Disaster recovery

A disaster is any unplanned event that causes the total interruption of the production AppRuntime.

In order to protect your business from such event, Bonita Cloud has put in place a Disaster Recovery Plan.

The goal of our disaster recovery plan is to guarantee the continuity of the customer business.

In case of disaster, Bonitasoft targets for its production AppRuntime with High Availability SLA:

  • To recover the service within 60 minutes (Recovery Time Objective: 60 minutes)

    Recovery Time Objective or RTO is a metric that helps to calculate how quickly Bonitasoft targets to recover its IT infrastructure and services following a disaster in order to maintain the customer’s business continuity.
  • To limit the data loss to 10 minute (Recovery Point Objective: 10 minute)

    Recovery Point Objective or RPO is a metric to define the maximum tolerable amount of data that can be lost following a disaster.

Bonita Cloud Disaster Recovery

rto rpo