How to build a Living App repository

This tutorial describes how to build a Bonita Living Application repository from the command line using BCD.

A Living Application repository (or Living App repository) contains the artifacts developed in Bonita Studio and the UI Designer. Its content is further described in Bonita’s Workspaces and repositories documentation page.

The repository build process allows generating Bonita deployable artifacts (for instance process .bar files, UI Designer pages .zip files, REST API extensions .zip files).

Step-by-step tutorial

1. Prepare the repository

A Living App repository can be created using Bonita Studio and it can be shared with Git or SVN.

So first ensure you have your Living App repository available on your filesystem.
For this tutorial, we will use the Bonita Vacation Management example repository publicly available on GitHub.

$ cd bonita-continuous-delivery
$ git clone -b dev/7.11.0

This step creates a bonita-continuous-delivery/bonita-vacation-management-example directory which is the Living App repository we are going to build. This example checks out the dev/7.11.0 Git branch.

2. Provide the repository’s build dependencies

The next step is to provide all dependencies required to build your repository, see Common Installation Steps.

Hence the following artifacts must be present in the $BCD_HOME/dependencies directory or any of its subdirectories:


The Bonita Living Application Builder library. Its version must correspond to the bonita_version variable defined in your BCD scenario. This is the version of the Bonita stack where generated artifacts will be deployed.

For instance the bonita-la-builder-7.11.0-exec.jar file must be present to build artifacts meant to be deployed on a Bonita 7.11.0 stack.


Bonita Maven repository zip files if your repository contains REST API extensions. The version of the Maven repository zip must correspond to the bonita.version property defined in your REST API extension’s pom.xml.

Starting from BCD 3.4.0, you can directly mount your docker host ~/.m2 folder to the /home/bonita/.m2 folder in BCD controller container using docker volume ! You will benefit from your already defined maven configuration from ~/.m2/settings.xml (like mirrors or proxy configuration), and the already cached maven artifacts in your ~/.m2/repository folder

3. Build the repository

BCD is now ready to build your repository using the bcd livingapp build command. From your BCD Controller container, run these commands:

$ cd bonita-continuous-delivery
$ bcd -s scenarios/build_and_deploy.yml --yes livingapp build -p bonita-vacation-management-example -e Test

The build process finally generates a .zip package and - for Bonita 7.8.0 onwards - a .bconf artifact located in the repository’s target repository. The generated artifacts are named after the repository’s root directory name and the selected environment name.

For instance with the bonita-vacation-management-example example, the following files will be generated:

  • bonita-vacation-management-example/target/bonita-vacation-management-example-<environment>-<timestamp>.zip

  • bonita-vacation-management-example/target/bonita-vacation-management-example-<environment>-<timestamp>.bconf

Since BCD 3.0.0, process configurations are built into a separate .bconf artifact. This configuration artifact allows to separate process configuration (parameters) from application assets.
As a result, the same .zip package can be deployed on all environments (Development, Test, Staging) whereas a specific .bconf artifact may be applied to each environment.

Refer to the BCD Command-line reference for a complete list of available options for the bcd livingapp build command.

Repository vs. Builder version compatibility

The version of your repository must exactly match the version of the builder library.

If versions do not match, the bcd livingapp build command will exit with such a message:

[ERROR] Project version (7.11.0) does not match builder version (7.7.4)
[13:46:34.469] ERROR: Aborting! Command <livingapp-build> returned non-zero exit code (1)

The bcd livingapp build command does not allow to migrate your repository to the builder’s version. Your repository has to be migrated to the appropriate version using Bonita Studio.

Complete example

Here is a complete example of how to build the Bonita Vacation Management example repository for Bonita version 7.11.0.

On the control host

$ cd bonita-continuous-delivery_3.6.0

$ git clone -b dev/7.11.0
$ ls -nh bonita-vacation-management-example
total 60K
drwxrwxr-x  2 1000 1000 4,0K Mar 29 16:17 applications
drwxrwxr-x  2 1000 1000 4,0K Mar 29 16:17 bdm
drwxrwxr-x  2 1000 1000 4,0K Mar 29 16:17 diagrams
drwxrwxr-x  2 1000 1000 4,0K Mar 29 16:17 environements
drwxrwxr-x  2 1000 1000 4,0K Mar 29 23:29 lib
drwxrwxr-x  2 1000 1000 4,0K Mar 29 16:17 organizations
drwxrwxr-x  2 1000 1000 4,0K Mar 29 16:17 process_configurations
drwxrwxr-x  2 1000 1000 4,0K Mar 29 16:17 profiles
-rw-rw-r--  1 1000 1000  486 Mar 29 16:17
drwxrwxr-x  3 1000 1000 4,0K Mar 29 16:17 restAPIExtensions
drwxr-xr-x  6 1000 1000 4,0K Mar 29 23:29 target
drwxr-xr-x  2 1000 1000 4,0K Mar 29 16:19 web_fragments
drwxrwxr-x 11 1000 1000 4,0K Mar 29 16:19 web_page
drwxr-xr-x 26 1000 1000 4,0K Mar 29 16:19 web_widgets
drwxrwxr-x  2 1000 1000 4,0K Mar 29 16:17 xsd

$ ls -nhR dependencies/
total 8
drwxr-xr-x    2 1000        1000           4.0K Nov 22 16:52 7.11.0

total 106096
-rw-r--r--    1 1000        1000            297 Nov 13 14:03 LICENSE
-rw-r--r--    1 1000        1000          84.4M Nov 13 14:03 bonita-la-builder-7.11.0-exec.jar
-rw-r--r--    1 1000        1000          19.2M Nov 13 14:03

$ grep "bonita_version" scenarios/build_and_deploy.yml
bonita_version: 7.11.0

In the BCD controller container

bonita@bcd-controller:~$ cd bonita-continuous-delivery
bonita@bcd-controller:~/bonita-continuous-delivery$ bcd -s scenarios/build_and_deploy.yml --yes livingapp build -p bonita-vacation-management-example -e Test

bonita@bcd-controller:~/bonita-continuous-delivery$ ls -nh bonita-vacation-management-example/target
total 9,0M
drwxr-xr-x 9 1000 1000 4,0K Dec   6 13:59 bonita-vacation-management-example
-rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 2,4K Dec   6 13:59 bonita-vacation-management-example-Test-20181206125838.bconf
-rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 9,0M Dec   6 13:59
drwxr-xr-x 3 1000 1000 4,0K Dec   6 13:59 bpmn
drwxr-xr-x 3 1000 1000 4,0K Dec   6 13:58 configurations
drwxr-xr-x 2 1000 1000 4,0K Dec   6 13:58 generated-jars
drwxr-xr-x 3 1000 1000 4,0K Dec   6 13:58 ui-designer