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Enforce Password Policy

A Password Policy defines a set of rules to determine whether a new password is valid or not.

For Subscription editions only.


By default, no password policy is set for users of Bonita. It is therefore highly recommended to set a policy to protect your data.

There are three options:

  • Leave the default setting as is: "non-protected".

  • Apply our ready-to-use policy to a tenant. This requires a password to contain the following:

    • at least 10 characters long

    • at least 2 special characters

    • at least 2 upper case characters

    • at least 2 lower case characters

    • at least 3 digits

To apply this policy edit initial configuration in <TOMCAT_HOME>/setup/platform_conf/initial/platform_portal/ if you have never started the platform yet, and current configuration in <TOMCAT_HOME>/setup/platform_conf/current/platform_portal/ if the platform has been already started using the platform setup tool and change DefaultPasswordValidator to RobustnessPasswordValidator.

  • Create a custom password policy by following the tutorial below.

How to create a custom password policy

This will enable the System administrator to create a custom class and define the characteristics for a particular password policy. It will be applied to all users.


You should have Maven installed to create a project.

Import Toolkitview into your workspace.

How to create a Java class containing your own password validation characteristics

Here are the steps to add a custom password validator:

  1. Open Maven, and create a new Maven Project. This will create a pom.xml

  2. Add a new dependency in your pom.xml to get toolkit-view (x.y.z is the Bonita version number).


    As this artifact is not available in public repositories, you have to follow this given procedure (example given for the x.y.z version):

  3. Create your class, eg. PasswordLengthValidator with a name for the package, eg. org.bonitasoft.ext.password.validator.

    package org.bonitasoft.ext.password.validator;
    import static org.bonitasoft.web.toolkit.client.common.i18n.AbstractI18n._;
    import org.bonitasoft.web.toolkit.client.common.i18n.AbstractI18n;
    import org.bonitasoft.web.toolkit.client.common.i18n.AbstractI18n.LOCALE;
     * @author John Doe
    public class PasswordLengthValidator extends AbstractStringValidator {
        protected void _check(String password) {
            LOCALE Locale = AbstractI18n.stringToLocale(locale);
            // Check number of length
            int minimalLength = 10;
            if (password.length() < minimalLength) {
                    addError(_("Password is not long enough", Locale));
  4. Then, you can build your project. In command-line and type mvn package

  5. Go in the target/ folder and you have your JAR archive, eg. password-validator-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

  6. Take a bundle and start it once. This will extract the bonita.war.

  7. Start it by typing: cd binthen ./ run

  8. Copy your JAR archive in the folder webapps/bonita/WEB-INF/lib

  9. Modify all files to add your new password validator. e.g.

    # content of the file
    security.password.validator org.bonitasoft.ext.password.validator.PasswordLengthValidator
  10. Start your bundle again cd bin and then ./ run

  11. Create a new user and check that your password policy has been set. To check that the validation is correct, you can type a password to force an error. An exception will be displayed listing all the non-filled criteria.

If the password complies with the criteria in the new password policy, no exception error message will be displayed.