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Variables in the UI Designer

Discover how to use variables in the UI Designer to manage information in artifacts.

Variables are a key concept in the UI Designer. They define how pages, layouts, forms, and fragments behave. They are used to fetch external resources, to manipulate and process information, and much more. It is important to understand how to define and use variables in artifacts, and how the data contained in the variables works when combined with widget properties. Unless otherwise stated, we will use "page" as the generic term for page, layout, form, and fragment.

There are several types of variables:

  • Static

    • String

    • JSON

  • Dynamic

    • JavaScript Expression

    • External API

    • URL parameter

  • Data Management

    • Business data

Evaluation cycle

String and JSON variables are initialized at page data model instantiation and their values do not change subsequently.

Expression, external API, and URL parameter variables are evaluated every time something happens on the page, such as when receiving data or on a user interaction. The call of an External API variable is triggered at page load (unless a variable in the URL is not defined), and every time the URL of the resource it points at changes.

Business Data

Business Data variables are meant to retrieve BDM objects defined in Studio. These objects are accessible through REST API calls. To help you, the UI Designer provides an easy to use interface to define the data you want to get: select the corresponding object, see the available queries and select one, and configure its filters.

This is the easy and most efficient way to get data from the Business Data ModelT.

However, for advanced users or specific use cases you can also use External API variables. For example, you can know by heart this URL:



  • businessDataType As example

  • queryName One of object available queries, as example findByNumInvoice

  • filter All filters required by the query, as example f=numInvoice=XXXX

How to create a Business Data variable

A Business Data variable can be created in two ways:

  • From the Variables bottom panel, creating a new variable with the type Business Data

  • From the Data Model section in the left panel, drag and dropping a Business Object to the whiteboard area. In this case, a user interface will also be generated

A configuration wizard appears: create a Business Data variable by providing information on how to retrieve elements of this Business Object.

Select the query to retrieve Business Object. Queries can be a simple attribute query (e.g. findByName) or an additional query such as a custom query. A filter area is displayed, depending on your selection, you may have to enter one or several attribute values. You can use a variable to fill its value using interpolation syntax.

You can use the Pagination section to define the number of elements you want by page (by default 10 elements) and the page number (by default the first page - index 0).

Business data variables will be always an array that contains the result of query execution. In case of single result queries, such as find by persistence Id, you may access the values like this InvoiceVar[0], knowing that 0 is the first and only element of your array.

Read Integration with Bonita Platform to know how Business Data are connected with Bonita Platform.

External API

External API variables are used to fetch data from outside the page. These are typically used for REST API calls using HTTP GET requests. The response is stored in the page data model. You can parameterize the URL construction with other data using {{variableName}} syntax. You can retrieve information using the Bonita REST APIs. You can retrieve the response Status Code or response Headers with status and headers on this variable (e.g. variableName.__status)

Here are some examples:

  • Get the session information of the current user - API URL:

This variable is evaluated every time the value of userId changes. Also, if userId is not defined then the call is not triggered.

  • Retrieve the task with the id taskId:
    API URL: ../API/bpm/humanTask/{{taskId}}

  • Retrieve business data using the reference link in the context when building a form:
    API URL: ../{{}}

  • Retrieve lazy references of a business data field using lazyRef filter in an External API variable:
    API URL: {{myBusinessData | lazyRef : 'relationName'}} where myBusinessData is an External API variable retrieving a business data from the context like in the above example and relationName the name of the lazy relation field to retrieve.

Call a Rest API on a condition

Sometimes it is required that a Rest API is called on a condition, and not at page load.

For instance, to retrieve a task when the variable status is set to ok (assuming that taskId is set):

  • Create an External API variable task:

  • Create a JavaScript expression variable callTask:

if ($data.status === 'ok') {
    return $data.taskId;

Call a Rest API regularly (auto refresh)

Sometimes it is required to call a Rest API regularly, to refresh a page for instance. As described above, a Rest API is called when the URL changes.

So a solution can be to add a fake parameter at the end of the URL. For instance, add a parameter with a timestamp:


Then the timestamp JavaScript variable can be updated on a specific event (with new Date().getTime() for instance) when the Rest API should be called.

JavaScript expression

An JavaScript expression variable is a JavaScript function. During the evaluation, the function can use the $data variable, which provides access to the page data model. For example:

var result = $data.expenses * 2;
    return result;

An expression often relies on other variables as dependencies.

Every time one of these variables changes, the whole JavaScript expression is re-evaluated and the previous value is overwritten.

For example, create a login expression variable: return $data.firstname.toLowercase() + '-' + $data.lastname.toLowercase(). Its dependencies are the two variables firstname and lastname.
Create two input widgets "First name" and "Last name" and bind the values to two variables firstname and lastname. Add a text widget "Login" to display the result of the login expression. When the user fills out the two input fields, the expression is updated. If the login value is manually edited before the user fills out the fields, then its value is overwritten.

Using a variable

A variable is used by another variable or inside a widget properties. There are many ways to use a variable in widget properties:

  • In a property containing text or HTML to be displayed in a widget, you can use the syntax {{variableName}} in the content to make it dynamic content. For example, you could display the user’s name in a welcome message.

  • In the case of user input (for example the Value property of a text input) the variable value is used both to set the initial value and retrieve the user input.

A binding is dynamic, so every time the value of a variable changes, the whole data model is re-evaluated and the UI is updated.

In Bonita forms

One of the goals of the UI Designer is to enable you to build forms for process instantiation and human tasks execution. The contract eases the decoupling between the user views and the process. When a form is submitted for process instantiation or human task execution, the UI Designer sends data to fulfill the contract.

To ease the definition of the form data to send back to the process, when you create a form from the Bonita Studio, the UI Designer generates the following variables:

  • formInput. It is a JSON object. Its structure is defined by the contract inputs and the attributes are initialized with default values. It could be used to set initial values for form fields. You can set the values in formInput either by editing the default values with constants (for testing and debugging purposes) or with values from an object in an external source that has the same model (such as a BDM external API). You can also set the initial values of a form from some other source without using formInput. However, you will then have to edit formOutput manually.

  • formOutput. It is a JavaScript expression returning an object. The object structure matches the contract requirements and it is filled with formInput by default. On Submit, values entered or modified by the user and aggregated in the formOutput object (as defined by the Data sent on click property of the Submit button) are submitted to the process or task to fulfill the contract.

  • taskId. It is the id of the current BPM task. You can use it as a BPM API parameter.

  • context. It is an External API that provides references to all business variables and documents in the process instance.

  • submit_errors_list. It is a JavaScript expression formatting the response payload to HTML when a submit fails. In some cases, other types of variables are created:

  • When the business variable is edited in the form (as specified in the contract creation wizard), a UI Designer variable is created for each variable (External API). For example, if the contract input has been created from a business variable invoice in the process, a variable invoice is created in the form and its URL is set to ../{{}}. If invoice contains lazy relations, additional variables are generated for each lazy relation to resolve (using lazyRef filter). For example, if invoice has a customer relation in lazy, an External API variable invoice_customer is added. Its URL is set to {{invoice|lazyRef:'customer'}}.

  • To display an aggregated object, a Select widget is generated to display the available values of the object. The variable (External API) bound to the widget is created. It queries the BDM. For example, when the object Invoice has an aggregated object Customer, the query is: ../API/bdm/businessData/ By default, it uses the find query with the default pagination (only the first 100 objects are returned).