This documentation is for a version that is out of support.

You may want to view the same page for the latest version, or for any of the versions available in the drop-down menu in the top-right corner.

Bonita Super Administrator Application overview

This pages describes Bonita _Super Administrator Application_: its values, how to access it, and how to customize it.


This application is only available to the user with the Technical User credentials.
It is the tool needed to:

  • Bootstrap a Bonita Runtime in Non-Production and Production environments, for example, creating the administrators

  • Pause BPM Services to perform maintenance operations, among which the update of the Business Data Model (and the related database migration)

  • Apply temporary fixes to some projects elements (resources, applications, organization entities) to recover from errors

Most updates at runtime should be performed through a change in the project sources, to create a new project version.
This new version can then be deployed through Bonita Continuous Delivery.
This methodology guarantees the consistency between the project sources and the deployed version, making all subsequent changes much simpler and error-proof.

What the Super Administrator Application allows are emergency changes to recover from an urgent issue.
All changes performed through this application must be backported to the project sources to be versioned.

Access during Development and Testing phases

To access the application:

  1. Open Bonita Studio

  2. Click on the Applications icon of the coolbar.

The default application is the Application Directory. You will be logged in as the default user of the deployed organization.
This default user can be changed by opening the organization editor.
By default, in our provided ACME organization, the default user is Walter Bates, logged as "walter.bates", with password "bpm".

  1. Log out

  2. Log back in with the Technical User credentials. In Bonita Studio, use the username: install and password install.

  3. In the Application Directory, select Bonita Super Administrator Application

You are now logged in Bonita Super Administrator Application.

To access its content:

  1. From Bonita Super Administrator Application menu, click on "Applications"

  2. On the "Bonita Super Administrator Application" row, click on the "…​" View application details icon


This application is core to Bonita Platform. It is embedded in the Runtime and cannot be downloaded from Bonita Studio nor be part of your automation project.
This is the reason why you will not see it in Bonita Studio’s Project Explorer.
It is also the reason why the list of pages is fixed, and no navigation can be created.

However, it is customizable in quite a few ways, as explained below.

Customization on Non-Production and Production environments

On the application details page, you will be able to edit:

  • the logo

  • the layout

  • the theme

To update the logo:

  1. Create the new one. Supported formats/extensions are: png, jpg, jpeg, gif, bmp, wbmp, tga. Maximum size: 100 KB

  2. Click on the "Upload new picture" button below the current logo

  3. Select the new logo The new logo is applied.

To update the layout and/or theme:

  1. Create a new layout and/or theme

  2. Go the Resources tab

  3. Install it

  4. Go back to the application details

  5. Click on the current layout or theme

  6. Select the new one from the drop down list

Once the Super Administrator Application has been customized, its customized aspects are not supported.
But you can reach one of our Professional Services team member to help you develop or maintain it. To do so, go to the Customer Service Center.