How to manage Living Apps Configuration
Supported starting from Bonita 7.8.0 and onwards ! |
This tutorial describes how to configure your Bonita Living Application from the command line using BCD.
How it works
Since BCD 3.0.0 and with Bonita 7.8.0 onwards, if you build a Living Application you will get separately:
a zip file which contains binaries
a bconf file which contains the parameters configuration for the target environment (Local by default)
Here is an example of a build result:
bonita-vacation-management-example ├── target └── └── bonita-vacation-management-example-Test-20181003140237.bconf
It’s possible to extract the configuration to check it and also override (merge) some parameters if needed.
If no parameters are defined on any processes, the .bconf file is not created.
Extract configuration
You can extract the configuration if you want to check it or modify it
bcd -s scenarios/build_and_deploy.yml -y livingapp extract-conf \
-p bonita-vacation-management-example/target/bonita-vacation-management-example-Test-20181003140237.bconf \
-o scenarios/build_and_deploy_Test.yml
The configuration looks like this :
- name: "Modify Pending Vacation Request"
version: "1.4.1"
- name: "calendarApplicationName"
value: "Bonitasoft-NewVacationRequest/1.4.0"
type: "String"
- name: "calendarCalendarId"
value: ""
type: "String"
As it may contain sensitive data, it’s recommended to encrypt your configuration using vault:
ansible-vault encrypt scenarios/build_and_deploy_Test.yml
New Vault password:
Confirm New Vault password:
Encryption successful
You can also just check if there are parameters that have no value for this environment:
bcd -s scenarios/build_and_deploy.yml -y livingapp extract-conf --without-value \
-p bonita-vacation-management-example/target/bonita-vacation-management-example-Test-20181003140237.bconf \
-o scenarios/build_and_deploy_Test_missing_parameters.yml
Notes :
If you omit to specify -o, the name of the output file by default is parameters.yml and it will be created in the same directory of the original bconf file.
If all parameters are set, no file will be created.
Merge configuration
You may want to complete or override some parameter values coming from your Living App repository, to do that you can modify the output file of the extract-conf command and merge with your bconf file.
bcd -s scenarios/build_and_deploy.yml -y livingapp merge-conf \
-p bonita-vacation-management-example/target/bonita-vacation-management-example-Test-20181003140237.bconf \
-i scenarios/build_and_deploy_Test.yml \
-o /tmp/bonita-vacation-management-example-Test-20181003140237-modified.bconf
Note : the content of bconf file is not encrypted so it’s recommended to clean them after usage.
Override parameters with the same name
You may have the same parameter name in more than one processes and you want to override them in all processes, to do that you can create an yml file as shown:
- name: "ParameterNameInAllProcesses"
value: "SameValueInAllProcess"
type: "String"
Important: A specific parameter setting has priority over a global parameter configuration. |
Example: Let assume that these processes P1, P2, P3 have all these three paremeters: calendarApplicationName, emailNotificationSender, emailServerUseSSL.
- name: "P1"
version: "1.4.1"
- name: "calendarApplicationName"
value: "Bonitasoft-NewVacationRequest/1.4.0"
type: "String"
- name: "emailNotificationSender"
value: ""
type: "String"
- name: "P2"
version: "1.4.1"
- name: "calendarApplicationName"
value: "Bonitasoft-NewVacationRequest/1.4.0"
type: "String"
- name: "P3"
version: "1.4.1"
- name: "calendarApplicationName"
value: "Bonitasoft-NewVacationRequest/1.4.0"
type: "String"
- name: "emailNotificationSender"
value: ""
type: "String"
- name: "emailServerUseSSL"
value: true
type: "Boolean"
The result of merge-conf will be:
The value of emailServerUseSSL in global_parameters will override P1, P2, P3.
The value of emailNotificationSender in global_parameters will override only P2 and P3 because the setting of emailNotificationSender in P1 has priority.
The value of emailNotificationSender in P1 will override only the parameter of P1.