display and generate many request + one slow request

  • BS-19406 When database server restarts, works could be lost

  • BS-16868 When network communication issues with database server, works could be lost

  • BS-19431 Add debug log’s messages to investigate lost work issues

  • BS-17052 Low performance of processAPI.getUserIdsForActor API call

Fixes in Bonita LDAP Synchronizer

  • BS-19435 LDAP Sync force_add_non_existing_users not working as expected