Bonita Applications URLs

This page explains how to use a URL to access the Bonita Applications, or to access a form for a specific process or task.

In these URLs, the process names, versions and the task names must be URL encoded.

URL of Bonita Applications

You can connect to Bonita Applications from other tools using a URL of the form http://host:port/bonita#?…​ . Other forms of URL are liable to change in future versions. For example, use http://localhost:8081/bonita#?process=myProcessId, and do not use http://localhost:8081/bonita/console/homepage#?process=myProcessId.

Process instantiation URL

The following code samples show how to generate a link to a process instantiation form.

Complete URL

This sample shows how to construct the complete URL. Prefer the short format for backward compatibility.

String.format("URL: <a href=\"http://%s:%s/bonita/portal/resource/process/%s/%s/content/?id=%s\">Here</a>", host, port, processName, processVersion, processDefinitionId);


Short URL

This sample shows how to construct the short URL. Prefer this format for backward compatibility. You will automatically be redirected to the complete format.

String.format("URL: <a href=\"http://%s:%s/bonita/portal/form/process/%s/%s\">Here</a>", host, port, processName, processVersion);


Process overview URL

The following code samples show how to generate a link to a process overview form.

Complete URL

This sample shows how to construct the complete URL. Prefer the short format for backward compatibility.

String.format("URL: <a href=\"http://%s:%s/bonita/portal/resource/processInstance/%s/%s/content/?id=%s\">Here</a>", host, port, processName, processVersion, processInstanceId);


Short URL

This sample shows how to construct the short URL. Prefer this format for backward compatibility. You will automatically be redirected to the complete format.

String.format("URL: <a href=\"http://%s:%s/bonita/portal/form/processInstance/%s\">Here</a>", host, port, processInstanceId);


Task URL

A task is not automatically assigned to the user who accesses the task form. There must first be a REST API call to assign the task to the user. Otherwise, the user will not be able to execute the task.

The following code samples show how to generate a link to a human task.

Complete URL

This sample shows how to construct the complete URL. Prefer the short format for backward compatibility.

 String.format("URL: <a href=\"http://%s:%s/bonita/portal/resource/taskInstance/%s/%s/%s/content/?id=%s\">Here</a>", host, port, processName, processVersion, activityName, activityInstanceId);


Short URL

This sample shows how to construct the short URL. Prefer this format for backward compatibility. You will automatically be redirected to the complete format.

String.format("URL: <a href=\"http://%s:%s/bonita/portal/form/taskInstance/%s\">Here</a>", host, port, activityInstanceId);


Or if you only have the process instance ID and the task name:

String.format("URL: <a href=\"http://%s:%s/bonita/portal/form/processInstance/%s/task/%s\">Here</a>", host, port, processInstanceId, taskName);


With the above format, the first task with the name "request approval" available for the user found in the process instance with id 8 will be displayed.

URL parameter summary

Parameter Description Example


Optional. Identifies the language to be used.



  • For process instantiation URL, identifies the process definition id.

  • For process overview URL, identifies the process instance id.

  • For task URL, identifies the activity instance of the task.



Optional. Identifies the user you perform the task for (for administrators and process managers).
