Download and launch Bonita UI Builder

For Subscription editions only.


  • Docker installed

  • 2024.3 Bonita (or any later version) started on the local machine

To use Bonita UI Builder, a Bonita runtime running on your local machine is required (it may be a Bonita Studio or a standalone Bonita runtime).

Create the Docker environment

The Docker environment is composed of two containers:

  1. Bonita UI Builder: the core service that runs a low-code application platform based on Appsmith.

  2. Bonita UI Proxy: a reverse proxy to establish communications between Bonita UI Builder and a Bonita Runtime.

First, create a docker-compose.yml file with the content below:

# Use for running a bonita-ui-builder during development.
    image: ${}
    container_name: bonita-ui-builder
      BONITA_API_URL: http://host.docker.internal:${BONITA_RUNTIME_PORT:-8080}/bonita/API
      - "8090:80"
    # Mount a volume to store persistent data
      - ./stacks:/appsmith-stacks
      - "host.docker.internal:host-gateway"

  # A reverse proxy used to communicate between Bonita UI Builder and a Bonita Runtime
    image: ${}
      - 443:443
      - 80:80
      - "host.docker.internal:host-gateway"

A volume is mounted to the local folder ./stacks to store persistent data. In case the container crashes, your work will not be lost. Fill free to update the folder to another location on your local machine.

You can override and configure all environment variables in the docker-compose.yml file.

Download and launch the Docker image

Bonita UI Builder Docker image is located in the Bonita Artifact Repository. Once you got the credentials, you have to authenticate with the docker login command:

docker login

Run the following command to launch Bonita UI Builder:

docker compose up -d

Then, you can access Bonita UI Builder at http://localhost.

The first time, the initialisation can take a while, a waiting message appears. Reload the page if the page is blank.

By default, the database volumes are not persisted. Make sure you export your applications as .json files before running the command:

docker compose down

If you do not want to lose your data, you can use instead these commands to stop and restart Bonita UI Builder:

docker compose stop
docker compose restart

If encountering issues with Windows and WSL, check our FAQ .

Log in on Bonita UI Builder

Log in on Bonita UI Builder with the authentication page of Bonita runtime using the credentials of one of the users of the Bonita runtime database.

You can now build your user interface with the Bonita UI Builder!