Service Availability
Overall availability definition
The Service is designed to be available to the customer 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, except during system maintenance windows, unplanned downtime and as otherwise detailed in this chapter.
Bonitasoft will use commercially reasonable efforts to ensure an overall availability in each billing month for its production AppRuntime. |
The overall service availability value is defined by the following:
Uptime is the number of minutes the AppRuntime is available.
Downtime is the number of minutes in each month the AppRuntime is not available (see service availability exclusions).
Total available time is the number of minutes available in a given billing month (31 days: 44 640 minutes, 30 days: 43200 minutes, 29 days: 41760 minutes and 28 days: 40320 minutes).
Service availability exclusions
The service availability does not include downtime periods due to the following:
Scheduled or unscheduled maintenance is done by Bonitasoft or the customer
Failures resulting from actions, scripts, data, applications, connectors, tests directed, provided or performed by the customer or any third party on behalf of the customer
Suspension due to overdue payments
Termination of the agreement
Factors outside Bonitasoft reasonable control (Force majeure events):
Strikes or labor disputes
Changes resulting from government political
Regulatory actions or court orders
Natural disaster
Acts of war or disobedience
Acts against Bonitasoft
Denial-of-service attacks
Scheduled maintenance
Scheduled maintenance events are planned, periodic updates (software e.g. Bonita updates or infrastructure), fixes or changes made by the BonitaCloud operations.
The goal is to guarantee that you will benefit from the latest capabilities, fixes, and security.
Most of these maintenance tasks are performed without any interruption of the service, however, some maintenance tasks may require service unavailability for a limited period.
Bonitasoft will notify the customer at least three business day before the maintenance if downtime is required.
The notification will be done by email to a listing defined in accordance with the customer and will include the downtime duration.
Unscheduled maintenance
Unscheduled maintenance events are any unplanned actions done by Bonitasoft or its third-party datacenters such as ad-hoc updates, fixes or changes to resolve critical issues. They may or not cause downtime.
Bonitasoft will use commercially reasonable efforts to notify the customer at least one business day before the maintenance if downtime is required.
The notification will be done by email to a listing defined in accordance with the customer and will include the estimated downtime duration.