LDAP synchronizer

Learn how to configure the LDAP Synchronizer. This tool updates Bonita Users and Groups database from the LDAP directory.

For Teamwork, Efficiency, Performance and Enterprise editions only.

The LDAP synchronization service keeps the Bonita organization information synchronized with an external LDAP directory, by creating, updating, or removing users and groups in the organization to match as closely as possible the user list attributes defined in LDAP. It does not modify the LDAP directory.

The LDAP Synchronizer connects to both the LDAP server and Bonita Engine to read the data from the LDAP server and modify the organization in the Bonita Engine database using the API. Both the Engine and the LDAP server must be running when the LDAP Synchronizer tool is run.

The synchronizer program runs in the background. There is no user interface: all configuration settings are specified in files and all output is written to a log file.

LDAP objects supported

The synchronizer will synchronize LDAP objects that inherit from the "person" class as users in Bonita. The synchronizer application does not support user meta data and cannot synchronize passwords. A new user password is initialized with the user name.

The tool supports LDAP groups of the following classes (all of the verifications are case-insensitive) :

  • group

  • groupOfURLs

  • groupOfNames

  • groupOfUniqueNames

  • ds-virtual-static-group

What does the LDAP synchronizer do

Below are all the actions completed by the LDAP synchronizer tool:

  1. Reads all Users in the source LDAP directory

  2. Creates all Users in the bonita engine db

  3. Reads all Groups in the source LDAP directory

  4. Creates all Groups in the Bonita Engine db

  5. Retrieves all Users that are belonging to the groups in the source LDAP directory

  6. Retrieves all Users that are belonging to the groups in the Bonita Engine db

  7. For all Users belonging to the groups in the Bonita Engine db and not in the groups in the source LDAP directory, do Delete membership (user, role-in-ldap-tool-config, group)

  8. Creates all memberships for all users and groups with a configured role (user, role-in-ldap-tool-config, group)

To run the LDAP synchronizer, execute the script BonitaSubscription-x.y.z-LDAP-Synchronizer.bat (for Windows) or BonitaSubscription-x.y.z-LDAP-Synchronizer.sh (for Linux), where x.y.z is the version of Bonita you are running.

Do not modify the Organization from Applications while the tool is running, as this will cause a synchronization error.
Some use cases require additional configuration server side (for example to use directly the engine API). They are described here.

Using the LDAP synchronizer Docker image

How to install and use the LDAP Synchronizer docker distribution.

This guide assumes you have a working docker environment.


Environment Variables

All general connection settings( bonita.properties, ldap.properties and log.properties) are configurable with environment properties.

Specific configuration available on mapper.properties and sync.properties could configurable with a copy of files in directory link by volume /opt/conf/user-config.

Those files could be copied directly from ldap-syncrhonizer docker image with command to directory link to volume /opt/conf/user-config with :

docker cp $(docker create --rm bonitasoft.jfrog.io/docker/bonita-ldap-synchronizer:*version*):/conf/default/conFileName.properties directory_link_to_volume

e.g : Overwrite the sync.properties file * create directory link to the volume

mkdir user-config
  • copy the file from the base image using the command :

docker cp $(docker create --rm bonitasoft.jfrog.io/docker/bonita-ldap-synchronizer:*version*):/conf/default/sync.properties ./user-config/
  • edit the file

  • start the docker image with the volume docker run […​] -v $(pwd)/user-config:/opt/conf/user-config [..]

here more details about configuration files.

WARN: bonita.properties, ldap.properties and log.properties files located on volume will overwrite all configuration specified with environment variables.

Bonita connection settings
Name Default Description



Url to connect to the server



Application name



Username of the Bonita account used for synchronization.



Password of the Bonita account used for synchronization.


This is the tenant id to synchronize, if set, platform credentials are not used.



This is the username of the platform adminstrator. It is used to retrieve the default tenant id if BONITA_TENANT_ID is not provided.



This is the password of the platform adminstrator. It is used to retrieve the default tenant id if BONITA_TENANT_ID is not provided.

Ldap connection settings
Name Default Description



Host name and port of the LDAP server.



LDAP authentication type (supported values: none, simple or strong)


cn=Directory Manager

distinguished name (DN) of the user account used for browsing through the LDAP users



password of the LDAP browser account



force the connection between ldap client and server to use ssl



type of the user object (user'' for an Active Directory, person'' for an LDAP)



Not supported by all LDAP servers : Paged search to true to activate page pagination



Number page result by search query

Name Default Description



date format used for prefixing the log file name ( see SimpleDateFormat



level of reporting of the logger (relevant values are INFO for production use, FINE for debug use)


docker run -v CONF-DIR-PATH:/opt/conf/user-config bonitasoft.jfrog.io/docker/bonita-ldap-synchronizer
  • CONF-DIR-PATH could contain all properties

eg :

docker run  -e BONITA_URL= -v $(pwd)/bonita-ldap-synchronizer/conf:/opt/conf/user-config  bonitasoft.jfrog.io/docker/bonita-ldap-synchronizer


All logs are produce on console output.

Using the LDAP synchronizer from the Bonita bundle

To install the synchronizer, unzip the Tomcat bundle and configure the files located under the tools/BonitaSubscriptionLDAPSynchronizer/conf directory. This directory contains a sample configuration in the conf/default subfolder which is used to perform LDAP synchronization on the default tenant. This is also possible to perform the synchronization on a non default tentant which requires dedicated configuration.

Two way to connect the Bonita Engine is possible:

1/ Connection using the Environment variables:

Set the HTTP connection parameters used by the LDAP Synchronizer, by editing the <LDAP_SYNCHRONIZER>\BonitaSubscription-<version>-LDAP-Synchronizer.(bat or sh) file.

Add between java and -classpath:

-Dorg.bonitasoft.engine.api-type.server.url=http://localhost:8080 -Dorg.bonitasoft.engine.api-type.application.name=bonita

The LDAP Synchronizer connects to Bonita server using the HTTP mode only. For more understanding about API access, see the Engine API overview.

2/ Connection using Bonita.properties files:

See bonita.properties section

Customize the configuration for your system, by editing the configuration files. There are some additional considerations for using the LDAP synchronizer in a non-default tenant.

Configuration files

There are five properties files:

  • bonita.properties defines the Bonita connection settings and specifies the account used for user synchronization (requires administration privileges).

  • ldap.properties defines the LDAP connection settings and specifies the account used for user browsing.

  • logger.properties provides the settings for the logger. Default settings should be fine for most uses.

  • mapper.properties specifies the translation between Bonita and LDAP directory user attributes.

  • sync.properties defines the synchronization settings.

All configurations files can be found in the conf directory.

to use a special character in a properties file, use the Unicode equivalent. For example, for à use \u00E0. You can use a tool such as native2ascii to convert any special characters in the configuration files to Unicode.

You also need to configure connection on Bonita Engine for the LDAP Synchronizer.


This file defines the connection settings and specifies the account used for user synchronization (requires administration privileges).

Item Description Default


The path to the Bonita Home folder of the LDAP Synchronizer. (deprecated)


Url to access the Bonita Server (http://myHost:8080)

no default value


Application name (bonita is the general name)

no default value


The login to provide is a userName.



Password of the Bonita account used for synchronization.



This is the tenant id to synchronize, if set, platform credentials are not used.


This is the username of the platform adminstrator. It is used to retrieve the default tenant id if tenantId is not provided.



This is the password of the platform adminstrator. It is used to retrieve the default tenant id if tenantId is not provided.



Starting with version 2022.1, the engine HTTP APIs are protected with Basic Access Authentication. It is now mandatory to enable Basic Authentication in the clients connecting through HTTP (e.g. the LDAP Synchronizer tool) to the engine of a Bonita runtime of version 2022.1 and onwards.



The username to connect to the engine through HTTP, configured server-side in the file <BONITA>/server/conf/tomcat-users.xml.



The username to connect to the engine through HTTP, configured server-side in file <BONITA>/server/conf/tomcat-users.xml

h11p-@p1 (in Bonita Tomcat bundle), no default value (in Bonita Docker image)


This file defines the LDAP connection settings and specifies the account used for user browsing.

Item Description Default


LDAP server URL



LDAP authentication type (supported values: none, simple or strong)



distinguished name (DN) of the user account used for browsing through the LDAP users

cn=Directory Manager


password of the LDAP



type of the user object ("user" for an Active Directory, "person" for an LDAP)



activate search pagination (Not supported by all LDAP servers)



number of results in ldap search pages (Not supported by all LDAP servers)



force the connection between ldap client and server to use ssl



allow to configure the java truststore path, in case of you want to use different keystore than the default


allow to configure the java truststore password, in case of you want to use a different keystore password than the default


type of the trust store (if different than JKS)


can be useful when using a self-signed certificate



This file provides the settings for the logger. Default settings should be fine for most uses.

Item Description Default


directory path where the log files will be stored. The log files are named on the following template: `log_file_date_prefix``_LDAP-BOS_Synchronizer.log`



date format used for prefixing the log file name



level of reporting of the logger (relevant values are INFO for production use, FINE for debug use)


The date format in log file names follows the syntax of the Java SimpleDateFormat class. This is useful to control the number of log file create as the logger will append information to an existing log file if the file name already exists. Example: if you set the format to "?yyyy-mm", you will get one new log file per month.


This file specifies the translation between Bonita and LDAP directory user attributes such as: bonita_property = ldap_property

The only mandatory property is user_name, which is the key defined for matching users. All other properties are optional.

An LDAP property may be used several times in the configuration file but each Bonita property should be defined only once. Unused properties should be commented out.

These are the supported Bonita user properties:

General information Professional information Personal information Custom User Information




custom_\<Custom User Information>

The following items are configured by default:

















Custom User Information

The prefix ''custom_'' is used to map any 'Custom User Information'. For example, to map the 'Custom User Information' "skypeId" and "room" from LDAP property "skype" and "roomNumber", the syntax is:

custom_skypeId = skype
custom_room = roomNumber


This file defines the synchronization settings.

  • error_level_upon_failing_to_get_related_user: optional parameter that specifies whether an error should be blocking upon getting related users (manager)
    Supported values: ignore, warn or fatal
    Default value: warn

  • bonita_username_case: optional parameter, that specifies whether the LDAP usernames should be converted to a given case upon being imported in Bonita.
    Note that two usernames differing only by the case will be handled as being the same username. Existing username will be updated with the new one.
    Supported values: mixed, uppercase or lowercase
    Default value: lowercase

  • ldap_watched_directories: defines the LDAP directories to watch.
    Supported values: list of LDAP watched directory object identifiers separated by commas.
    The syntax for watched directory object properties is detailed in the next section.

  • bonita_nosync_users: specifies the list of users who should not be synchronized.
    Supported values: user names separated by commas.

  • bonita_user_role: specifies the role assigned to Bonita users.
    Default value: user

  • bonita_deactivate_users: optional parameter that specifies whether the tool should deactivate Bonita users who are not present in LDAP. When bonita_deactivate_users is set to true, a Bonita user who is not present in LDAP is deactivated. The user are not removed from Bonita, but they cannot start process instances or do tasks.

  • bonita_reactivate_users: optional parameter that specifies whether the tool should reactivate Bonita users who are deactivated in bonita but present in LDAP.
    Supported values: true or false
    Default value: true

  • allow_recursive_groups: optional parameter that specifies whether sub-groups should also be synchronized. The operation does not preserve the group hierarchy however, and the LDAP sub-groups will be created at root level in Bonita organization.
    Supported values: true or false
    Default value: true

  • ldap_groups: optional parameter that specifies the LDAP groups that should be synchronized.
    Supported values: list of LDAP Group object identifiers separated by commas.
    The syntax for group object properties is detailed in a later section.

  • bonita_user_custominfo_policy: Define the policy to synchronize the 'Custom User Information'. The different policy is detailed in a later section.
    Default value: none

  • allow_custominfo_creation: define the strategy when a Custom User Information is detected in the mapper.properties configuration, and not exist in the Bonita database. If this property is true, then the Custom User Information is created.
    Default value: false

Policy to synchronize the Custom User Information

In Bonita, you can defined a set of Custom User Information attributes. Then, each user has a value for each attribute. A policy named bonita_user_custominfo_policy gives the strategy to synchronize this information. All examples are based on

  1. Two Custom User Information exist in the Bonita database : badgeId and room

  2. The mapper.properties contains

custom_badgeId = ldapBadgeIdentification

The room is not declared in the mapper.properties.

  • none:

bonita_user_custominfo_policy = none

no 'Custom User Information' is synchronized.

  • partial :

bonita_user_custominfo_policy = partial

Synchronize only 'Custom User Information' declared in the mapper.properties.

A 'Custom User Information' not declared in mapper.properties will not be modified. When the Ldap Object doesn’t have a property, it will not be modified.

LDAP object

LDAP property



ldapBadgeIdentification== 'walterSid'

(Synchronized) badgeId=='walterSid'


no property ldapBadgeIdentification defined

(No synchronization)

  • scope:

bonita_user_custominfo_policy = scope

Same as partial, plus if the Ldap Object doesn’t have a property, it will be set to null (all the scope is synchronized)

LDAP object

LDAP property



ldapBadgeIdentification== 'walterSid'

(Synchronized) badgeId=='walterSid'


no property ldapBadgeIdentification defined

(Set to null) badgeId==null

  • full:

bonita_user_custominfo_policy = full

Synchronize all 'Custom User Information'. If a 'Custom User Information' is not declared in mapper.properties, or the Ldap doesn’t have the property, it is set to null

LDAP object

LDAP property



ldapBadgeIdentification== 'walterSid'

(Synchronized) badgeId=='walterSid' +room==null


LDAP Watched directory object properties syntax

A watched directory is defined by an id that is declared in the "ldap_watched_directories" list. This id provides access to the object properties with this syntax: object_id.property.

Here are the available object properties:


DN of the LDAP watched directory that will be used to get the list of the LDAP users.


LDAP user search filter (mandatory attribute, but can be a wide filter such as "cn=*").

Example of a watched directory declaration:

# Declare a list of LDAP watched directories
ldap_watched_directories = dir1,dir2

# Specify dir1 settings
dir1.ldap_search_dn =   ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
dir1.ldap_search_filter =   cn=*

# Specify dir2 settings
dir2.ldap_search_dn =   ou=OtherPeople,dc=example,dc=com
dir2.ldap_search_filter =   cn=*

LDAP Group object properties syntax

The tool will automatically detect the group class from LDAP. Here are the LDAP group classes supported by the LDAP Synchronizer:

  • group

  • groupOfURLs

  • groupOfNames

  • groupOfUniqueNames

  • ds-virtual-static-group

The tool can determine the list of users belonging to a group by looking these properties, depending on the group’s objectClass:

  • member: group objectclass

  • memberURL: groupOfURLs objectclass

  • member: groupOfNames objectclass

  • uniqueMember: groupOfUniqueNames objectclass

  • ds-target-group-dn: ds-virtual-static-group objectclass

There are two ways (they can be configured individually or at the same time) to synchronize groups

  • declare a list of groups

  • perform a LDAP searches to find the list of groups to synchronize

Synchronize a list of groups

An LDAP group is defined by an id which is declared in the "ldap_groups" list. This id provides access to the object properties with this syntax: object_id.property. You can also specify groups with a search: all groups that match the search are synchronized.

Groups will be synchronized based on the matching of their LDAP common name (CN) and their Bonita names.

Groups can be declared individually in the configuration file with the following properties :


mandatory attribute that specifies the DN of the LDAP group.


optional attribute that renames the Bonita group instead of using the original LDAP group name.


optional Boolean attribute (true by default) that defines whether group members (users in LDAP) that are not present in Bonita should be imported (created in Bonita). If false, these users are not created but group is created and existing users get associated with the group.

Example of group declarations:

# List of groups to synchronize
ldap_groups = group1, group2

# Specify group1 settings
group1.ldap_group_dn  =  cn=group1,ou=groups,dc=bonita,dc=com
group1.forced_bonita_group_name  =  forced group1

# Specify group2 settings:
# sync the group with specified dn but not the users inside this group
group2.ldap_group_dn  =  cn=group2,ou=groups,dc=bonita,dc=com
group2.force_add_non_existing_users  =  false

In combination or as an alternative, groups can be declared using the result of an LDAP search that is defined in the configuration file with the following properties :


DN of the LDAP watched directory that will be used to get the list of the LDAP groups.


LDAP group search filter (mandatory attribute, but can be a wide filter such as "cn=*").


optional Boolean attribute (true by default) that defines whether group members (users in LDAP) that are not present in Bonita should be imported (created in Bonita). If false, these users are not created but group is created and existing users get associated with the group.

Example of group searches:

#Specify search of groups
ldap_search_filter_groups  =  search1,search2

# Specify search1 settings:
# sync all groups under ou=people,dc=bonita,dc=com with cn starting with "A_"
search1.ldap_group_search_dn  =  ou=people,dc=bonita,dc=com
search1.ldap_group_search_filter  =  cn=A_*

# Specify search2 settings:
# sync all groups under ou=people,dc=bonita,dc=com with cn starting with "B_"
# but without importing new users inside these groups
search2.ldap_group_search_dn  =  ou=people,dc=bonita,dc=com
search2.ldap_group_search_filter  =  cn=B_*
search2.force_add_non_existing_users  =  false

Using the LDAP synchronizer in a non-default tenant

Installation: The LDAP Synchronizer is installed on the platform as described above. After installation, Check that the "User" profile is defined for the tenant. The default tenant has a "User" profile by default, but it must be created manually when a tenant is created. The LDAP synchronizer will fail if this profile is not defined.

Configuration: To configure the LDAP Synchronizer for a tenant that is not the default tenant:

  • Create a new folder in $BonitaSynchronizerFolder/conf with the same name as the name of the tenant (not the id) that was set when the tenant was created.

  • Copy the contents of the default folder from $BonitaSynchronizerFolder/conf to this new tenant-specific folder.

  • Configure the LDAP synchronizer for the tenant by editing the configuration files in the tenant-specific folder, as described above.

Running: To run the LDAP Synchronizer on a tenant, give the name of the tenant as a parameter of the script.

LDAPS(TLS) Activation

Required LDAP server should be configured with a valid certificate signed by Certification Authority or with the Auto signed certificate.

Configuration: To configure the LDAP synchronizer for using encrypted connection ( TLS ) :

  • Configure the LDAP synchronizer by editing ldap.properties configuration file, as described above

    • host_url= ldaps://ldapServerHostname:ldapsServerPort ( most common ldapsServerPort is 636 )

    • enforce_ssl = true
      By default, the LDAP synchronizer uses the default java trust Store, but it is possible to use a custom one, by configuring the properties :

    • truststore_path= locationOfCustomTruststore

    • truststore_password= passwordOfCustomTruststore

    • truststore_type= customTruststoreType ( default JKS)

In the following cases:

  • when the server certificate is auto-signed (use of custom root certification) you might configure :

    • the public certificate should be imported into the default java or custom trust Store.

    • the endpoint authentication might be disabled disable_endpoint_authentication=true


HttpResponseException: status code: 404 is generated when the LDAP Synchronizer is used

The following stacktrace appears in the log:

Aug 12, 2021 9:01:35 AM com.bonitasoft.ldapsynchronizer.repository.BonitaUserRepository initialize
INFO: Connecting to Bonita server using HTTP mode
Aug 12, 2021 9:01:38 AM com.bonitasoft.ldapsynchronizer.LDAPSynchronizer run
SEVERE: Synchronization failed
java.lang.Exception: Failed to connect to Bonita server: HTTP: url[https://localhost:8080] application[bonita] login[install] password[install]
	at com.bonitasoft.ldapsynchronizer.repository.BonitaUserRepository.initialize(BonitaUserRepository.java:177)
	at com.bonitasoft.ldapsynchronizer.repository.BonitaUserRepository.<init>(BonitaUserRepository.java:105)
	at com.bonitasoft.ldapsynchronizer.LDAPSynchronizer.run(LDAPSynchronizer.java:64)
	at com.bonitasoft.ldapsynchronizer.LDAPSynchronizer.main(LDAPSynchronizer.java:237)
Caused by: java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException
	at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy0.login(Unknown Source)
	at com.bonitasoft.ldapsynchronizer.repository.BonitaUserRepository.initialize(BonitaUserRepository.java:157)
	... 3 more
Caused by: java.io.IOException: Error while executing POST request (http code: 404) <POST https://localhost:8080/bonita/serverAPI/org.bonitasoft.engine.api.PlatformLoginAPI/login HTTP/1.1>
	at org.bonitasoft.engine.api.HTTPServerAPI.invokeMethod(HTTPServerAPI.java:144)
	at org.bonitasoft.engine.api.impl.ClienInterceptor.invoke(ClientInterceptor.java:79)
	at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy0.login(Unknown Source)
	at com.bonitasoft.ldapsynchronizer.repository.BonitaUserRepository.initialize(BonitaUserRepository.java:157)
	at com.bonitasoft.ldapsynchronizer.repository.BonitaUserRepository.<init>(BonitaUserRepository.java:105)
	at com.bonitasoft.ldapsynchronizer.LDAPSynchronizer.run(LDAPSynchronizer.java:64)
	at com.bonitasoft.ldapsynchronizer.LDAPSynchronizer.main(LDAPSynchronizer.java:237)
	at 	< ========== Beginning of the server stack trace ========== >. ( )
	at org.bonitasoft.engine.api.HTTPServerAPI.executeHttpPost(HTTPServerAPI.java:177)
	at org.bonitasoft.engine.api.HTTPServerAPI.invokeMethod(HTTPServerAPI.java:139)
	at org.bonitasoft.engine.api.impl.ClientInterceptor.invoke(ClientInterceptor.java:79)
	... 5 more
Caused by: org.apache.http.client.HttpResponseException: status code: 404
	at org.apache.http.impl.client.AbstractResponseHandler.handleResponse(AbstractResponseHandler.java:70)
	at org.apache.http.impl.client.BasicResponseHandler.handleResponse(BasicResponseHandler.java:66)
	at org.apache.http.impl.client.BasicResponseHandler.handleResponse(BasicResponseHandler.java:52)
	at org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient.execute(CloseableHttpClient.java:223)
	at org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient.execute(CloseableHttpClient.java:165)
	at org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient.execute(CloseableHttpClient.java:140)
	at org.bonitasoft.engine.api.HTTPServerAPI.executeHttpPost(HTTPServerAPI.java:169)
	... 7 more

Potential cause The LDAP Synchronizer is using the Engine HTTP API of the product, but it’s not active in your configuration.

Possible solution On-premise solution: Configure the Bonita Tomcat bundle you have downloaded from the Bonitasoft Customer Service Center to activate the Engine HTTP API by:

  • either add a Java system property -Dhttp.api=true to file setEnv.[sh|bat] inside tomcat bundle (in folder setup/tomcat_templates/)

  • or set an environment variable HTTP_API=true before launching Bonita Tomcat bundle

Docker image solution: Run the docker image with -e HTTP_API=true:
docker run -e HTTP_API=true --name bonita -v ./bonita-lic/:/opt/bonita_lic/ -h localhost -d -p 8080:8080 quay.io/bonitasoft/bonita-subscription:2024.3

See the page Deploy Bonita Runtime with Docker for more information.

HttpResponseException: status code: 401 is generated when the LDAP Synchronizer is used

The following stacktrace appears in the log:

Oct 06, 2022 3:51:55 PM com.bonitasoft.ldapsynchronizer.repository.BonitaUserRepository initializeConfiguration
INFO: Connecting to Bonita server using HTTP mode
Oct 06, 2022 3:51:55 PM com.bonitasoft.ldapsynchronizer.repository.BonitaUserRepository initializeTenantId
INFO: Using tenant id specified in configuration: 1
Oct 06, 2022 3:51:56 PM com.bonitasoft.ldapsynchronizer.LDAPSynchronizer run
SEVERE: Synchronization failed
java.lang.Exception: Failed to connect to Bonita server: HTTP: url[http://localhost:8080] application[bonita] login[BonitaTechUser] password[PRESENT]
    at com.bonitasoft.ldapsynchronizer.repository.BonitaUserRepository.initialize(BonitaUserRepository.java:151)
    at com.bonitasoft.ldapsynchronizer.LDAPSynchronizer.run(LDAPSynchronizer.java:65)
    at com.bonitasoft.ldapsynchronizer.LDAPSynchronizer.main(LDAPSynchronizer.java:238)
Caused by: java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException
    at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy3.login(Unknown Source)
    at com.bonitasoft.engine.api.APIClient.login(APIClient.java:62)
    at com.bonitasoft.ldapsynchronizer.repository.BonitaUserRepository.initialize(BonitaUserRepository.java:135)
    ... 2 more
Caused by: java.io.IOException: Error while executing POST request (http code: 401) <POST http://localhost:8080/bonita/serverAPI/com.bonitasoft.engine.api.LoginAPI/login HTTP/1.1>
    at org.bonitasoft.engine.api.HTTPServerAPI.invokeMethod(HTTPServerAPI.java:144)
    at org.bonitasoft.engine.api.impl.ClientInterceptor.invoke(ClientInterceptor.java:79)
    at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy3.login(Unknown Source)
    at com.bonitasoft.engine.api.APIClient.login(APIClient.java:62)
    at com.bonitasoft.ldapsynchronizer.repository.BonitaUserRepository.initialize(BonitaUserRepository.java:135)
    at com.bonitasoft.ldapsynchronizer.LDAPSynchronizer.run(LDAPSynchronizer.java:65)
    at com.bonitasoft.ldapsynchronizer.LDAPSynchronizer.main(LDAPSynchronizer.java:238)
    at     < ========== Beginning of the server stack trace ========== >. ( )
    at org.bonitasoft.engine.api.HTTPServerAPI.executeHttpPost(HTTPServerAPI.java:177)
    at org.bonitasoft.engine.api.HTTPServerAPI.invokeMethod(HTTPServerAPI.java:139)
    at org.bonitasoft.engine.api.impl.ClientInterceptor.invoke(ClientInterceptor.java:79)
    ... 5 more
Caused by: org.apache.http.client.HttpResponseException: status code: 401
    at org.apache.http.impl.client.AbstractResponseHandler.handleResponse(AbstractResponseHandler.java:70)
    at org.apache.http.impl.client.BasicResponseHandler.handleResponse(BasicResponseHandler.java:66)
    at org.apache.http.impl.client.BasicResponseHandler.handleResponse(BasicResponseHandler.java:52)
    at org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient.execute(CloseableHttpClient.java:223)
    at org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient.execute(CloseableHttpClient.java:165)
    at org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient.execute(CloseableHttpClient.java:140)
    at org.bonitasoft.engine.api.HTTPServerAPI.executeHttpPost(HTTPServerAPI.java:169)
    ... 7 more

Potential cause The LDAP Synchronizer is connecting to a Bonita engine of version 2022.1 or onwards, and:

  • either the Basic Access Authentication parameters are not being passed (they are commented out in the bonita.properties file)

  • or the credentials (basicAuthentication.username, basicAuthentication.password) being passed are not the right ones

Possible solution

  • Enable Basic Authentication in the bonita.properties file setting uncommenting and setting basicAuthentication.active=true.

  • Uncomment the Basic Authentication credentials (basicAuthentication.username, basicAuthentication.password) in the bonita.properties and make sure the values match the ones in the targeted Bonita Tomcat’s file <BONITA>/server/conf/tomcat-users.xml.