Installing Bonita Central

Bonita Central is provided as a Docker image that can be downloaded from Bonita Artifact Repository.
Ensure you have correctly set your credentials up before going any further.

Retrieving the Docker image

docker image pull


Bonita Central needs a specific Bonita Subscription license, that defines how many remote runtimes you are allowed to manage.
Please contact your Customer Success referent to obtain such a license.
Once receive, place this license in a specific folder, called hereafter <CENTRAL_LIC_FOLDER>

Starting a new Docker container of Bonita Central

docker container run -d --name my-bonita-central \
    -h <HOSTNAME> -v <CENTRAL_LIC_FOLDER>:/opt/bonita_lic \
    --user 1000 -p 8080:8080 \


  • <HOSTNAME> is the name of the machine for which you have generated the Bonita license file

  • <CENTRAL_LIC_FOLDER> is the folder where you place the license file

Then, you can log in the Bonita Central Application using the default credentials: captainBonita / ch4ng3-M3!.

Once connected, the default user should be disabled, and a new user should be created.
To do this, click the "Organization management" button in the top right of Bonita Central, as illustrated below.
Organization Management button