Portal removal in 2021.2
With the 2021.2 release, the Bonita Portal has been replaced by Bonita Applications.
The removal of this part of the product implied removal, deprecation or conversion to a new technology of a list of related things.
Some that can be mentioned are:
Custom profiles are converted into Living Applications, using Bonita Layout and Bonita Theme
Process Manager profile, which has been removed and will be re-done in a future release
Removal of Analytics page, which will be remade in a newer technology
The Living Application Layout, which has been replaced by the Bonita Layout
The Look & Feel files, which were used to define how the Portal will be displayed, are removed from the database. The default Look & Feel is re-packaged directly in the
folder in the Bundle -
The Mobile User Portal has been removed. The users will now be redirected to the Bonita User Application
The changes done for these features implied a removal of some pages that referenced them. The list of links to previous versions of the pages that have been removed is :