Access to Bonita Artifact Repository

Set up access to Bonita Artifact Repository to download development dependencies and Docker images.

For Subscription editions only.

What is Bonita Artifact Repository?

Bonita Artifact Repository is a solution to access Maven artifacts and Docker images produced by Bonitasoft.

Maven artifacts can simply be consumed as dependencies in downstream projects. Bonita docker images can be pulled directly.

Starting with Bonita 2023.1 version, the usage of is deprecated for Bonita docker images storage. Bonita docker images up until Bonita 2023.1 will stay available on during the deprecation period.

An Internet connection is required.

How to get the credentials?

Once your Bonita subscription is registered, your Bonita account manager will receive the connection credentials - username and authentication token.

The credentials have the same validity duration as your subscription renewal included, meaning that you will not have to change them at each renewal.

Credentials are unique per subscription access and include:

  • A subscription access username (email used for the subscription registration)

  • A subscription access token (password)

In case of any issues regarding credentials information, please contact Customer Success at


In the below example, we use Maven as the project build tool for extension projects. But it is also possible to use Gradle if you choose to do so.

Configure access to Bonita Artifact Repository in Bonita Studio

Access to Bonita Artifact Repository is configured using the configuration wizard, that is available in two ways:

  • At Bonita Studio start-up through the connection check pop-up

  • Using the menu Help > Test connection to Maven repositories

In both case, clicking on Configure button will open the connection to Bonita Artifact Repository configuration wizard.

The wizard can also be used to configure your proxy or Mirror settings. When possible, its is recommended to use a Mirror repository instead of a direct connection to Bonita Artifact Repository.

Maven settings overview outside Bonita Studio

Once credentials to Bonita Artifact Repository are granted, you have to configure Maven to use Bonita Maven repository.

This is done in a text file named settings.xml. The file location depends on your Maven installation, which is explained on Maven official documentation.

This file usually lives in these places (replace <USERNAME> by yours) :

  • Linux: /home/<USERNAME>/.m2/settings.xml

  • MacOS: /Users/<USERNAME>/.m2/settings.xml

  • Windows: C:\Users\<USERNAME>\.m2\settings.xml

Sample sections of settings.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<settings xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""

Bonita Maven repository declaration

In this settings.xml file you have to declare Bonita Maven repository to let Maven know that some dependencies can be found there. In the following code snippet, you will find how to declare new repositories to Maven.

Part of settings.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<settings xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
    <!-- ...  -->
                    <name>Bonitasoft Releases</name>
                    <name>Bonitasoft Releases</name>
    <!-- ...  -->


Do not forget to mark Bonita profile as active in the activeProfiles section or the declared repositories will not be used for dependency resolution.


Now that Maven is aware of Bonita Maven repository, you have to give it the credentials to be allowed to download artifacts. Credentials are defined in the repository servers section. We strongly advise you to use password encryption feature to enforce security.

Server authentication in settings.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<settings xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""

    <!-- ...  -->
            <!-- This server ID must be the same as the one use for repository declaration ! -->
            <!-- The login associated to your subscription access -->
            <!-- The token after encryption associated to your subscription access -->
    <!-- ...  -->

Maven configuration in Bonita Studio

Starting from Bonita 2021.2, Bonita Studio uses Maven internally to resolve required dependencies.

If you want to set up access to Bonita Artifact Repository using Bonita Studio, please refer to the dedicated page on how to configure Maven from Bonita Studio.


Configure access to Bonita Artifact Repository with Docker

To access the Bonita Artifact Repository with docker, you have to authenticate with the docker login command.

docker interactive authentication
docker login

Use your credential’s access login as username and access token as password.

If you do not want user-interaction, you can log in with

docker no-interaction authentication
echo <SUBSCRIPTION_ACCESS_TOKEN> | docker login -u <SUBSCRIPTION_ACCESS_LOGIN> --password-stdin

You may also log out at the end with the command

docker logout

Pull Docker images from Bonita Artifact Repository

Once authenticated, you can pull images with the docker pull command. For example:

docker pull sample
docker pull

Also see Docker image if you are more interested in how to use this image.


ERROR: Could not find artifact in central

Your Maven build fails with an equivalent error:

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project XXX: Could not resolve dependencies for project XXX: Could not find artifact com.bonitasoft:bonita-test-toolkit:jar:1.0.0 in central (


  • The active profile in your settings.xml file is missing ;

  • Or the active profile is not matching the ID in the <profiles></profiles> section.


            <id>Bonita</id> <!-- ID of your profile containing Bonita Maven repository definition -->
                <!-- ... -->
        <activeProfile>foobar</activeProfile> <!-- Incorrect ID! -->

Solution The active profile must match the profile ID containing Bonita Maven repository definition.


                <!-- ... -->
        <activeProfile>Bonita</activeProfile> <!-- Correct ID -->

ERROR: authentication failed / status: 401 Unauthorized

Your Maven build fails with an equivalent error:

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project XXX: Could not resolve dependencies for project XXX: Failed to collect dependencies at com.bonitasoft:bonita-test-toolkit:jar:1.0.0: Failed to read artifact descriptor for com.bonitasoft:bonita-test-toolkit:jar:1.0.0: Could not transfer artifact com.bonitasoft:bonita-test-toolkit:pom:1.0.0 from/to bonitasoft-releases ( authentication failed for, status: 401 Unauthorized

Causes Invalid maven configuration

  • The <server></server> section is missing in your settings.xml file ;

  • Or the ID in the <server></server> section is not matching the ID of the repositories' definition ;

  • Or you set an incorrect username in the <server></server> section. It should be the email used for your Bonita subscription ;

  • Or you set an incorrect password in the <server></server> section. If you used maven encryption, it should start and ends with curly braces (i.e. <password>{MZ8lWg+K9FA9B0qh/RkJgN}</password>). You also need to escape curly-brace literals in your password.


                    <id>bonitasoft-releases</id> <!-- ID of the Bonita Maven repository definition -->
                    <!-- ... -->
            <id>foobar</id> <!-- Incorrect ID! -->
            <username>foo</username> <!-- Incorrect username! -->
            <password>bar</password> <!-- Incorrect password! -->


  • The server ID must match the ID of the repositories' definition ;

  • The username should be an email format, the email used for your Bonita subscription ;

  • If you used maven encryption, it must be the exact output of Maven command line mvn --encrypt-master-password <password>.


                    <id>bonitasoft-releases</id> <!-- ID of the Bonita Maven repository definition -->
                    <!-- ... -->
            <id>bonitasoft-releases</id> <!-- Correct ID -->
            <username></username> <!-- Example of a correct username -->
            <password>{MZ8lWg+K9FA9B0qh/RkJgN}</password> <!-- Example of a correct encrypted password -->

Cause Credentials may be invalid

Solution You can easily check that your credentials are valid with a simple command line like this one using curl


If credentials are valid, you should get a response 'OK' with a status code HTTP 200.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Fri, 26 Aug 2022 10:27:53 GMT
Content-Type: text/plain
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive
[... headers ommitted ...]


If not, there is maybe a problem with the credentials you are using, check you’ve made no typo error and contact support.

ERROR: authorization failed, status: 403 Forbidden

Your Maven build fails with an equivalent error:

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project XXX: Could not resolve dependencies for project XXX: Failed to collect dependencies at com.bonitasoft:bonita-test-toolkit:jar:1.0.0: Failed to read artifact descriptor for com.bonitasoft:bonita-test-toolkit:jar:1.0.0: Could not transfer artifact com.bonitasoft:bonita-test-toolkit:pom:1.0.0 from/to bonitasoft-releases ( authorization failed for, status: 403 Forbidden

Cause Your credentials are valid but you are not allowed to access what you are asking for.

Solution Contact support team to check your permissions.

docker: Error response from daemon: Authentication is required.

Your Docker pull or run command fails with an equivalent error:

docker: Error response from daemon: Head "": unknown: Authentication is required.
See 'docker run --help'.

Cause You are not logged in to the Bonita Artifact Repository with Docker.

Solution Run command

docker login

docker: Error response from daemon: unauthorized: The client does not have permission for manifest

Your Docker pull or run command fails with an equivalent error:

Error response from daemon: unauthorized: The client does not have permission for manifest

Cause There are two possible causes. Either are not allowed to access the image you are asking for, or this image and version simply do not exist.

Solution Double-check your image identification. Contact support team to check your permissions if needed, or to get the correct image link.