
This glossary is a work in progress. It does not include all the terms in Bonita documentation.


Actor filter

Filters users that can access a human task in a process.

Application descriptor

Defines the Living Application: group of pages with a specific theme for a given user profile.


Tag used to describe an Application made with Bonita UI Builder in the Studio’s Application descriptor.


BDM Access Control

Defines rules to protect the access to the Business Data Model (BDM) through REST API calls via a white list mechanism.

Business Data Model

Business Data Model (sometimes abbreviated BDM) is the structure of the business data used by your processes.

Bonita Engine

Bonita Engine is at the core, responsible for process execution.

Bonita Platform

Bonita Platform is composed of two components : Bonita Studio and Bonita Runtime. Its purpose is to create, build and run projects.

Bonita Project

A Bonita Project represent the file structure of sources required to construct an application (e.g. Process diagrams, BDM, Application descriptors, UID pages and forms…​). A project needs to be built to produce an executable binary. It uses Maven under the hood and should be pushed in a Git repository to leverage collaboration, reliability and build automation. Bonita Project are created from Bonita Studio. Several Bonita Projects can belong in a Studio workspace.

Bonita Runtime

Bonita Runtime is dedicated to operate automation projects. It is composed of one or more nodes. A Bonita Runtime composed of multiple nodes constitutes a cluster to ensure High Availability and High Performance.

Bonita Studio

Bonita Studio contains all the elements needed to develop and build a project. It is a desktop application based on Eclipse IDE.

Bonita UI Builder

Bonita UI Builder (sometimes abbreviated UIB) is a development environment used for creating all kind on interfaces, whether they are pages or forms or else, that make up an Application. It is a web-based tool that is launched from a Bonitasoft custom docker image.

Bonita UI Designer

Bonita UI Designer (sometimes abbreviated UID) is a development environment used for creating pages and forms that make up a Living Application. It is a web-based tool that is launched from Bonita Studio.



Automates external services interaction from within processes.



BPMN diagram that describes your business processes.



Extensions are custom components used to add elements to those provided while others are used to enforce the Bonita platform possibilities. An extension can be an Actor filter, a Connector, a REST API Extension or a Theme. Extensions can be developed outside the Studio with your favorite IDE.



Web interfaces to interact with processes (to instantiate a process and for human tasks).



Used to define the main frame of a Living Application.

Living Application

A Living Application is a navigation of pages that can be accessed by a Profile. It is created and operated within Bonita Platform.



The definition of the user base that will use the processes (includes users, roles and groups).



Web pages used within your applications.


REST API Extension

To interact with third party system outside processes, to make advanced BDM queries or API calls (read only).


Storage & persistence

Bonita Runtime requires a storage to operate. The storage is composed of two databases: one for core services and one dedicated to Business Data.



Defines the look and feel of your application.



A workspace is a directory where Bonita Studio stores files such as Studio configuration settings (shared by all projects in the workspace) and projects folders.