Package and deploy your Application

In this following sections, you will learn how to package and deploy your application as a local docker container.

Make sure to check the prerequisites before starting this tutorial.

Application build

Default application packaging

The user application, admin application and reporting application are not embedded by default in the final project artifact.

You have to add them manually if you want to deploy them. To do it:

  • From the Studio, go to the Overview tab, Extensions, Open Marketplace and filter by application type

  • Add the desired default applications to your project

  • In the pom.xml file, you will see the new dependencies added for the application

Packaging as a docker image

To package your application as a docker image, you need to run this commands at the root of your project:

  mvn clean package -Pdocker -Dbonita.environment=local

The docker image is created, you can find it with docker images command (the image name is: getting-started-tutorial-local).

For more information about packaging as application, please read Application build section.

Deploy your application

Run you docker application with command docker run --name GettingStarted -d -p 9000:8080 getting-started-tutorial-local:3.0.0-SNAPSHOT

You can adapt the command to your needs. For example, to add a volume for a license folder, use this option: -v ~/lic/:/opt/bonita_lic/.

More details about Bonita image options

Go on http://localhost:9000/bonita to access to Bonita Portal, you can now launch your first process.

Your first application is working, congratulations!

For more details on the next phases and going from development to production, please refer to the Project phases section.