Tests report

Learn about the insights and information presented in the Bonita Test Toolkit report.

A report example can be found in the Quick Start section.

Purpose of the report

The main purpose of the report is to visualize the process execution, thanks to the bpmn-visualization library.

This is realized by decorating the process diagrams with:

  • Badges on the tasks, showing the number of Executed, Ready/Waiting or Failed tasks

  • Highlight of the road followed by process instances (or cases) execution

Additionally, a set of metrics are provided for each test: execution time, duration,…​

How to generate the report

A report (html file) is generated once all the tests of a test file is run. This report can be found in the target/bonita-test-reports directory of your tests.

You can de-activate the report generation by adding the argument disableReport = true in the java annotation @BonitaTests of your junit test class. This won’t generate a report for the whole test file (even if it is called in a single test).

Multiple process instances and sub-process

If several process instances are launched in a test, a diagram is displayed for each instance. The process diagram shows a correlation of all the instances.

To prevent report clutter (during performance testing for instance), only a maximum of 5 process instances will be displayed.

When a diagram includes a sub-process (Call activity), both the process and sub-process are displayed.


In some (very rare) cases, the execution path cannot be computed.
For instance when there is a transition between 2 events, or when there is a transition between 2 gateways.