How to build and deploy "without the BCD docker image" !

This page target teams who cannot (or do not want to) use the BCD docker image

Bonita Continuous Delivery lets you easily build and deploy a Bonita Living Applications on a Bonita runtime thanks to the Bonita Living Application Builder and the Bonita Living Application Deployer, two bonita CLIs wrapped by the BCD CLI itself.

We will explain how to easily build and deploy your Bonita Living Application repository without the use of the whole BCD tooling required for stack management. (ex. docker,ansible, terraform, python scripts, yaml scenario files, etc.)

This chapter assumes that:

  • you have cloned a Git repository as described in the Bonita Living Application Builder documentation.

  • you already have a Bonita runtime up and running and user credentials for the technical access.

  • you have java version matching your Bonita server requirements installed.

  • you have maven (3.6.3+) installed on the machine that will perform the build action.

How to build the living application

To build a Living application, you’ll need both the bonita-la-builder-${BONITA_VERSION}-exec.jar CLI application, and the bonita-sp-${BONITA_VERSION} maven dependency package.

Extract the LA Builder CLI

export BONITA_VERSION="7.12.2"

# Extract Bonita dependencies
container_id=$(docker create${BONITA_VERSION})
docker cp "${container_id}":/dependencies .
docker rm "${container_id}"

you should see now a new folder named dependencies in the current directory containing the following files:

├── bonita-la-builder-7.12.2-exec.jar

Publish maven dependencies

Some project artifacts like REST API Extensions require some Bonita dependencies to be available for maven.

Local maven repository

The layout of the content of file is following the expected layout for local maven repositories, usually located in $HOME/.m2/repository folder. You can simply unzip the file and copy its content to this place.

sample content
├── com
│   └── bonitasoft
│       ├── engine
│       │   ├── bonita-client-sp
│       │   │   └── 7.12.2
│       │   │       ├── bonita-client-sp-7.12.2.jar
│       │   │       ├── bonita-client-sp-7.12.2.jar.asc
│       │   │       ├── bonita-client-sp-7.12.2.jar.md5
│       │   │       ├── bonita-client-sp-7.12.2.jar.sha1
│       │   │       ├── bonita-client-sp-7.12.2.pom
│       │   │       ├── bonita-client-sp-7.12.2.pom.asc
│       │   │       ├── bonita-client-sp-7.12.2.pom.md5
│       │   │       └── bonita-client-sp-7.12.2.pom.sha1
│       │   ├── bonita-common-sp
│       │   │   └── 7.12.2
│       │   │       ├── bonita-common-sp-7.12.2.jar
│       │   │       ├── bonita-common-sp-7.12.2.jar.asc
│       │   │       ├── bonita-common-sp-7.12.2.jar.md5
│       │   │       ├── bonita-common-sp-7.12.2.jar.sha1
│       │   │       ├── bonita-common-sp-7.12.2.pom
│       │   │       ├── bonita-common-sp-7.12.2.pom.asc
│       │   │       ├── bonita-common-sp-7.12.2.pom.md5
│       │   │       └── bonita-common-sp-7.12.2.pom.sha1

Enterprise remote maven repository

If your enterprise owns a private maven repository manager, you should publish the bonita dependencies to make them available.

You will surely find some sample scripts to do so, like theses for Nexus Repository Manager

It is recommended to create a dedicated repository for vendor artifacts like one named thirdparty

LA Builder CLI reference

$ java -jar bonita-la-builder-7.12.2-exec.jar -h

Usage: java -jar bonita-la-builder-7.12.2-exec.jar [command] [command options]
    build      Build a Bonita project
      Usage: build [options] <path/to/bonita/project>
          -P, --activate-profiles
            Comma-delimited list of maven profiles to activate
          -B, --batch-mode
            Run in non-interactive (batch) mode
            Default: false
          -X, --debug
            Produce execution debug output
            Default: false
            Disable color output (enabled by default)
            Default: false
          -e, --environment
            Select the target environment configuration
            Default: Local
            Do not check project version and builder version compatibility
            Default: false
          -o, --output
            Output archive file name. Default is <folder-name>-<timestamp>.zip

    extract      Extract parameters form a Bonita configuration archive
      Usage: extract [options] <path/to/configuration-file.bconf>
            Only extract parameters without value
            Default: false
            Output file
            Default: parameters.yml

    merge      Merge parameters into a Bonita configuration archive
      Usage: merge [options] <path/to/configuration-file-to-update.bconf>
        * -i
            Input parameter file
            Output file. By default, the  given configuration file is overwritten.

How to deploy the living application

To deploy a Living application, you’ll need the bonita-la-deployer-${DEPLOYER_VERSION}.jar CLI application.

Extract the LA Deployer CLI

export BCD_VERSION="3.4.3"
export DEPLOYER_VERSION="0.1.35"

# Extract Bonita deployer
container_id=$(docker create${BCD_VERSION})
docker cp "${container_id}":/usr/local/lib/bonita-la-deployer-${DEPLOYER_VERSION}.jar .
docker rm "${container_id}"

You should now have a jar file named bonita-la-deployer-7.12.2.jar in your current folder.

LA Deployer CLI reference

$ java -jar bonita-la-deployer-7.12.2.jar -h

usage: java -jar bonita-la-deployer-x.y.z.jar [-bc <bonita-configuration>] [-c <config>] [--debug] [--development]
       [--disable-certificate-check] [-f <file>] [-h] [--http-timeout <http-timeout>] [-p <password>] [-t <targetUrl>]
       [-u <username>]

Deploy an Application Archive and/or Application Configuration to a Bonita platform
 -bc,--bonita-configuration <bonita-configuration>   the Application Configuration to deploy
 -c,--config <config>                                property file used to override Rest API Extensions prior to
                                                     deploying them
    --debug                                          activate debug logs
    --development                                    Deploy for development environment (Eg. processes / profiles are
                                                     replaced if existing, ...)
    --disable-certificate-check                      disable all certificate validation when connecting to a https
                                                     server. Use this option when a self-signed certificate is used on
                                                     the target server.
 -f,--file <file>                                    the Application Archive to deploy
 -h,--help                                           print this message
    --http-timeout <http-timeout>                    the timeout (in seconds, default to 120) for http interactions
                                                     (read and write) with Bonita
 -p,--password <password>                            password to use to connect to Bonita
 -t,--targetUrl <targetUrl>                          url of the Bonita platform
 -u,--username <username>                            username to use to connect to Bonita

java -jar bonita-la-deployer-x.y.z.jar -f <application_archive_zip_path>
java -jar bonita-la-deployer-x.y.z.jar -f <application_archive_folder_path> -t http://myhost/bonita
If the targeted Bonita instance uses self-signed certificates, just follow standard instructions to add the certificates to the jvm keystore or use the --disable-certificate-check option