Example: Create a connector, publish it on GitHub packages and install it as an extension

In this example, we are going to create a connector to communicate with the Star Wars API. It will take in input a Star Wars character name, and will return details on this character.
We will then see how to deploy this connector on GitHub packages in order to install it as an extension in Bonita Studio from anywhere.

This connector will be implemented using:

  • Groovy: A programming language based on the JVM

  • Spock: A test framework for Groovy applications

  • Retrofit: A library which allows to create typed HTTP clients

While we recommend you to follow the step-by-step instructions, a Git repository containing the final solution is available on the Bonitasoft-Community GitHub: bonita-connector-starwars.

1 - Generate project and retrieve dependencies

The first step is to generate the maven project using the archetype:

mvn archetype:generate \
    -DarchetypeGroupId=org.bonitasoft.archetypes \

If you are using PowerShell make sure to use quotes for the parameters: mvn archetype:generate "-DarchetypeGroupId=org.bonitasoft.archetypes" "-DarchetypeArtifactId=bonita-connector-archetype"

You’ll then have to specify interactively the properties of your project:

  • groupId: com.company.connector

  • artifactId: connector-starwars

  • version: 1.0.0

  • package: com.company.connector

  • bonitaVersion: [Technical Bonita id] (ex: 7.13.0)

  • className: ConnectorStarWars

  • language: groovy

  • wrapper: true

Be sure to use the technical id of your Bonita version.

Add the following properties and dependencies to the existing ones in the pom.xml:




If you want to generate a test coverage report, you can add the following jacoco configuration:

        <!-- attached to Maven test phase -->

2 - Define connector inputs

The connector inputs are defined in the connector definition.
Open the file src/main/resources-filtered/connector-starwars.def
We are first going to create two inputs for the connector:

  • An input name, which will contain the name of a star wars character

  • An input url, which will contain the API server url (so if the API server URL changes in the future, the service will still be usable).

Remove the default input from the definition, and add the two following inputs:

<input mandatory="true" name="name" type="java.lang.String"/>
<input mandatory="true" name="url" type="java.lang.String" defaultValue="https://swapi.dev/"/>

Then we are going to create a page and two widgets for those inputs. Pages and widgets are used by the Bonita Studio to create a User Interface from the connector definition.

Replace the default page by the following one:

<page id="starWarsPage">
    A widget has a type (Text, combo box ...), an id and an input name.
    - The name must reference an existing input
    - The id is used in the property file to reference the widget
    <widget xsi:type="definition:Text" id="nameWidget" inputName="name"/>
    <widget xsi:type="definition:Text" id="urlWidget" inputName="url"/>

For each page and widget , a name and a description must be added in the property file, else the Studio is unable to display the element.
Open the file src/main/resources-filtered/connector-starwars.properties and replace the content for the default page and widgets by the following:

starWarsPage.pageTitle=Star Wars connector - configuration page
starWarsPage.pageDescription=Indicate a Star Wars character name, and the service base URl if required.
nameWidget.label=Character name
nameWidget.description=The name of the character to retrieve
urlWidget.description=The service base url

Be sure to always provide a name and a description for pages and widgets, else it will not be possible to configure the connector in the Studio.

3 - Create the Retrofit service and the model

Retrofit is a library allowing to create typed HTTP clients.
We will first create a data model, and then a Retrofit service typed with this model.

The model

The model should match the API response structure, else some custom convertors are required.
Here is an example of an API call and the response:

GET /api/people/?search=yoda
    "count": 1,
    "next": null,
    "previous": null,
    "results": [
            "name": "Yoda",
            "height": "66",
            "mass": "17",
            "hair_color": "white",
            "skin_color": "green",
            "eye_color": "brown",
            "birth_year": "896BBY",
            "gender": "male"

Our model will contain two Classes :

  • PersonResponse, which will represent the raw response, and only contain the result list.

  • Person, which will represent an element of the result list.

Create a new package model in the package com.company.connector, and add those two classes in this package:

package com.company.connector.model

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnoreProperties

@JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
class Person implements Serializable {

    String name

    String gender

    String height

    String homeworld
package com.company.connector.model

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnoreProperties
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty

@JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
class PersonResponse implements Serializable {

    List<Person> persons = []

The API returns a lot of information about a single star wars character. In order to keep it simple, we decided to just include a few of them in our Person model, but fill free to add other fields if you want to.

The service

A Retrofit service is a Java interface. Specific annotations on methods are used to define the service.
In the package com.company.connector, create the Interface StarWarsService:

package com.company.connector

import com.company.connector.model.PersonResponse

import retrofit2.Call
import retrofit2.http.GET
import retrofit2.http.Headers
import retrofit2.http.Query

interface StarWarsService {

    @Headers("Accept: application/json")
    Call<PersonResponse> person(@Query("search") String name);

This service declares a single GET endpoint on api/people, with a query parameter search.

4 - Define connector output

Now that the model is created, we can define the connector outputs.
Connector outputs are defined in the definition.
Open the file src/main/resources-filtered/connector-starwars.def, and replace the default output by the following one:

<output name="person" type="com.company.connector.model.Person"/>

The type of a connector output must be serializable (i.e. it must implement the class Serializable).

5 - Implement and test connector logic

The main class of the connector has already been created during the project generation. This class is in charge of:

  • Performing validation on connector inputs

  • Connecting / disconnecting to any external service

  • Executing the connector logic (call the API in our case)

  • Setting connector outputs

The main class of a connector is referenced in the implementation. In our case, it’s the class ConnectorStarWars.
Open the file src/main/groovy/com.company.connector.ConnectorStarWars.groovy, and the associated test file src/test/groovy/com.company.connector.ConnectorStarWarsTest.groovy

We will complete and test this class in three steps:

  1. Input validation

  2. Retrofit service creation

  3. API call

Input validation

We will only validate that the two mandatory String inputs are provided by the user.
Complete the method validateInputParameters with the following content:

    def static final NAME_INPUT = "name"
    def static final URL_INPUT = "url"

    void validateInputParameters() throws ConnectorValidationException {

    def checkMandatoryStringInput(inputName) throws ConnectorValidationException {
        def value = getInputParameter(inputName)
        if (value in String) {
            if (!value) {
                throw new ConnectorValidationException(this, "Mandatory parameter '$inputName' is missing.")
        } else {
            throw new ConnectorValidationException(this, "'$inputName' parameter must be a String")

Add the following tests in the test class, to validate the behavior when an input is incorrect:

    def should_throw_exception_if_mandatory_input_is_missing() {
        given: 'Connector with missing input'
        def connector = new ConnectorStarWars()

        when: 'Validating inputs'

        then: 'ConnectorValidationException is thrown'
        thrown ConnectorValidationException

    def should_throw_exception_if_mandatory_input_is_empty() {
        given: 'A connector without an empty input'
        def connector = new ConnectorStarWars()

        when: 'Validating inputs'

        then: 'ConnectorValidationException is thrown'
        thrown ConnectorValidationException

    def should_throw_exception_if_mandatory_input_is_not_a_string() {
        given: 'A connector without an integer input'
        def connector = new ConnectorStarWars()

        when: 'Validating inputs'

        then: 'ConnectorValidationException is thrown'
        thrown ConnectorValidationException

Retrofit service creation

In the class ConnectorStarWars, replace the method connect by the following one. We do not need to implement the disconnect method, as there is no authentication. Creating the service in the connect method ensure that the service will be created once (and only once) before the logic execution.

def StarWarsService service

void connect() throws ConnectorException {
    def httpClient = createHttpClient(new HttpLoggingInterceptor().setLevel(HttpLoggingInterceptor.Level.BASIC))
    service = createService(httpClient, getInputParameter(URL_INPUT))

static OkHttpClient createHttpClient(okhttp3.Interceptor... interceptors) {
    def clientBuilder = new OkHttpClient.Builder()
    if (interceptors) {
        interceptors.each { clientBuilder.interceptors().add(it) }

static StarWarsService createService(OkHttpClient client, String baseUrl) {
    new Retrofit.Builder()

The service is created using a http client with a simple logging interceptor, and the retrofit builder.
Our model matches the HTTP response so we do not need to provide custom convertor to the retrofit builder.

We are going to create an integration test for this service:
in src/test/groovy, create the class com.company.connector.StarWarsServiceTest.groovy with the following content:

package com.company.connector

import com.company.connector.model.PersonResponse
import okhttp3.logging.HttpLoggingInterceptor
import retrofit2.Response
import spock.lang.Specification

class StarWarsServiceTest extends Specification {

     * Service integration test - internet required
    def should_retrieve_luke_data_using_retrofit() {
        given: 'A service'
        def httpClient = ConnectorStarWars.createHttpClient(new HttpLoggingInterceptor().setLevel(HttpLoggingInterceptor.Level.BODY))
        def service = ConnectorStarWars.createService(httpClient, "https://swapi.dev/")

        when: 'Searching for luke'
        def call = service.person("Luke")
        def Response<PersonResponse> response = call.execute()

        then: 'Should contain Luke data'
        assert response.isSuccessful()
        assert response.body.persons.size() == 1
        assert response.body.persons[0].name == "Luke Skywalker"

API call

We are finally going to perform the API call to retrieve details on a Star Wars character, and then put those details in the related connector output.
In the class ConnectorStarWars, replace the method executeBusinessLogic by the following one.

def static final PERSON_OUTPUT = "person"

void executeBusinessLogic() throws ConnectorException {
    def name = getInputParameter(NAME_INPUT)
    log.info "$NAME_INPUT : $name"
    // Retrieve the retrofit service created during the connect phase, call the 'person' endpoint with the name parameter
    def response = getService().person(name).execute()
    if (response.isSuccessful()) {
        def persons = response.body.getPersons()
        if (!persons.isEmpty()) {
            def person = persons[0]
            setOutputParameter(PERSON_OUTPUT, person)
        } else {
            throw new ConnectorException("$name not found")
    } else {
        throw new ConnectorException(response.message())

In order to test the logic of our connector, we are going to mock the Star Wars web server using MockWebServer. Thus we will be able to unitary test that the http response is correctly parsed, the output correctly set, and that server errors are managed.

Add the following tests in the test class ConnectorStarWarsTest:

def server
def connector

def setup() {
    server = new MockWebServer()
    def url = server.url("/")
    def baseUrl = "http://${url.host}:${url.port}"

    def httpClient = ConnectorStarWars.createHttpClient(new HttpLoggingInterceptor().setLevel(HttpLoggingInterceptor.Level.BODY))
    def service = ConnectorStarWars.createService(httpClient, baseUrl)

    connector = new ConnectorStarWars()
    connector.service = service

def cleanup() {

 * Connector unit test - no internet required
def should_fetch_person() {
    given: 'A person name'
    def name = 'Luke'
    and: 'A related person JSON response'
    def body = """
        {"results": [
                "name":"$name Skywalker",
    server.enqueue(new MockResponse().setBody(body))

    when: 'Executing connector'
    connector.setInputParameters(['name': name])

    then: 'Connector output should contain the person data'
    def outputParameters = connector.outputParameters
    outputParameters.size() == 1

    def person = outputParameters.get(ConnectorStarWars.PERSON_OUTPUT)
    person instanceof Person
    person.name == "Luke Skywalker"

 * Connector unit test - no internet required
def should_get_unknown_person() {
    given: 'An API server'
    String body = "{\"results\":[]}"
    server.enqueue(new MockResponse().setBody(body))

    when: 'Executing business logic'
    def name = 'Luke'
    connector.setInputParameters(['name': name])

    then: 'Connector should throw exception'
    def e = thrown(ConnectorException)
    e.getMessage() == "$name not found"

 * Connector unit test - no internet required
def should_handle_server_error() {
    given: 'An API server'
    server.enqueue(new MockResponse().setResponseCode(500))

    when: 'Executing business logic'
    def name = 'Luke'
    connector.setInputParameters(['name': name])

    then: 'Connector should throw exception'
    def e = thrown(ConnectorException)
    e.getMessage() == "Server Error"

The implementation of the connector is finished.
You can build the connector using the following command line at the root of the project:

./mvnw clean package

6 - Publish the connector on GitHub packages

This step is an example of how to publish a Bonita extension on a maven repository (here GitHub packages). You can publish your extensions on any kind of maven repository (Nexus, Artifactory…​ etc).

Now that the connector development is finished, we want to make it available for Studio users.
The recommended way to make an extension available is to publish it on a maven repository.
A first option is to publish the extension on a public maven repository, like maven central. The extension will be available for everyone, but you won’t have to bother with a private repository and credentials. This tutorial explains how to deploy an artifact on maven central.

Publishing an extension on Maven Central implies that this extension is open source. You will have to publish the sources of the extension in addition to the binary.

For this example we present another option: publish the extension using GitHub packages (it’s free if you store less than 500 MB). GitHub packages require a GitHub authentication, and only users with proper scope and permissions will be allowed to consume or publish extensions.

You can publish an artifact on GitHub packages using a GitHub Action. This way, you won’t have to create a personal access token nor to manage local maven configuration to publish an extension. More details here.

Configure GitHub packages authentication

In order to publish your extension on GitHub packages, you need to configure Maven, by telling him that he has access to this private repository and by giving him the credentials.

The Official documentation provided by GitHub explains in details how to configure Maven, here is a summuary of the main steps.

Create a personal access token

This token will be used by maven to authenticate to GitHub packages. You can follow this tutorial to create a personal access token. Be sure to check the box write:packages when configuring the token.

Update maven configuration

Bonita Studio embed a user interface to easily configure maven and encrypt passwords. See Configure Maven using Bonita Studio.

Now that the token is created, you have to update your local maven configuration. It means editing the file ~/.m2/settings.xml.
The following repository and server must be added:

<settings xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.0.0"




Replace USERNAME and TOKEN by your credentials, and OWNER with the name of the user or organization account that owns the repository. Because uppercase letters aren’t supported, you must use lowercase letters for the repository owner even if the GitHub user or organization name contains uppercase letters.

If your maven configuration file is shared, it is recommended to use encryption for passwords.

Publish the connector

Now that Maven in configured, we are almost ready to publish the connector on GitHub packages.
The last thing to do is to update the pom.xml of the connector project to tell Maven where is has to deploy this artifact.
To do so, add the following distributionManagement tag on your pom.xml file (usually at then end, just before the closing project tag):

Replace OWNER with the name of the user or organization account that owns the repository.
Replace REPOSITORY with the name of the repository containing your project.

     <name>GitHub OWNER Apache Maven Packages</name>

You are now ready to publish your connector. To do so, type the following command at the root of your project:

mvn deploy

This guide explains how to view your deployed packages if you need to.

7 - Import and use your connector as a Bonita extension

Now that your connector has been published on GitHub packages, anyone that has an access token to your GitHub packages repository can install this connector as an extension in Bonita Studio.

Configure Bonita Studio to access the GitHub packages repository

If you already configured maven on your computer to deploy the connector on GitHub packages, you can skip this step.

To retrieve an extension from a repository, some maven configuration must be done in Bonita Studio. The idea is to declare the repository as accessible (i.e extensions can be retrieved from this repository), and to configure credentials if required.
Bonita Studio comes with a handy user interface to update Maven configuration.
There is two things to configure to let the Studio retrieve extensions from GitHub packages:

1 - Add the repository in the configuration

To create a new repository, follow those instructions, using the following parameters:

  • ID: githubPackages

  • Name: 1GitHub packages1

  • URL: https://maven.pkg.github.com/OWNER/* , OWNER is the name of the user or organization account that owns the repository.

  • Releases and Snapshots: keep default values, disable snapshots (artifacts in development) if you don’t want them.

Bonita Studio now knows that he can retrieve extensions from this repository, but he cannot do it until authentication is configured.

2 - Add the credentials for this repository

To configure the credentials for a repository, you will have to create a server, which is just a configuration element that contains credentials.

Before to create a server, make sure that you have an access token with at least read access.

To create a new server, follow those instructions, using the following parameters:

  • ID: githubPackages

  • Username: Your github username

  • Password: The access token

It is recommended to encrypt passwords if the configuration file is shared. However, if the access token has only read access you might want to share the real usable value and not an uncrypted unusable value, in this case do not encrypt it.

Bonita Studio is now correctly configured to retrieve extensions from this private maven repository!

Import and use the connector

To import an extension, you need to open the project extensions view (from the coolbar, open the project overview and then switch to the extension view).
Click on Add a custom extension.

A dialog opens, with fields to enter the maven coordinates of an extension.
To import the connector starwars, use the following coordinates:

  • Group ID: com.company.connector

  • Artifact ID: connector-starwars

  • Version: 1.0.0

  • Type: jar

Click on import. After a few seconds, the connector should appear in the list of extensions, you can now use it in a process!