Getting started

Bonita Intelligent Continuous Improvement (BICI) configuration instructions.


Configure Profiles

You need to set up the Bonita Portal profile mapping for the profile Configuration and make sure Operations Managers are mapped to the provided profile Process Manager. Moreover, for each process supervised by Operation Managers, the Process Manager mapping must also include the Operations Managers in order to display data of the processes in the Operations Management Living Application.

Synchronize data

In the Configure Living application's Polling Status tab, activate the synchronization to push your data into the BICI storage.

Configure processes

In the Configure Living application's Configuration tab, set target durations and create models for your processes.


Monitor executing cases

Check out the Operation manager Living application's Monitoring tab, it contains live monitoring of executing cases.

Analyse performance of completed cases

Check out the Operation manager Living application's Analytics tab, it contains analytics of completed cases.