Introduction to BPI Dashboards?
This section describes our two powerful dashboards to enhance your process analysis capabilities. The Process Overview Analysis dashboard offers a comprehensive view of individual processes, enabling detailed performance tracking and identification of bottlenecks. The Process Comparison dashboard allows for side-by-side analysis of two processes, facilitating benchmarking and optimization. Dive into these dashboards to unlock deeper insights and drive efficiency in your workflows.
Dashboard User Insights
The Process User Insights dashboard is a comprehensive tool designed to provide a detailed analysis of the execution of business processes. This dashboard offers a visual and metric-driven representation of various aspects of the process, including task performance, actor involvement, and overall process efficiency. By utilizing this dashboard, stakeholders can monitor key performance indicators, identify areas for improvement, and ensure that business processes are executed effectively and efficiently.

Dashboard overview
The Overview Dashboard is a powerful tool for gaining deep visibility into business processes, monitoring performance and driving continuous improvement initiatives.
Whether you’re a process owner, analyst, or executive, this dashboard equips you with the insights you need to optimize processes and achieve operational excellence.

Variant: A specific version or pathway of a business process within an organization.
Temporal Objectives: Pre-set time constraints within which a process is expected to be completed.
Average Duration: The arithmetic mean time taken to complete a process variant, measured across all cases.
Standard Deviation: A statistical measure of the dispersion or variability from the average duration; a low standard deviation indicates that the data points tend to be close to the mean.
Case: An instance of a process execution.
Flow Nodes: Individual steps, tasks, or actions that comprise a business process.
Objective Failure Rate: The proportion of process instances that did not meet the established temporal objectives.
Unassigned User Flow Nodes: Process steps that have not been assigned to any user or role within the system, which could lead to process execution delays.
Case Start Date: The timestamp marking the initiation of a process case.
Root Process Definition: The original process template from which variations may be derived.
Root Case Id: The identifier for the initiating process case in a chain of related cases.
Process Definition: The specific configuration or edition of the process being examined.
Case Id: A unique identifier for an individual instance of a process.
Process Duration Objective: The predefined maximum duration allowed for a case to be completed.
Case Duration: The total elapsed time from the start to the conclusion of a case.
Flow Nodes Count: The count of discrete steps or actions within the process case.
Case State: The current phase or status of the case, such as 'Completed' or 'In Progress'.
Started By: The user or automated system that initiated the case.
Case Objective Status: The success or failure of the case in meeting the duration objective.