Trigger Events


When a process defines an intermediate catch timer event, it is possible to validate the execution date of this timer and force its execution to continue the process instance.

Execute a timer event
class ExecuteTimerEventIT {

    void should_execute_a_timer_event(BonitaTestToolkit toolkit) {
       var myProcess = toolkit.getProcessDefinition("MyProcess");
       var startedInstance = myProcess.startProcessFor(toolkit.getUser("walter.bates"));

       // Advance the process instance until the catch timer event

       var timerEventTrigger = startedInstance.getTimerEventTrigger("timerEventName");

       var now =;
       // Assertion example to validate expected trigger time


       // Wait and retrieve the next task
        .atMost(Duration.ofSeconds(35)) (1)
       	.until(startedInstance, containsPendingUserTasks("Next task"));


1 If the targeted runtime version is below 2022.1, we must increase the timeout due to server lag when updating the timer execution date

When making assertions on timer execution date be careful of the target runtime server timezone which may differ from the machine timezone where the tests are executed.


If the process under test is waiting for a BPMN message to continue, you may use the following method to send a message:

Start process instance with a MessageEvent
class StartProcessWithMessageIT {

    void should_start_my_process_with_message(BonitaTestToolkit toolkit) {
       var myProcess = toolkit.getProcessDefinition("MyProcess");

       // Check that no instances has been started yet
       assertThat(myProcess.getProcessInstances(0, 10)).isEmpty();

                .addStringContent("someStringData", "value")

       // Wait and retrieve the started instance
       var startedInstance = await().until(() -> myProcess.getProcessInstances(0, 10)
                .findFirst(), Optional::isPresent)

Continue a process instance with a MessageEvent
class SendMessageEventIT {

    void should_send_message_event(BonitaTestToolkit toolkit) {
       var myProcess = toolkit.getProcessDefinition("MyProcess");
       var startedInstance = myProcess.startProcessFor(toolkit.getUser("walter.bates"));

       // Advance the process instance until the catch message event

                .targetFlowNode("Wait message")
                .addStringContent("someStringData", "value") (1)
                .addStringCorrelation("correlationKey", "stringValue") (2)

       // Wait and retrieve the next task
       await().until(startedInstance, containsPendingUserTasks("Next task"));


1 Optional, you may add typed data to the message event
2 Optional, you may add correlation key/value pairs to the message event

When sending a MessageEvent, this one is stored until consumed by a process instance. It is not possible to clear the message queue before starting a test so be careful that the sent messages are properly caught to avoid inconsistencies.


Supported since 2022.1 Runtime version

Like for messages, it is possible to start or continue a running process waiting for a specific signal event:

Start process instance with a SignalEvent
class StartProcessWithSignalIT {

    void should_start_my_process_with_signal(BonitaTestToolkit toolkit) {
       var myProcess = toolkit.getProcessDefinition("MyProcess");

       // Check that no instances has been started yet
       assertThat(myProcess.getProcessInstances(0, 10)).isEmpty();


       // Wait and retrieve the started instance
       var startedInstance = await().until(() -> myProcess.getProcessInstances(0, 10)
                .findFirst(), Optional::isPresent)

Continue a process instance with a SignalEvent
class SendSignalEventIT {

    void should_send_signal_event(BonitaTestToolkit toolkit) {
       var myProcess = toolkit.getProcessDefinition("MyProcess");
       var startedInstance = myProcess.startProcessFor(toolkit.getUser("walter.bates"));

       // Advance the process instance until the catch signal event


       // Wait and retrieve the next task
       await().until(startedInstance, containsPendingUserTasks("Next task"));



Unlike messages, signals are broadcasted to the whole running process instances. All waiting catch signal events will catch the sent signal.