Bonita CI/CD suite
The BCD Deployer, as the technical artifact for Bonita CI/CD suite in Bonita, is deprecated and being phased out. As of September 2023, the BCD Deployer is no longer receiving updates or improvements, as it is being replaced. The CI/CD pipeline now relies on the Bonita LA Deployer, which is described hereafter and does not require a separate Docker container. Access to the Bonita LA Deployer is included in the contract as part of the Bonita CI/CD suite offering (formerly the BCD offering). |
Bonita CI/CD suite lets you build a Living Application from source code in a repository and deploy the generated artifacts, all from the command line.

Basic concepts
Bonita CI/CD suite offering (formerly BCD offer) has evolved now into two Java command-line interfaces (CLI) which allow to build
and deploy
Bonita Living Applications. You will be able to download the latest versions of the CLIs from our Bonita Artifact Repository and then integrate the execution in your developer and CI pipelines.
Bonita CI/CD suite features do not require docker anymore. Usage is therefore greatly simplified. The only remaining prerequisites are Java and Maven installed on the host running the CLIs. |
For both CLIs you can have a look at the exec-maven-plugin to include build and/or deploy step in the bonita project build lifecycle. (starting from version 7.13.x, a bonita project is a maven project)Currently you should consider the maven aspect as a black box, because the studio perform some instrumentation of the project’s pom.xml file, but advanced users can still take advantage of the maven aspect of the project. |