Bonita Cloud

From our business intelligence service to your mission-critical Living Apps, Bonita Cloud makes it easy to deploy, operate, and scale in the cloud.

Bonita Cloud Offer

Bonita Cloud initial offer includes:

  • In our cloud:

    • You choose your own hosting package (Small, Medium & Large)

    • You choose which environement you want to deploy (Production or Non production)

    • Each subscription comes with additional Cloud components

      • Bonita Central to Troubleshoot your platform

      • Bonita Conitnuous Integration to Build, Test & Deploy your living applications

  • SLA: Initial & High Availability

  • Support: Gold elite, Gold elite plus or platinium

  • Limited cases depending on the package subscribed

High Level View


Service Regions

Bonita Cloud is currently available in Europe and North America:

North America Europe

United States



The infrastructure country does not imply that Bonitasoft technical support will be located in the same country.

The legal jurisdiction of the infrastructure’s country is applied. It is the customer’s responsibility to make sure they meet the legal requirements of the country.