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Identity API

The Identity Rest API allows to manage the Bonita’s organization.

Professional and Personal contact data


Additional information about a user (personal and professional). Both resources have the same attributes.


The user ID (a long value).


  "id":"user ID",
  "fax_number":"fax number",
  "phone_number":"phone number",
  "mobile_number":"mobile phone number",


The methods used for this resource are:

  • POST - Create a user’s contact information

  • GET - Read a user’s contact information

  • PUT - Update a user’s contact information

Create contact information

  • URL

  • Method

  • Request Payload
    A partial representation of a user’s contact information in JSON including the user ID (mandatory)

      "country":"United States",
      "address":"Renwick Drive",
  • Success Response
    The full JSON representation of the user’s contact information that was created

    • Code: 200

    • Payload:

        "country":"United States",
        "address":"Renwick Drive",
  • Error Response

    • Code: 403 if contact information for this user already exists

Read a user’s contact information

  • URL

  • Method

  • Success Response
    A user’s contact information in JSON

    • Code: 200

    • Payload:

        "country":"United States",
        "address":"Renwick Drive",
  • Error Response

    • Code: 404 if no user with this ID is found

Update a user’s contact information

  • URL

  • Method

  • Request Payload
    A partial representation of a user’s contact information in JSON with at least the mandatory "name" attribute

      "country":"United States",
      "address":"Renwick Drive",
  • Error Response

    • Code: 404 if no user with this ID is found



The group a user belongs to. Groups have a hierarchy (subgroups can be created inside a group).


The ID of the group (a long value).


  "id":"group ID",
  "name":"display name",
  "parent_path":"the path of the parent group of this group (empty if the group has no parent)",
  "path":"the full path of the group (including its parent path)",
  "creation_date":"creation date (format: "2014-12-31 15:17:24.736")",
  "created_by_user_id":"id of the user who created the group (-1 if the group was created by the tenant admin or by an organisation import)",
  "last_update_date":"last update date (format: "2014-12-31 15:17:24.736")",
  "icon":"icon path"


The methods used for this resource are:

  • POST - Create a group

  • GET - Read a group or search for a group

  • PUT - Update a group

  • DELETE - Remove a group

Create a group

  • URL

  • Method

  • Data Params

  • Request Payload
    A partial representation of a group in JSON with at least the mandatory "name" attribute

      "displayName":"Human Resources",
      "description":"Human resources department"
  • Success Response
    The full JSON representation of the group that was created

    • Code: 200

    • Payload:

        "creation_date":"2014-12-02 16:19:28.925",
        ,"description":"Human resources department",
        "displayName":"Human Resources",
        "last_update_date":"2014-12-02 16:19:28.925"
  • Error Response

    • Code: 403 if a group with the same name and parent already exists

Read a group

  • URL

  • Method

  • Success Response
    A group in JSON

    • Code: 200

    • Payload:

        "creation_date":"2014-12-02 16:19:28.925",
        "description":"Human resources department",
        "displayName":"Human Resources",
        "last_update_date":"2014-12-02 16:19:28.925"
  • Error Response

    • Code: 404 if no group with this ID is found

Search for a group

  • URL
    Example: /API/identity/group?p=0&c=100&f=parent_path%3d/acme&d=parent_group_id&o=name%20ASC

  • Method

  • Data Params
    Standard search parameters are available to search form mappings.
    It is possible to filter on the following attributes:

    • name=<group_name>

    • displayName=<group_displayName>

    • parent\_path=<path_of_parent_group>

      It is possible to order by the value of the following attributes:

    • o=id ASC ou o=id DESC)

    • o=name ASC ou o=name DESC

    • o=displayName ASC ou o=displayName DESC

    It is also possible to retrieve the parent group ID.

    • d=<parent_group_id>

  • Success Response
    A list of groups in JSON

    • Code: 200

    • Payload:

          "creation_date":"2014-12-02 11:33:48.501",
          "description":"This group represents the finance department of the ACME organization",
          "last_update_date":"2014-12-02 11:33:48.501"
        }, {
          "creation_date":"2014-12-02 16:19:28.925",
          "description":"Human resources department",
          "displayName":"Human Resources",
          "last_update_date":"2014-12-02 16:19:28.925"

Update a group

  • URL

  • Method

  • Request Payload
    A partial representation of a group in JSON with at least the mandatory "name" attribute

      "displayName":"Humman resources"
  • Success Response
    The full JSON representation of the group that was updated

    • Code: 200

    • Payload:

        "creation_date":"2014-12-02 16:19:28.925",
        "description":"Human resources department",
        "displayName":"Human resources",
        "last_update_date":"2014-12-03 17:18:27.542"
  • Error Response

    • Code: 403 if another group with the same name and parent already exists
      404 if no group with this ID is found

Delete a group

  • URL

  • Method

  • Success Response

    • Code: 200

  • Error Response

    • Code: 404 if no group with this ID is found



Manage membership of users. There is a membership when a user belongs to a group and a role. Use this resource to add, search, and delete memberships.


A compound identifier constructed from user_id/group_id/role_id where each id is a long value.


  "assigned_date":"creation date (format: "2014-12-31 15:17:24.736")",
  "role_id":"id of the role of this membership",
  "assigned_by_user_id":"id of the user who created the membership (-1 if the role was created by the tenant admin or by an organisation import)",
  "group_id":"id of the group of this membership",
  "user_id":"id of the user in this membership"


The methods used for this resource are:

  • POST - Create a membership

  • GET - Search for memberships of a user

  • DELETE - Remove a membership

  • DELETE - Remove a membership

Create a membership

This action creates (assigns) a membership to a user.

  • URL

  • Method

  • Request Payload
    A partial representation of a membership object with the mandatory "user_id", "group_id" and "role_id" attributes

  • Success Response
    The full JSON representation of the membership that was created

    • Code: 200

    • Payload:

        "assigned_date":"2014-12-02 17:57:09.315",
  • Error Response

    • Code: 403 if a membership already exists

Search memberships of a user

This action search memberships of a user.

  • URL

  • Method

  • Data Params
    Standard search parameters are available.

    • filter is mandatory: user_id=<id of the user>

      It is possible to use the deploy option to retrieve the value of elements specified by an attribute value. For example, if you specify d=group_id, the result will contain the group details in place of the group id.

    • group d=group_id

    • role d=role_id

    • user d=user_id

    • user that created the membership d=assigned_by_user_id

      It is possible to order by the value of the following attributes:




    Example: Get the memberships for the user with id 125, and return the role details associated with each membership: /API/identity/membership?p=0&c=10&f=user\_id%3d125&d=role\_id

  • Success Response

    • Code: 200

    • Payload:

          "assigned_date":"2014-12-02 17:57:09.315",
          "role_id": {
            "creation_date":"2014-12-01 18:51:54.791",
            "description":"manager of the department",
            "displayName":"department manager",
            "last_update_date":"2014-12-01 18:51:54.791"

Delete a membership

Delete a membership of a user using the group id and role id.

  • URL

  • Method

  • Success Response

    • Code: 200



The role of a user in a group


The ID of the role (a long value).


  "id":"role ID",
  "name":"display name",
  "creation_date":"creation date (format: "2014-12-31 15:17:24.736")",
  "created_by_user_id":"Id of the user who created the role (-1 if the role was created by the tenant admin or by an organisation import)",
  "last_update_date":"last update date (format: "2014-12-31 15:17:24.736")",
  "icon":"icon path"


The methods used for this resource are:

  • POST - Create a role

  • GET - Read a role or search for a role

  • PUT - Update a role

  • DELETE - Remove a role

Create a role

  • URL

  • Method

  • Request Payload
    A partial representation of a role in JSON with at least the mandatory "name" attribute

      "displayName":"department manager",
      "description":"manager of the department"
  • Success Response
    The full JSON representation of the role that was created

    • Code: 200

    • Payload:

        "creation_date":"2014-12-01 18:51:54.791",
        "description":"manager of the department",
        "displayName":"department manager",
        "last_update_date":"2014-12-01 18:51:54.791"
  • Error Response

    • Code: 403 if a role with the same name already exists

Read a role

  • URL

  • Method

  • Success Response
    A role in JSON

    • Code: 200

    • Payload:

        "creation_date":"2014-12-01 15:17:24.736",
        "last_update_date":"2014-12-01 15:17:24.736"
  • Error Response

    • Code: 404 if no role with this ID is found

Search for a role

  • URL
    Example: /API/identity/role?p=0&c=100&o=displayName ASC

  • Method

  • Data Params
    It is possible to filter on the following attributes

    • name=<role_name>

    • displayName=<role_displayName>

    It is possible to order by the value of the following attributes

    • id: o=id ASC or o=id DESC

    • name: o=name ASC or o=name DESC

    • displayName: o=displayName ASC or o=displayName DESC

  • Success Response
    A list of roles in JSON

    • Code: 200

    • Payload:

          "creation_date":"2014-12-01 18:51:54.791",
          "description":"manager of the department",
          "displayName":"department manager",
          "last_update_date":"2014-12-01 18:51:54.791"
          "creation_date":"2014-12-01 15:17:24.736",
          "last_update_date":"2014-12-01 15:17:24.736"

Update a role

  • URL

  • Method

  • Request Payload
    A partial representation of a role in JSON with at least the mandatory "name" attribute

      "displayName":"Department manager"
  • Success Response
    The full JSON representation of the role that was updated

    • Code: 200

    • Payload:

        "creation_date":"2014-12-01 18:51:54.791",
        "description":"manager of the department",
        "displayName":"Department manager",
        "last_update_date":"2014-12-01 18:59:59.361"
  • Error Response

    • Code: 403 : if a role with the same name already exists
      404 : if no role with this ID is found

Delete a role

  • URL

  • Method

  • Success Response

    • Code: 200

  • Error Response

    • Code: 404 if no role with this ID is found



Used to manage information about users.


Returns a JSON representation of user details. The "manager_id" and "professional_data" are omitted unless they are requested in the payload.

  "enabled":"true | false",
  "professional_data": {
    "enabled":"true | false",


The methods used for this resource are:

  • POST - Create a user

  • GET - Read a user details or search for a group of users

  • PUT - Update a user

  • DELETE - Remove a user

Create a user

  • URL

  • Method

  • Request Payload
    A partial representation of a user in JSON

      "job_title":"Human resources benefits",
  • Success Response
    The full JSON representation of the user that was created
    After creation, the user is in inactive state.

    • Code: 200

    • Payload:

        "creation_date":"2014-12-09 17:43:28.291",
        "job_title":"Human resources benefits",
        "last_update_date":"2014-12-09 17:43:28.291"

Read a user details

  • URL
    Example: Get details of a specified user including professional and manager information : /API/identity/user/21?d=professional\_data&d=manager\_id

  • Method

  • Data Params
    Standard search parameters are available.

    • d=professional_data - include professionnal data in response

    • d=manager_id - include details of user’s manager in response

  • Success Response
    The full JSON representation of the user

    • Code: 200

    • Payload:

        "creation_date":"2014-12-01 10:39:55.177",
          "country":"United States",
          "address":"Renwick Drive",
          "creation_date":"2014-12-01 10:39:55.136",
          "job_title":"Vice President of Sales",
          "last_update_date":"2014-12-01 10:39:55.136"
        "job_title":"Account manager",
        "last_update_date":"2014-12-01 10:39:55.177"

Search for a group of users

  • URL
    Example: Search for users with names that contain "will", filter to keep only enabled users, and order the result by last name.: /API/identity/user?p=0&c=10&o=lastname%20ASC&s=will&f=enabled%3dtrue

  • Method

  • Data Params
    Standard search parameters are available.

    • `d=professional_data - include professionnal data in response

    • `d=manager_id - include details of user’s manager in response

  • Success Response
    A JSON array of users

    • Code: 200

    • Payload:

          "last_connection":"2014-12-09 14:52:06.092",
          "creation_date":"2014-12-08 17:16:40.984",
          "job_title":"Chief Executive Officer",
          "last_update_date":"2014-12-08 17:16:40.984"
          "creation_date":"2014-12-08 17:16:41.030",
          "job_title":"Chief Financial Officer",
          "last_update_date":"2014-12-08 17:16:41.030"

Update a user

  • URL

  • Method

  • Request Payload
    A JSON representation of the user, with the new information.
    Example: Update user details including professional and manager information: /API/identity/user/4

      "job_title":"Human resources benefits",

    Deactivate the user identified by id 9 : /API/identity/user/9

  • Success Response

    • Code: 200

Remove a user

Use this method with caution: some artifacts like applications, cases or users may present display problems in the Bonita Portal if the referenced user was deleted.
Note that you can disable a user instead of deleting it. To do so, use the UPDATE method and set the attribute 'enabled' to false

  • URL

  • Method

  • Success Response

    • Code: 200