How to build a App repository
Builder is not supported for Bonita project designed with Bonita Studio 2023.2 and above. In those versions, a Bonita project can be built using Maven. |
This page describes how to build Bonita Application projects from the command line.
First make sure your maven installation is configured to access Bonita Artifact Repository !
Builder installation guide
You can download the bonita-la-builder
with a single maven command (that will reuse the credentials declared in your maven settings.xml configuration file).
mvn dependency:copy<bonita.runtime.version>:jar:exec -Dmdep.stripVersion -Dmdep.stripClassifier -DoutputDirectory=./
Then just use the CLI jar once downloaded :
java -jar bonita-la-builder.jar build <path to the bonita project> -e production
You can call bonita-la-builder
with the --help
(or -h
) option to get available options and commands as follows:
java -jar bonita-la-builder.jar -h
Usage: java -jar bonita-la-builder-<bonita.runtime.version>-exec.jar [command] [command options]
build Build a Bonita project
Usage: build [options] <path/to/bonita/project>
-P, --activate-profiles
Comma-delimited list of maven profiles to activate
-B, --batch-mode
Run in non-interactive (batch) mode
Default: false
-X, --debug
Produce execution debug output
Default: false
Disable color output (enabled by default)
Default: false
-e, --environment
Select the target environment configuration
Default: Local
Do not check project version and builder version compatibility
Default: false
-o, --output
Output archive file name. Default is <folder-name>-<timestamp>.zip
extract Extract parameters form a Bonita configuration archive
Usage: extract [options] <path/to/configuration-file.bconf>
Only extract parameters without value
Default: false
Output file
Default: parameters.yml
merge Merge parameters into a Bonita configuration archive
Usage: merge [options] <path/to/configuration-file-to-update.bconf>
* -i
Input parameter file
Output file. By default, the given configuration file is overwritten.
Build command
An App repository can be created using Bonita Studio, and it can be shared with Git, so first ensure you have your App repository available on your filesystem.
The Bonita Application Builder CLI version must correspond to the bonita version of the runtime. For instance the bonita-la-builder.jar
in version 8.0.0
must be used to build artifacts meant to be deployed on a Bonita 8.0.0
cd <project parent dir>
java -jar bonita-la-builder.jar build <project dir> [options ...]
The build process finally generates a .zip package and - from Bonita 7.8.0 onwards - a .bconf artifact located in the repository’s target
repository. The generated artifacts are named after the repository’s root directory name and the selected environment name.
The bconf file contains the parameters configuration for the target environment (Local by default) It’s possible to extract the configuration to check it and also override (merge) some parameters if needed (see extract and merge commands).
For instance, with a project in a directory named bonita-vacation-management-example
, the following files will be generated:
The bonita-la-builder does not allow to migrate your repository to the builder’s version. Your repository has to be migrated to the appropriate version using Bonita Studio.
Extract command
You can extract the configuration if you want to check it or modify it
java -jar bonita-la-builder.jar extract -o scenarios/extracted-parameters.yml <path/to/configuration-file.bconf>
The configuration may look like this :
- name: "Modify Pending Vacation Request"
version: "1.4.1"
- name: "calendarApplicationName"
value: "Bonitasoft-NewVacationRequest/1.4.0"
type: "String"
- name: "calendarCalendarId"
value: ""
type: "String"
You can also just check if there are parameters that have no value for this environment:
java -jar bonita-la-builder.jar extract -o scenarios/extracted-no-value-parameters.yml --without-value <path/to/configuration-file.bconf>
Notes :
If you omit to specify -o, the name of the output file by default is parameters.yml and it will be created in the same directory of the original bconf file.
If all parameters are set, no file will be created.
Merge command
You may want to complete or override some parameter values coming from your App repository, to do that you can modify the output file of the extract command and merge with your bconf file.
java -jar bonita-la-builder.jar merge -i scenarios/updated-parameters.yml -o /tmp/bonita-vacation-management-example-Test-20181003140237-modified.bconf <path/to/configuration-file.bconf>
Override parameters with the same name
You may have the same parameter name in more than one processes and you want to override them in all processes, to do that you can create an yml file as shown:
- name: "ParameterNameInAllProcesses"
value: "SameValueInAllProcess"
type: "String"
Important: A specific parameter setting has priority over a global parameter configuration. |
Example: Let assume that these processes P1, P2, P3 have all these three paremeters: calendarApplicationName, emailNotificationSender, emailServerUseSSL.
- name: "P1"
version: "1.4.1"
- name: "calendarApplicationName"
value: "Bonitasoft-NewVacationRequest/1.4.0"
type: "String"
- name: "emailNotificationSender"
value: ""
type: "String"
- name: "P2"
version: "1.4.1"
- name: "calendarApplicationName"
value: "Bonitasoft-NewVacationRequest/1.4.0"
type: "String"
- name: "P3"
version: "1.4.1"
- name: "calendarApplicationName"
value: "Bonitasoft-NewVacationRequest/1.4.0"
type: "String"
- name: "emailNotificationSender"
value: ""
type: "String"
- name: "emailServerUseSSL"
value: true
type: "Boolean"
The result of merge-conf will be:
The value of emailServerUseSSL in global_parameters will override P1, P2, P3.
The value of emailNotificationSender in global_parameters will override only P2 and P3 because the setting of emailNotificationSender in P1 has priority.
The value of emailNotificationSender in P1 will override only the parameter of P1.